Sliding Window Attention in machine learning explained

Introduction to Attention Mechanisms

Attention mechanisms are often used in machine learning to improve the performance of models that only need attention to certain parts of the data they are given. They were first used to translate words from one language to another with a machine. Instead of putting the whole sentence into a fixed-size representation, attention mechanisms let the model choose which words or phrases to focus on when translating.

What is Sliding Window Attention?

Sliding Window Attention is a specific attention mechanism used in natural language processing tasks where the input is a sequence of words. It works by dividing the input sequence into overlapping segments or "windows" and then independently computing attention scores for each window. The attention scores indicate how much the model should focus on each window when making predictions.

How Does Sliding Window Attention Work?

Here's an overview of how Sliding Window Attention works −

  • The input pattern is broken up into windows that overlap and are the same size. For example, if the window size is 3, and there are ten words in the input series, there will be eight screens, each with three words.

  • For each window, a question vector is made based on the last secret state of the model. The query vector summarizes all the information the model has seen up to that point. It has a fixed value.

  • A key vector is computed for each word in the window. The key vector is another fixed-size representation that summarizes the information in that word.

  • The attention score for each window is computed by taking the dot product between the query vector and the critical vectors for each word in the window. The attention scores are then normalized using a softmax function to ensure that they sum to 1.

  • The context vector for each window is computed by taking a weighted sum of the value vectors for each word in the window, where the attention scores give the weights.

  • The context vectors for each window are concatenated and fed into the next model layer.

Choosing the Window Size

When using Sliding Window Attention, one of the most important things to decide is the size of the window. A bigger window size lets the model pick up dependencies in the input series that are farther away, but it may also cost more to run. A smaller window area might be more accessible on the computer, but it might not be able to understand as much about the input sequence.

In reality, the size of the window is often chosen by trying different things, like grid search or random search, to find the best value.

Variants of Sliding Window Attention

Several variants of Sliding Window Attention have been proposed in the literature. Here are a few examples −

  • Hierarchical Sliding Window Attention − This method adds multiple layers to Sliding Window Attention, so the model can record dependencies at different levels of detail in the input sequence.

  • Multi-Head Sliding Window Attention − This method uses multiple parallel attention heads, each with its own set of question, key, and value vectors, to get different kinds of information from the input sequence.

  • Adaptive Sliding Window Attention − This method uses a mechanism that can be taught to change the window size based on the input order. It lets the model focus on longer-range relationships when it needs to.

Advantages of Sliding Window Attention

Sliding Window Attention has several advantages over other types of attention mechanisms −

  • It lets the model focus on local relationships in the input sequence instead of looking at the whole thing at once.

  • It is easy to do on a computer because the attention scores are calculated separately for each window instead of for each word in the order.

  • It is easy to make it work in parallel because the attention numbers for each window can be calculated simultaneously.

Limitations of Sliding Window Attention

While Sliding Window Attention has many advantages, it also has some limitations that are worth noting −

  • Fixed Window Size − Sliding Window Attention assumes a fixed window size, which may not always be appropriate for all types of input sequences. For example, if the input sequence has variable lengths, the fixed window size may not be able to capture all relevant contexts.

  • Lack of Global Context − Because Sliding Window Attention operates on fixed windows, it may not be able to capture long-range dependencies that span across multiple windows. This can limit the model's ability to understand the global context of the input sequence.

  • Difficulty in Choosing Window Size − Choosing an appropriate window size can be challenging, especially if the input sequence has complex structures or dependencies.


Sliding Window Attention is a handy tool for jobs in natural language processing that involve putting together groups of words. It can improve the performance of machine learning models while using less computing power. It does this by focusing on local connections in the input sequence. Sliding Window Attention is likely to be an important NLP tool for many years to come because it can be used in so many different ways.

Updated on: 12-Oct-2023


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