Setting up a Sandbox Environment on an S.0 BMC Instance

Follow these instructions to configure a Sandbox Environment on a S.0 BMC (Bare Metal Cloud) instance. Install the desired operating system and specs on a S.0 BMC instance first. After logging in, configure the network settings by giving a static IP address, for example, using the BMC panel. To establish isolated sandbox environments, install the required software packages, such as Docker or virtualization technologies. By establishing containers or virtual machines in accordance with your needs, create the sandbox environment. Test the environment one last time to confirm appropriate operation and security. You can create a safe and segregated sandbox environment on a S.0 BMC instance by following these instructions.

Methods Used

  • Using Virtualization

  • Utilizing Containers

Using Virtualization

Utilise virtualization technology to configure a Sandbox Environment on a S.0 BMC (Bare Metal Cloud) instance. Provision a S.0 BMC instance first, then put up the required network configurations. Install a virtualization programme on the BMC instance, such as VMware or KVM. Then, isolate each virtual machine (VM) from the host system by creating it within the virtualization software. Add desired operating systems and software to the virtual machines (VMs). You can test applications and configurations in these virtual machines (VMs) without affecting the BMC instance because they function as distinct sandbox environments. On a S.0 BMC instance, you may create safe, isolated sandboxes using virtualization for testing and development.


  • Set up a S.0 BMC instance with the desired settings.

aws ec2 run-instances --instance-type <instance_type> --image-id <image_id> --subnet-id <subnet_id> --security-group-ids <security_group_ids>
  • Sign in to the BMC console and establish the network options, including a static IP address.

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
address <static_ip_address>
netmask <subnet_mask>
gateway <gateway_address>
  • Set up a virtualization programme on the BMC instance (such as VMware or KVM).

sudo apt update
sudo apt install qemu-kvm libvirt-daemon-system libvirt-clients bridge-utils virt-manager
  • Install the virtualization programme and establish a virtual environment.

sudo systemctl start libvirtd
sudo systemctl enable libvirtd
  • Deploy virtual machines (VMs) for sandboxing in the virtualization environment.

virt-install --name <vm_name> --memory <memory_size> --vcpus <cpu_count> --disk size=<disk_size> --cdrom <iso_file> --os-variant <os_variant> --network bridge=<bridge_name> --graphics none --import
  • Make each VM unique by choosing the preferred operating system and software setups.

sudo virt-manager
  • Set up networking for the VMs to guarantee communication inside the sandbox.

sudo brctl addbr <bridge_name>
sudo brctl addif <bridge_name> <physical_interface>
  • Check the VMs' connectivity and operation by testing them.

sudo virsh console <vm_name>
  • For each additional VM required, repeat steps 5-8.

  • For testing and development, use the distinct VMs as isolated sandbox environments.

Utilizing Containers

Containers can be used to increase isolation and flexibility while building up a Sandbox Environment on a S.0 BMC (Bare Metal Cloud) instance. First, set up the required network settings and provision the S.0 BMC instance. Install containerization software, such as Docker, next. You can isolate and construct lightweight environments that encapsulate apps and their dependencies using containers. You may quickly duplicate and manage many sandboxes at once by specifying the required environment inside containers. Containers offer a flexible and effective approach, enabling quick sandbox environment restoration, easy deployment, and scalability. In the end, containers help a S.0 BMC instance sandbox effectively.


  • Establish a S.0 BMC instance and configure it with the desired features and operating system.

    This step typically involves interacting with your cloud provider's API or management console to provision the BMC instance with the desired specifications and operating system.

  • Sign in to the BMC console and set up the required network configurations, such as a static IP address.

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
    address <static_ip_address>
    netmask <subnet_mask>
    gateway <gateway_ip_address>
  • Set up containerization software on the BMC instance, such as Docker.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install
  • Specify the needs for the sandbox environment, such as the software, dependencies, and network settings.

  • Make a Dockerfile that contains the instructions required to build the container image for the sandbox environment.

nano Dockerfile

FROM base_image
COPY app /app
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y dependencies
CMD [ "command_to_start_application" ]
  • Use a container registry to obtain an existing image or the Dockerfile to construct a container image.

  • To create the container image from the Dockerfile, use the docker build command. Go to the directory where the Dockerfile is located and execute −

docker build -t image_name .
  • Replace image_name with the desired name for your container image.

  • Configure any extra security measures, such as restricting resource usage inside the container or limiting network access.Use the built or pulled image to launch the container, mapping the necessary ports and volumes as you go.

  • Use the docker run command to launch the container from the built image. For example 

docker run -d -p host_port:container_port --name container_name image_name
  • Replace host_port, container_port, container_name, and image_name with the appropriate values for your environment.

  • Test the sandbox environment to make sure it works properly and satisfies the required isolation standards.

  • Repetition of steps 4 through 9 is required to create each subsequent sandbox environment.

  • Keep an eye on and control the sandbox environments, starting, halting, and updating them as required.

  • Use Docker commands like docker start, docker stop, and docker update to manage the running containers.

  • As an optional measure, provide backup and recovery procedures to protect the data and sandbox environments.

  • Depending on your requirements, you can set up backup and recovery mechanisms using Docker's data management options or by integrating with external backup tools.


In conclusion, using virtualization or containerization, you may successfully build up a Sandbox Environment on a S.0 BMC Instance by following the methods indicated above. These methods have some clear benefits. Through the use of virtualization, it is possible to build distinct virtual computers that offer isolated sandbox settings for testing and development. Contrarily, using containers enables the encapsulation of applications and dependencies while yet providing lightweight and adaptable sandboxing. Both approaches enable sandbox environments to be scaled, managed simply, and quickly restored. Establishing a Sandbox Environment on a S.0 BMC Instance ensures a secure and segregated environment for various testing and development needs, regardless of whether you opt for virtualization or containers.

Updated on: 03-Aug-2023


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