Setting Up ëXR' (Crossroads) Load Balancer for Web Servers on RHEL/CentOS

Follow these instructions to configure the XR (Crossroads) Load Balancer for web servers on RHEL/CentOS. Install the necessary dependencies and the Crossroads software package first using the package manager. To configure the load balancer, create a configuration file with the backend servers and load balancing formula. The Crossroads service should then be started, with its automatic startup feature enabled. Create firewall rules to let inbound traffic to the load balancer in addition. Last but not least, check the configuration by contacting the load balancer's IP address or hostname from a web browser and making sure that the requests are being distributed across the backend servers in accordance with the load balancing algorithm. In this configuration, the XR (Crossroads) Load Balancer effectively splits up incoming web traffic among several servers, enhancing performance and guaranteeing high availability.

Methods Used

  • Installation of Dependencies and Crossroads Software Package

  • Configuration of Load Balancer

Installation of Dependencies and Crossroads Software Package

By installing the required dependencies and the Crossroads software package, the XR (Crossroads) Load Balancer for web servers on RHEL/CentOS can be set up using the procedures in this guide. Use RHEL/CentOS's package manager to first install the required components.

The load balancer cannot operate properly without these requirements. Next, download the Crossroads software package and use the package manager to install it. The XR Load Balancer's required files and libraries are included in this package. For the load balancer to operate effectively on the system, the dependencies and Crossroads software package must be installed. This step is crucial, for RHEL/CentOS' load balancer to work properly.


  • Start.

  • Install the required dependencies using RHEL/CentOS's package manager.

sudo yum install dependency1 dependency2 dependency3
  • Verify that the installation of the dependencies was successful.

rpm -qa | grep dependency1
  • If it works, move on to the following action. If not, take corrective action and stop the procedure.

  • Acquire the software suite Crossroads.

  • To set-up the Crossroads software package, use the package manager.

sudo yum install crossroads-package.tar.gz
  • Verify that the Crossroads software installation went smoothly.

crossroads --version
  • If successful, move on to the following action. If not, take corrective action and stop the procedure.

Configuration of Load Balancer

Setting up the "XR" Load Balancer for web servers on RHEL/CentOS requires you to configure the load balancer. To ensure effective distribution of requests, this entails building a configuration file that specifies how the load balancer splits up incoming traffic across the backend servers.

Before configuring the load balancer, begin by opening the configuration file in a text editor. Include details about the backend servers, including their hostnames or IP addresses and pertinent ports. Define the load balancing algorithm that will be used as well, such as least connections or round-robin.

Set any additional parameters, such as session persistence or health checks for the backend servers, within the configuration file. When you have finished making the necessary changes, save the configuration file.

You can optimize resource consumption and provide high availability for web servers by setting the load balancer to have the data it needs to effectively distribute incoming requests.


  • Start.

  • Using a text editor, open the load balancer configuration file.

sudo nano /etc/crossroads.conf
  • Specify the hostnames or IP addresses of the backend servers as well as the associated ports.

backend backend1 {
    ip =;
    port = 8080;
backend backend2 {
    ip =;
    port = 8080;
  • Specify the load balancing algorithm to be utilized (such as least connections or round-robin).

scheduler = roundrobin;
  • Configure any extra options, such as session persistence or backend server health checks, in the configuration file.

backend backend1 {
    ip =;
    port = 8080;
    checkpath = "/health";
  • The configuration file should be saved.


In conclusion, you can efficiently improve performance and guarantee high availability by according to the guidelines for configuring the "XR" (Crossroads) Load Balancer for web servers on RHEL/CentOS. For the load balancer to operate properly, dependencies and the Crossroads software package must be installed. It is possible to intelligently distribute incoming traffic by configuring the load balancer by establishing a configuration file, choosing the backend servers, and selecting the load balancing algorithm. Enabling automatic startup and starting the Crossroads service assure continued operation. The load balancer can receive inbound traffic by setting up firewall rules. Finally, to verify that requests are dispersed among backend servers properly, access the load balancer's IP address or hostname to test the setup.

You can effectively build the "XR" Load Balancer by following these instructions, which will optimize resource consumption and offer a dependable web server infrastructure.

You can effectively build the "XR" Load Balancer by following these instructions, which will optimize resource consumption and offer a dependable web server infrastructure.

Updated on: 03-Aug-2023


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