Skincare and Beauty Tips for People with Sensitive Eyes

A prevalent worry for many people who spend time in the sun is sun damage. Many skin issues, such as sunburn, black spots, fine lines, and wrinkles, can be brought on by too much exposure to the sun's damaging UV rays. In order to heal and regenerate sun-damaged skin, we will look at some skincare and beauty advice in this book.

How Does Sun Exposure Affect Your Skin?

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is produced by the sun. Because it gives the body the vitamin D it needs for bone growth, UV light is crucial. But if you don't protect your skin, it can also be harmful to your health. Health issues that UV radiation might cause include premature aging, skin cancer, and sunburn

Skin Care Tip for Sun Damaged Skin

Although sun damage is irreversible, there are various things you may take to lessen its visible effects. Follow these tips to treat sun damaged skin −

Put On Sunscreen

Sun protection is provided by sunscreen. A sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or greater is recommended. The SPF rating of a sunscreen defines how well it can block UV radiation; the higher the number, the greater protection.

Eye And Skin Protection

By keeping your skin protected, you can lessen your risk of solar damage. As much of your flesh as you can be covered by long sleeves and long pants. Wearing lighter-coloured clothing will help to protect you more. Use an umbrella, a tree, or any other available shade to shield yourself from the sun if the temperature is high and wearing long sleeves isn't the greatest option for the heat. By securing your head, neck, and face, hats can offer even more protection. The finest hat for blocking out the sun is one with a full brim and is made of canvas or another tightly woven material. The sun might harm your eyes as well. Sunglasses will shield your eyes from UV rays as well as the skin around them.

Prevent Tanning

Moreover, UV rays can be produced artificially using lasers and tanning beds. You should refrain from indoor tanning, especially if you're a teenager or young adult who runs a higher risk of getting melanoma, the worst type of skin cancer.

Treatment for Sun Damaged Skin

Skin Care Therapy for Sun Damage

Even though the majority of sun damage to the skin is irreversible, there are numerous treatments you can try to make your skin seem better.


Retinoid is frequently used to enhance skin look. Retinoids can enhance skin cell formation, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and even out skin tone. Retinoids should only be applied at night or during the daytime when you are using sunscreen. Sun protection is essential because retinoids may increase your skin's sensitivity to the sun.

Use Serum with Vitamin C

Vitamin C's antioxidant qualities may be able to stop skin damage. According to one study, using topical vitamin C can lessen aging symptoms and enhance skin pigmentation. You might wish to incorporate a vitamin C serum into your daily routine if the sun damage to your skin has resulted in some changes in pigmentation or symptoms of aging.

Cosmetic Peels

Another option for treating sun-damaged skin is a chemical peel, which is typically applied to the hands, neck, and face. A medical professional performs a chemical peel to eliminate the skin's outermost layer of damage so that newer, smoother skin can grow in its place. Chemical peels have the potential to cause scarring or temporary or permanent changes in skin tone. Speak to a healthcare physician if chemical peels are something you are thinking about.

Laser Treatment

Sun damage can also be treated with lasers during in-office procedures like laser surgery. The lasers are used to heat the cells of sun-damaged skin. The advantages of laser surgery are as follows −

  • Reduces wrinkles, scars, and blemishes enhances skin texture

  • Eliminates sunspots

  • Enhances slack skin

Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAS)

Hyperpigmentation can be lessened by alpha hydroxy acids. It is advised to apply them at night and a sunscreen in the morning. Begin with simply once per week and gradually increase as tolerated. The three AHAs that are most frequently utilized are glycolic acid, lactic acid, and mandelic acid, which are all produced from bitter almonds.

Homemade Face Masks to Lessen the Appearance of Sun Damage

The proper summertime skincare regimen will significantly lessen pigmentation and red spots in addition to protecting your skin from pollution and sun damage. So, give these homemade masks a try for lovely, supple skin.

Mask Made of Aloe Vera

Use an aloe vera mask to take care of your skin. The skin becomes softer and more hydrated as a result. Mix together two teaspoons of milk cream, one tablespoon of aloe vera gel, and a dash of turmeric. Put some of that paste on your face. Let the paste 30 minutes to dry on your face. Use warm water to wash it.

A Honey and Egg Mask

This is the all-natural approach to glowing skin that you should take. Honey and egg whites are the only two items needed to make this homemade face mask. One egg white and two teaspoons of honey should be placed in a bowl. It has been thoroughly combined. Next, take a cotton ball and dab it with the mixture on your face. After letting the mixture sit on your skin for about 10 minutes, wait 20 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. Washing your face with cold water is the final step.

A Turmeric Mask

The spice turmeric can work miracles for your skin. It has anti-inflammatory effects and antioxidants that help lessen the visibility of scars and blemishes. Moreover, turmeric helps your skin's sunspots and dark spots vanish.

One teaspoon of baking powder and half a teaspoon of turmeric powder should be combined. You should mix in one to two teaspoons of rose water to create a smooth paste. After applying the paste to your face, wait five minutes before washing it off. Self-massage your face gently using small circular strokes. 5 minutes of massaging will eliminate dead skin. Wash it in warm water initially, then in cool water afterwards.

The Avocado Mask

The best approach to take care of your skin is with an avocado mask. The natural oils in avocados can soothe your skin and moisturize dry regions since they are rich in vitamins and minerals that help keep your face healthy. Peel one ripe avocado and remove the seed to prepare an easy avocado mask. After thoroughly breaking up any lumps in the pulp, add one spoonful of honey and thoroughly combine. Wait for 10 to 15 minutes after applying the paste to your face. Use warm water to wash it.

Mask of Cucumber

Due to its abundance in antioxidants, which help shield your face from free radicals that can prematurely age you, cucumber is a fantastic ingredient for skin care. Grate one cucumber and mix it into a paste to produce the mask. Face: Put the paste there. After 15 minutes, remove the paste from your face by rinsing with cool water and patting your skin dry. Use a moisturizer last to keep moisture in.


There are procedures that may be performed to restore and renew the skin's appearance after sun damage, which can have a variety of detrimental impacts on the skin. Sun damage can be repaired and future damage can be avoided with a regular skincare regimen that uses sunscreen, moisturizer, and vitamin C serum. Additionally, adopting healthy lifestyle practices like eating a balanced diet and being hydrated can benefit skin. Sun-damaged skin can be restored to a healthier, more radiant state with time and effort.

Updated on: 04-Apr-2023


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