Shutil Module in Python

Python, being a versatile and powerful programming language, offers a wide range of modules and libraries to simplify various tasks. One such module is Shutil, which stands for "shell utilities," providing a comprehensive set of functions for file and directory operations. Whether you need to copy, move, rename, or delete files and directories, the Shutil module in Python comes to the rescue with its user−friendly and efficient functionalities.

In this tutorial, we will delve into the world of the Shutil module and explore its capabilities for managing files and directories in Python. We will walk you through the key features and functionalities of Shutil, providing you with practical examples and code snippets along the way. In the next section of the article, we will begin by understanding. Let's jump right in and explore the powerful capabilities of the Shutil module in Python!

Shutil Module in Python

When it comes to working with files and directories in Python, the Shutil module is a powerful ally. It provides a collection of functions that allow us to perform various operations such as copying, moving, renaming, and deleting files and directories, as well as working with file permissions. By utilizing the Shutil module, we can simplify complex file operations and handle common tasks with ease.

In this tutorial, we will explore the key functionalities of the Shutil module, starting with copying files and directories. Using the `shutil.copy()` function, we can create copies of individual files. For instance, let's say we have a file named "file.txt" in our current working directory, and we want to make a copy of it with the name "file_copy.txt". We can achieve this as follows:

import shutil

shutil.copy('file.txt', 'file_copy.txt')

By executing this code, the Shutil module will create a duplicate of the original "file.txt" with the name "file_copy.txt".

Advantages of using the Shutil module for file and directory operations

The Shutil module offers several advantages when it comes to file and directory operations in Python. Firstly, it provides a straightforward and intuitive interface, making it accessible to developers of all skill levels. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced Python programmer, you can quickly grasp the functionalities of the Shutil module and start utilizing them in your projects.

Secondly, the Shutil module is cross−platform compatible, meaning it works seamlessly across different operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux. This ensures that your code can be executed on various platforms without the need for platform−specific modifications. Whether you're developing on Windows and deploying on Linux, or vice versa, the Shutil module ensures consistent and reliable file operations.

In the next section of the article, we will continue exploring the capabilities of the Shutil module.

Key Features and Functionalities of Shutil

Copying Files and Directories

Copying files and directories is a common task in file operations, and the Shutil module provides convenient functions to accomplish this.

Copying single files

To copy a single file, we can use the `shutil.copy()` function. It takes two arguments: the path of the source file and the destination where the copy will be placed. For instance, suppose we have a file named "source.txt" in the current working directory, and we want to create a copy of it named "destination.txt". We can achieve this with the following code:

import shutil

shutil.copy('source.txt', 'destination.txt')

Running this code will duplicate "source.txt" and create a new file named "destination.txt" in the same directory.

Copying directories and their contents

When it comes to copying entire directories, the `shutil.copytree()` function is the way to go. It allows us to recursively copy the contents of a source directory to a target directory. For example, let's say we have a directory named "source_dir" and we want to duplicate it into a new directory called "target_dir". We can do so using the following code:

import shutil

shutil.copytree('source_dir', 'target_dir')

Executing this code will create a new directory named "target_dir" and copy all the files and subdirectories from "source_dir" into it.

Moving Files and Directories

Moving files and directories involves both copying and deleting operations. The Shutil module simplifies this process with dedicated functions.

Moving single files

To move a single file, we can use the `shutil.move()` function. It works similarly to the `shutil.copy()` function but also removes the original file after successfully moving it. For example, let's move a file named "source_file.txt" to a different location:

import shutil

shutil.move('source_file.txt', 'destination_directory/source_file.txt')

After executing this code, "source_file.txt" will be moved to the specified destination directory, and it will no longer exist in its original location.

Moving directories and their contents

Moving directories with the Shutil module follows the same principles as moving files. The `shutil.move()` function can be used to move entire directories, including their contents. For instance, to move a directory named "source_directory" to a new location, we can use the following code:

import shutil

shutil.move('source_directory', 'destination_directory/source_directory')

Executing this code will move the entire "source_directory" and its contents to the specified destination directory.

Renaming Files and Directories

The Shutil module allows us to rename both files and directories using the `shutil.move()` function. To rename a file or directory, we specify the current path as the source and provide the desired new name as the destination. Here's an example of renaming a file:

import shutil

shutil.move('old_name.txt', 'new_name.txt')

By executing this code, the file "old_name.txt" will be renamed to "new_name.txt".

Deleting Files and Directories

Deleting files and directories is a common operation, and the Shutil module provides a simple function to accomplish this task.

To delete a file, we can use the `os.remove()` function from the built−in `os` module. For example:

import os


This code will delete the file named "file.txt".

To delete an empty directory, we can use the `os.rmdir()` function. However, if the directory is not empty, we need to use the `shutil.rmtree()` function, which recursively removes the directory and all its contents. Here's an example:

import shutil


Executing this code will delete the "directory" and all its files and subdirectories.

Working with File Permissions and Attributes

The Shutil module also provides functions to work with file permissions and attributes. For example, we can use the `shutil.copystat()` function to copy the permission bits, last access time, last modification time, and flags from one file to another:

import shutil

shutil.copystat('source_file.txt', 'destination_file.txt')

Running this code will copy the file attributes from "source_file.txt" to "destination_file.txt".


In this tutorial, we explored the powerful capabilities of the Shutil module in Python for managing files and directories. We discussed key features and functionalities, including copying files and directories, moving them, renaming them, and deleting them. We provided example codes for each method to help you understand their usage and see them in action. Additionally, we touched upon working with file permissions and attributes using the Shutil module.

Updated on: 26-Jul-2023

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