Seven Processes of PRINCE2®

The process of managing the life cycle of a project is crucial, and a formal process can help you maintain efficiency even in times when disaster strikes. PRINCE2, an approach created in 1989 by the UK Government, can help you manage project lifecycles with greater accuracy and efficiency.

Your business is unique, bringing challenges and opportunities. PRINCE2 helps you keep these things in your control, even when dealing with the unknown. It helps you buckle down on projects from start to finish so that the only unknown variables are what you imagine ahead of time.

PRINCE2 Methodology

PRINCE2 is considered the most widely used project management methodology. A PRINCE2 project consists of three primary roles− the project manager, the project board, and the project team. The customer, the end user, and the supplier are also included in this model.

There are Multiple Support Roles that You Must Know

  • Customers − If a company or individual pays for the project, they will be given exclusive rights to it.

  • Users − When it comes to customer consulting, we always work for the user. If the person being consulted has the same interests as you, then the two of you could be on the same team.

  • Suppliers − Expert knowledge and skills make up the final product.

  • Project Managers − The individual responsible for organizing the work, delegating tasks, and keeping the project on track.

  • Project Teams − A project team is a group that takes care of project−related tasks, such as completing them, getting to the next one, and staying organized.

  • Team Managers − This low−level employee reports to the project manager and coordinates projects.

  • Administrators − Managing projects include various duties that can vary from project to project. Some responsibilities include documentation, meeting schedules, and overall project facilitation. Every step of the way, the project manager assigns the admin role.

Processes of PRINCE2

PRINCE2 is a project management theory created by the founder of TQM, one of the leading PMO methods. It was designed to help organizations and teams for any type of project be successful, regardless of the size and scope. There are seven stages involved, which must occur in sequence.

1. Always look at the potential outcomes of a new project before you start it

The primary activity typically contains the following activities −

  • Appointing a Project manager and executive manager.

  • Appointing and designing a team of project management.

  • Capturing previous lessons.

  • Preparing outlines for business cases

  • Choosing the approach and accumulating project briefs.

  • Planning the start

2. Working with a project

The manager will discuss the available resources when a project is approved and delegate accordingly.

3. Starting a project

Every business project requires a plan that includes specific goals and deadlines. The project's timeline is as important as its goals, particularly time and cost.

4. Monitoring and controlling projects

Create project milestones and assign specific tasks to your team members. The project manager will manage progress, monitor changes, and make necessary adjustments.

5. Managing delivery

Follow the progress of your project using the project overview tool. Review completed tasks and mark them as approved or denied. When the project board approves completed tasks, you will receive a notification.

6. Managing boundaries

Project managers and directors can review every stage from start to finish. If a stage fails to meet its standard for quality or adherence to the plan, it can stop progress or move on to the next stage if agreed upon.

7. Project closures

Once the deliverables have been completed, the project manager will provide final approval. If not, any remaining work will be completed by the project manager.

Following the seven prominent processes, let us discuss the key principles. PRINCE2 follows seven basic principles to optimize project effectiveness.

Seven PRINCE2 Principles

1. A business must have an ongoing basis for projects to be approved

It's important to decide ahead of time whether the benefits and risks of a given project outweigh the cost. Consider how likely the project will fulfill what it promises and adjust accordingly.

2. It's important for teams to gain experience

Teams keep a log of lessons learned, offering problem−solution summaries with notes on how the project addressed the problem.

3. To be clear on responsibilities and the role each team member plays, they need to be defined clearly

PRINCE2 has different roles for every project, including understanding your responsibilities and what others are doing.

4. To get the best results and make sure your business is running smoothly, there are a few stages that you will need to plan

PRINCE2 has identified many stages within a project, from initiation to completion. Teams can easily assess the project's progress after each stage so they know what to expect and when to move on.

5. Manage your team with a flexible set of roles and permissions

A project manager would be responsible for overseeing, planning, and executing specific projects. The project manager will coordinate resources and work with customers when required, while the senior managers will look at overall performance and accountability. The senior managers would also provide guidance to fix potential risks before they become problems.

6. Stay focused on your customers and the products that you offer

The most important lesson from this process is the importance of focus− meeting project requirements and keeping quality high.

7. If a project needs a more personal and no−nonsense approach, it's at the discretion of the team to use the approach that suits the company

It doesn't matter whether you're an expert in PRINCE2 or not. Adapt the method to fit your business and the size of your team.

PRINCE2 is a project management methodology that offers better control of resources and provides better risk management for businesses and projects. PRINCE2 breaks down specifically who should be involved in the project and how they should carry out their duties. If a project doesn't adhere to these basic principles, then PRINCE2 may not be the right way to manage the project.


PRINCE2 is a project management methodology designed to foster optimum productivity. The best way to get started on a PRINCE2 project is by applying the steps to your own project. Numerous training, qualification, and certification opportunities are available. The most valuable part of the process is the frequent reviews that happen at various points throughout a project’s lifespan.

Updated on: 14-Dec-2022


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