Setting Up LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP and PhpMyAdmin) in Ubuntu Server 14.10

Setting up LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP, and PhpMyAdmin) in Ubuntu Server 14.10 includes putting in and configuring an effective net improvement stack. LAMP affords an entire environment for growing and deploying dynamic web sites and net programmes.

Linux serves as the running system, offering a strong and steady basis for the stack. Apache acts as the net server, managing incoming requests and serving net pages. MySQL/MariaDB serves as the relational database control system for storing and dealing with data. PHP is the scripting language used for dynamic content generation. Additionally, PhpMyAdmin is established as a net-primarily based total management device for dealing with MySQL and MariaDB databases. It affords a user-pleasant interface for executing SQL queries, dealing with database users, and performing different database-associated tasks.

Setting up LAMP in Ubuntu Server 14.10 includes putting in the vital packages, configuring Apache to serve PHP files, putting in the MySQL/MariaDB database, and securing the installation. Once set up, builders can create and install dynamic web sites and programmes using the LAMP stack.

Methods Used

  • Manual Installation

  • Using Tasksel

Manual Installation

These instructions demonstrate how to manually set up a LAMP stack, which comprises Linux, Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP, and PhpMyAdmin, on Ubuntu Server 14.10. Ubuntu Server 14.10 should be installed and updated. using the package manager, install Apache next. Install MariaDB/MySQL after that, and then set a password to protect it. Put PHP and the required modules in place. PHP files should be processed by Apache. To provide databases through an internet interface, set up PhpMyAdmin. Restart the server after putting in Apache to offer rights of entry to PhpMyAdmin. As of right now, your Ubuntu Server 14.10 is geared up with a completely purposeful LAMP stack that could host web sites and manipulate databases.


  • Update the operating system and install Ubuntu Server 14.10.

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
  • Set up Apache as the web server to handle incoming requests for web pages.

sudo apt install apache2
sudo systemctl start apache2
sudo systemctl enable apache2
  • As the next step, provide the password and configure the database.

sudo apt install mysql-server
sudo mysql_secure_installation
  • Install PHP and the respective required modules to support the building of dynamic websites, furthermore, use the following prompt command to install it through terminal.

sudo apt install php libapache2-mod-php php-mysql
  • Modify the configuration files to configure Apache to handle PHP files.

sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
sudo systemctl restart apache2
  • Set up PhpMyAdmin, a web application for effective database administration.

sudo apt install phpmyadmin
  • Modify Apache is setup to provide PhpMyAdmin access.

sudo nano /etc/apache2/conf-available/phpmyadmin.conf
sudo ln -s /etc/apache2/conf-available/phpmyadmin.conf /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/phpmyadmin.conf
  • Restart the app so that all the changes can settle down.

sudo systemctl restart apache2

Using Tasksel

Use Tasksel on Ubuntu Server 14.10 to build up a LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP, and PhpMyAdmin). Install the Ubuntu Server 14.10 operating system first. The package manager should then be used to install Tasksel. Run Tasksel and choose the LAMP server option on the third step. Fourth, Tasksel will assist you in the installation process by setting up Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP, and PhpMyAdmin automatically. Finally, adhere to any extra instructions or configurations provided by Tasksel. By automating the installation and configuration of the full LAMP stack, this technique makes the setup process simple and convenient for users with little experience or free time.


  • Begin the set-up technique by acquiring the 14.10 model of Ubuntu Server and following the set-up prompts.

  • Once the server is installed, replace the gadget with the usage of the package deal supervisor by going for a walk with the command "sudo apt-get replace" to make certain you've got the modern-day package deal information.

  • Utilise the package deal supervisor to put in Tasksel, a device that simplifies the set up of software programme bundles, by going for walks with the command.

"sudo apt-get deploying tasksel".
  • Start Tasksel by executing the command "sudo tasksel".

  • Tasksel will show a listing of to-be-had software programme options. Review the listing to pick out the LAMP server choice.

  • Prompt the consumer to pick the LAMP server choice by getting into the corresponding wide variety or choosing it using the arrow keys and pressing urgent Enter.

  • If the consumer selects the LAMP server choice, continue to step 9. Otherwise, go out with Tasksel and the algorithm.

  • Install Apache because the internet server aspect is the usage of the package deal supervisor through the command "sudo apt-get deploy apache2".

  • Install MySQL/MariaDB because the database control gadget goes for walks with the command "sudo apt-get deploy mysql-server".

  • Install PHP and the specified additives for PHP integration with Apache and MySQL/MariaDB. the usage of the package deal supervisor through going for walks with the command "sudo apt-get deploy Hypertext Preprocessor libapache2-mod-Hypertext Preprocessor Hypertext Preprocessor-mysql".

  • Configure Apache to address PHP documents by enhancing the configuration report to include the usage of a textual content editor. The report can usually be located at "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dir.conf". Ensure the PHP module is indexed earlier than some other modules.

  • Use the package deal supervisor to put in PhpMyAdmin, an internet-primarily based totally management device for handling databases, by going for walks with the command "sudo apt-get deploy phpmyadmin".

  • During the setup, you may be brought on to configure PhpMyAdmin with the internet server—pick Apache and observe the prompts.

  • Follow any next configuration commands furnished throughout the set-up technique to install PhpMyAdmin properly.

  • Apply the adjustments made to the Apache configuration by restarting the Apache internet server with the command "sudo systemctl restart apache2".

  • The LAMP stack setup is now complete. You can get admission to the internet server by getting into the server's IP address in an internet browser. To get admission to PhpMyAdmin, visit "http://server_ip/phpmyadmin" and log in with the MySQL or MariaDB credentials.


In conclusion, installing and setting up necessary parts is required to set up a LAMP stack on Ubuntu Server 14.10. The manual installation technique offers a great deal of flexibility and control by allowing users to independently install and configure Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP, and PhpMyAdmin. For newcomers or those looking for ease, however, using Tasksel offers a more automated and streamlined procedure. Whatever the manner, Ubuntu Server 14.10 becomes a potent platform for hosting websites and effectively managing databases after the LAMP stack has been successfully installed.

Updated on: 03-Aug-2023


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