Simon Bolivar


Simon Bolivar spent a short but complete life. He was one of the greatest revolutionaries of his time, he freed 6 countries. He was an intellectual (scholar) who argued over the difficulties of national freedom, a general, or a leader who fought a war of unremitting violence. Furthermore, he was born on July 24, 1783, in Caracas, Venezuela. Today the day, July 24 is celebrated as Simon Bolivar Day throughout Latin America. He hoped to unite or link all South American countries or nations into one or single nation or country. He died on December 17, 1830, at the age of 47.

Early Life

Simon Bolivar was the son of a Venezuelan (resident of Venezuela) aristocrat (high-ranking people) of Spanish (Spain) origin, he was born to money and rank. He lost his father at the age of three and then after six years he also lost his mother. And then his uncle took responsibility and his uncle also administrated or respected his potential and provided him with tuition. And one of his tutors has a deep and lasting effect on him. Bolivar followed the liberal thoughts of Jacques Rousseau in the 18th century. In 1801, he married the daughter of a Spanish (Spain) nobleman, and with her, he comes back to Caracas. He was one of the greatest (known) leaders of Latin America’s freedom movement from Spain.

Independence Movement

Simon Bolivar plays a major role in the independence of Latin America. He penned two extraordinary political treaties named the Manifiesto de Cartagena also called Cartagena Manifesto and the Carta de Jamaica also called Letter from Jamaica to encourage the population of South America (part of America) to protest against the Spanish Colonial (colony) rule. He (Bolivar) himself organize several extraordinary forces of power against the Spanish army, and between the years 1819 and 1822, Bolivar successfully freed three territories namely New Granada, Quito, and Venezuela from Spanish (Spain) rule.

Liberation of New Granada

Bolivar started an initiative to liberate (freedom) New Granda which was part (initial) of the Venezuelan and Colombian wars (fights) of independence and this campaign was one(1) of the several militaries (army) fights started by Simon Bolivar. His victory (win) in New Granada (it consists of Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador today) secured or assured the eventual independence of northern South America. His attack in the war on New Granada (country) is assumed to be 1 of the most powerful and defeating in military or war history. This victory over New Granada enhances his money and human (man) resources to complete or survive his victory (win) in Colombia and Venezuela too over the Spanish Rule.

Liberation of Peru

After taking the victory over New Granada, only (remaining) Peru and Some higher regions of Peru were still in the power of the Spanish military. For Peru's problems only, the Argentine freedom fighter Jose de San Martín and Bolivar come together. Both leaders met in 1822 at Guayaquil in Ecuador. In February 1824 (year), the Congress (party) of the Republican Party of Peru (part of Venezuela) named Simon Bolivar as the dictator (king) of Peru, providing him all the Power and rights to entirely recognize the military and political governance. And lastly, the interior Spanish power in the country come to an end with the defeat of the Spanish military, but the independence of Peru was recognized in 1879 by the Spanish.


Simon Bolivar was announced as President (leader) of Gran Colombia (country) and also the dictator (autonomous) of Peru (country). Only the smaller section (region) of the part of the Upper part of Peru was still defeated by the Royalist forces (Royal ones). The freedom of that particular area fell to Sucre (a country), and then in April 1825, Bolivar informed that the work had been completed, which means the rest portions of the continent have also been captured, and the new country formed was chosen to be called (known as) Bolivia, a bit of change on the Liberator’s (leader) name. With this, Bolivar drafted his constitution for the country or nation.


According to some official reports, On 17 December 1830, and the age was only 47, Simon died due to a disease named tuberculosis. But some people believe Bolivar was assassinated.

Civil War

New Granada and Venezuela started to share the bonds (similarities) of their unity in Gran Colombia (a country). The representatives in a particular country, Santander in New Granada and Paez in Venezuela protested each other or one another, and finally, civil war (one of the most well-known wars in history) started. Bolivar (Simon) went from Lima in a hurry and a maximum of authorities (alliances) supported that Peru (a country) was happy to watch the destruction of his three(3)-year rule and also its freedom from the affections of Colombia. Bolivar had assumed that the constitution (of the country) of Cucuta (a country) would be renewed and presidential or higher administration got powered, still, the liberals prohibited any such practices.

Picture of preparation by the natives for civil war


Simon Bolivar or Simon was born (in existence) on 24 July in the year 1783 in Caracas, a city in Venezuela. He was a South American (part of) fighter who contributed a major role (position) in the freedom of North America, and he fought for the continent’s revolutions against the Spain or Spanish empire. He was born into a wealthier family, and then he was sent to Spain for further education, and then he raised himself in the political sphere in Europe. He fought various fights against the Spanish empire. Furthermore, he was also assigned the positions of president and dictator of the nations over whom he found victory.


Q1. What are the nicknames of Simon Bolivar?

Ans. The nickname of Simon Bolivar or bolivar is Simon Jose(j), Antonio de la Santisima (similar), Trinidad Bolivar Palacios, and The Liberator.

Q2. How many battles were fought by Simon?

Ans. Simon Bolivar fought over 100 battles, some of which are remarkable and also mentioned in history.

Q3. What was the impact of Simon Bolivar on the world?

Ans. Simon is known for playing a crucial role (position) in the separation of the Spanish Empire in the Americas. His military success and also political leadership led to the creation or formation of several or multiple democracies in South America.

Updated on: 23-Feb-2023


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