Smart Ways to Save a Web Page Forever!!

Netizens while surfing numerous websites on the internet, find a few pages to be more significant when compared to the rest. As web pages could disappear or change with time, hence many prefer to save those significant web pages forever. Do you wish to save webpages forever? Then simply follow a few smart ways and save web pages forever. Few of them, has been listed below.

If you desire to save news articles, then the recommended choice would be – Instapaper or pocket website. One can also use the browser extensions, email, apps or bookmarklets, but the hurdle is, they do not provide the option to download or save articles, but in read in apps or pocket web site, users can both download as well as save these articles.

With Tagging, Use a Read it later Service

If the type of content, you wish to save is, only reading material then your best bet could be to read -it-later services such as pocket or readability, which support tagging. These services have browser extension and it also allows to quickly save the links and the next step would be organized.

One should create a tagging system, which they would actually use. In readability, they should simply click the “Add Tags” link, and in pocket, they are required to click the pencil icon. For example, if the individuals are collecting a bunch of campaign related links, then they should create a camping tag, and might require to separate further, tags like “gear or recipes, so individuals can instantly find what they are looking for.

The benefit offered by this system is twofold. The First benefit is, Readability and Pocket, work in almost all operating systems and even on any kind of mobile device, so individuals can save webpages from anywhere on their mobile. A Second benefit is, they offer offline access, if they go for camping, they need not worry about finding an internet connection, so they can read the links they save.

Notebook App

If individuals find, by tagging everything in read it later services, it does not do the trick for them, a notebook app such as Evernote or springpad would do the trick.

The above services help individuals to create personal notebooks for them to store ideas, link and they can even have any other reminders they wish to have.

OneNote and Evernote are believed to be good tools for archiving web pages in one private notebook. To save web pages easily through one click, they offer clippers, add-ons and extensions. We find the clipped web page is accessible from anywhere using any device. Evernote also helps you export saved web pages as HTML files and you can upload them from anywhere.

Directly Save a Pdf Copy of the Webpage

Chrome consist built-in PDF writer or they can also use Google cloud print. It acts as a virtual printer and in their drive; it directly saves a pdf copy of web pages. Even though many believe these are not best choices for saving web pages as they have complex formatting.

Download Webpages

All the popular web browsers do have an option to download complete web pages on Personal computer. When it does download the HTML web pages it includes CSS, images and JavaScript to your PC. So it is possible to read those pages anytime offline. This is the best method to save web pages.

Formats Compatible with many Readers

To download your favorite webpages as a MOBI ebook or Pub, formats, these formats are compatible with many readers. We find, even Amazon also offers its own Kindle add-on in order that the individuals might save the webpage in their Kindle devices similar like pocket.

Screen Capture Tools

When Web pages layout is significant, the best bet would be, screen capture tools. Individuals can capture the whole screen by mere holding, Windows+print screen key. But incase if you are not interested in this method, then you can have few extensions or add on to capture the screenshot.

By using Springpad, you can have New Personal Assistant

We find few individuals also prefer organizing their projects or calendars, however, if they wish to use these services even when there is no internet connection, they need to copy, the required information into a note before they go offline.

Organize your Bookmarks

If organizational systems and webapps are more than what you need, your browser bookmark feature is a useful tool which helps you save important links as long as you organize them. You can do this in Firefox, by tagging your bookmarks. Add a relevant tag, drop in a new bookmark; it will help you organize everything.

If you are using Chrome, you can very well use extension like Supersorter, Bookmarks Tagger or Stashmarks to do the same thing. The key is, you must organize as you save all your links, so you do not get struck digging hundreds of animated GIFS when you wish to have a look at PC build tutorial, which you have saved a more than a year ago.

Save Webpages to Your Dropbox

You can save web pages to your Dropbox, so you can read them whenever and whenever you wish to. It can help save all or just a part of the webpage as well as data from other applications such as Twitter, Youtube, Pocket and REadKit.

Send an Email

Let’s say you desire to share an article with closed friend, rather than keep it for yourself. Many people do not send the link, but they send the entire text of the article in the body of the message.

Most of them experience difficulty as they need to select the text in webpage and then they need to paste them in an email. Incase, if you are iOS user, there is an easier way. Open the article you wish to share in safari and then tap the reader view button. Then next, tap the action button and then tap mail.

Safari would paste the complete Reader view version of the articles in a body of an email message, do remember to keep a link on the top of the email. Then select the recipient and then tap the send button.

So, next time, when you come across any article which you consider to be useful and wish to say it forever, then follow the above steps and save it forever

Updated on: 17-Jan-2020

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