Skincare and Beauty Tips for People with Large Pores

Many people have large pores on their skin, which can be unattractive and cause acne and greasy skin. Skincare and beautification regimens that are effective can reduce the appearance of big pores and enhance skin health in general. Regular washing, exfoliation, and the use of treatments with chemicals like salicylic acid and retinoids are all effective ways to manage big pores.

What are Skin Pores and What are its Causes?

Small openings in the skin called pores allow sweat and grease to escape. They are also linked to the hair follicles in your head.

Your pores could seem bigger for the following reasons −

  • Noncomedogenic cosmetics

  • Acne

  • Increased sebum production, which causes oily skin

  • Sun damage

Although you cannot alter the size of your pores, there are DIY methods that can help.

Evaluate Your Skin Care Products

If you use any items meant to get rid of excess sebum and acne, you can be doing more harm than good. While short-term use is acceptable, prolonged use might potentially irritate your skin. To remove the top layers of your skin, these creams rely on active chemicals like salicylic acid. This has the effect of drying you out, making your pores appear smaller. But, if your skin becomes overly dry, your sebaceous glands produce more sebum to replace the moisture that has been lost. This brings up oily skin once more.

Wash Your Face Regularly

The greatest cleansers eliminate extra oil and grime without fully dehydrating your skin. Go for a gel-based cleanser if your skin is greasy and you have wide pores. Creamy cleansers are beneficial for normal to dry skin. Avoid cleansers that contain soap or scouring chemicals regardless of your skin type. They may enlarge the appearance of pores.

Use Only Non-Comedogenic Skin Care and Cosmetic Products

The term "non-comedogenic" refers to the product's resistance to pore clogging. Your pores may appear more prominent when they clog and enlarge. Be certain that none of your items are comedogenic. They are therefore based on water. If you have oily skin, comedogenic or oil-based products should be avoided in particular. Large pores might result from excess oil.

Use BHAs or AHAs For Exfoliation

The American Academy of Dermatology advises only one to two times per week of exfoliation. Without over stripping your skin, exfoliation helps remove extra flakes that could clog your pores. Skip your exfoliation session if you have acne right now to prevent rubbing your pimples. Use exfoliants with alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta-hydroxy acids if at all possible (BHAs). If you have an aspirin allergy, you shouldn't utilize BHAs, commonly known as salicylic acids. Although though both substances can maximize the exfoliating effects, BHAs have the ability to enter the pores deeply and treat acne.

Apply Retinol

Pores may appear larger if you have oily skin, minor acne, or skin that is less firm than it once was. Utilizing retinol or retinyl palmitate-containing skin care products could be beneficial. Use the product before going to bed for the greatest benefits. Some people experience skin irritation when using this kind of skin care product. By washing your face first and waiting 30 minutes before using the product, you can avoid this.

Combat Acne

Your pores may become more apparent as a result of acne's clogging effects. A cleaner with salicylic acid may be beneficial. Salicylic acid can unclog pores, according to studies. Some salicylic acid-based cleansers are gentle enough to use daily. Try switching between cleansers if the salicylic acid dries out or bothers your skin. Employ the salicylic acid cleanser before night and a gentle, non-comedogenic cleanser when you wake up. Many acne sufferers require additional treatment options in order to manage their condition.

Moisturize For a Balanced Level of Hydration

One of the biggest mistakes people with oily skin make is skipping moisturizer out of concern that it would make their face oilier. In fact, moisturizing treatments aid your skin's natural sebum in penetrating deeper layers of the skin. This helps to efficiently condition your skin while also reducing the look of oiliness. Your skin might produce even more oil if you don't have it. The secret to dealing with huge pores is to select a mild, water-based moisturizer.

Apply a Clay Mask

To make your pores appear smaller, clay masks can help remove oil, debris, and dead skin cells from deep within. But not on the same days that you exfoliate, you can use these once or twice a week. It might be hard on your skin and increase your risk of irritation to exfoliate and use a clay mask on the same day.

Use Sunscreen Daily

Everyone needs sunscreen, so don't allow oily skin prevent you from using it. Sun damage can dry out your skin and make your pores appear larger in addition to raising your long-term risk of cancer and wrinkles. Use a product with a minimum SPF of 30. Applying it at least 15 minutes before going outside is recommended. Moreover, you can select moisturizers and foundations with SPF.


Exfoliating may reduce pore visibility. You must exfoliate safely to prevent harming your skin in order to achieve the results you seek. A board-certified dermatologist can help if you are uncomfortable exfoliating your skin or are unsure if this is the best procedure for you. You can determine if exfoliating can help hide your pores by visiting a doctor. During a consultation, a dermatologist might also be able to exfoliate your skin.

Don't Wear Makeup to Bed

It's bad for your skin to go to bed wearing makeup. Cosmetics can clog your pores when they are left on overnight and mingle with debris, oil, and bacteria that have remained from the day. The next morning when you wake up, they can appear bigger as a result. No matter how exhausted you are or how late you arrive home, it is crucial to remove your makeup at night. You can also apply a makeup-removing product prior to cleansing for further benefit.

Pay Attention to Your Skin

Scrubbing won't make your face any cleaner, but it can irritate your skin and make your pores appear wider. Moreover, irritating your skin by picking, squeezing, or digging into your pores can make them appear more obvious. You should treat your skin with extreme care for these reasons. On your face, never scrub, massage, pluck, or pinch the skin.

Remedy For Sagging Skin

Our skin becomes less firm and begins to droop as we get older. Skin sagging makes pores appear wider. A dermatologist with board certification can inspect your skin and advise you on methods for skin tightening. Numerous treatments can be performed in a dermatologist's office with no recovery time.

Consult a Skin Care Professional

Professional treatments could be helpful if alterations to your routine and lifestyle aren't having any effect on your enlarged pores. To cope with enlarged pores, your skin care specialist may advise specific procedures like micro needling and laser treatments. Your skin care professional may recommend antibiotics or retinoids to help clear up your skin if severe acne is a contributing factor to your big pores. To prevent any reactions, be careful to discuss the possibility of utilizing over-the-counter acne treatments in addition to prescription ones with your doctor.


Controlling large pores necessitates a commitment to regular skincare and cosmetic procedures, including appropriate cleansing, exfoliation, and the application of potent chemicals. People can develop smoother, healthier-looking skin by implementing these techniques into their regular routines. Avoiding heavy makeup and products with substances like lanolin and mineral oil that clog pores is another useful advice for managing large pores.

Sun protection is essential since UV damage can make pores appear bigger. The appearance of big pores can be diminished by professional procedures like chemical peels and microdermabrasion. Before having any invasive procedures, it's crucial to speak with a dermatologist.

Updated on: 04-Apr-2023


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