Setting up a Caching DNS Server in Ubuntu Server 14.04

The following actions must be taken in Ubuntu Server 14.04 in order to configure a caching DNS server. Start by running the relevant command the package management provides to install the DNS server software. After installation, modify the configuration file to set up the DNS server. For optimum performance, define the server's IP address and provide the preferred caching parameters in the configuration file. Restart the DNS server after making the necessary adjustments to make the new configuration settings effective.

Make sure the right IP address is returned when you query a domain name to see if the server is functioning properly. This will demonstrate that the DNS server is correctly resolving domain names and caching the results.

Configure the clients to utilize the caching DNS server by modifying their network settings to complete the setup. Update the IP address of the DNS caching server in the network configurations of the clients. The clients will be able to use the caching DNS server as a result, enjoying quicker response times for subsequent DNS queries.

You may successfully set up a caching DNS server in Ubuntu Server 14.04 by following these instructions, which will improve the speed and effectiveness of DNS resolution on your network.

Methods Used

  • BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain)

  • Unbound

BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain)

Administrators use Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND), a well-known DNS programme, to set up a caching DNS server in Ubuntu Server 14.04. They begin by installing BIND via the package manager, after which they modify the named.conf configuration file. Both the server's IP address and the required cache options must be given.

Administrators must restart the BIND service to ensure the changes take effect. Furthermore, it is essential to check the server's operation and the precision of IP address returns using domain name queries. Due to its strong DNS capabilities and its capacity to cache DNS data, BIND enjoys widespread acceptance.

By utilising these capabilities, the server will be able to retrieve the data from its local cache rather than relying on outside sources, which will result in faster replies to subsequent DNS inquiries.


  • Start

  • Use the package manager to install BIND.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install bind9
  • To configure, open the named.conf file.

sudo nano /etc/bind/named.conf
  • Define caching options and the server's IP address.

options {
   listen-on {; };

   recursion yes;
   allow-recursion { any; };
  • Conserve the modifications and close the configuration file.

  • To implement the configuration, restart the BIND service.

sudo service bind9 restart
  • Run a DNS query to evaluate the server's performance.

  • If the query returns the proper IP address, continue; if not, troubleshoot and fix any mistakes.

  • Add the IP address of the DNS caching server to the network settings on the clients.

  • End.


Using Unbound, a lightweight and secure DNS programme, you can configure a caching DNS server in Ubuntu Server 14.04. Unbound must be configured after being installed using the package management system by changing the unbound.conf file. You can define the server's IP address and caching parameters in this file. To make the configuration changes effective, you must restart the Unbound service after completion.

Unbound is made to offer DNS resolution services that are quick, safe, and resource-conserving. Unbound lessens reliance on external DNS servers by locally caching DNS records. This caching approach optimises network performance and speeds up responses to future searches dramatically. Unbound may serve the response to a query immediately from its local cache, doing away with the need to repeatedly ping outside servers.

By configuring Unbound as a caching DNS server in Ubuntu Server 14.04, you gain access to a dependable and effective DNS infrastructure that ensures quick and secure domain name resolution throughout your network.


  • Utilising a package manager (like apt-get), set up Unbound on the Ubuntu Server.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install unbound
  • Edit the file unbound.conf, which is often found at /etc/unbound/unbound.conf.

sudo nano /etc/unbound/unbound.conf
sudo nano /etc/unbound/unbound.conf
  • The server's IP address, port number, and caching options must be supplied.

   access-control: allow
   port: 53
   cache-max-ttl: 86400
   cache-min-ttl: 3600
   prefetch: yes
      name: "."
  • Conserve the setting changes, then save and exit the file.

  • To apply the changed configuration, restart the Unbound service.

sudo service unbound restart
  • Use domain names to query the caching DNS server and check the results to see how well it works.

dig @localhost
  • If necessary, update the clients' network settings to include the server's IP address and configure them to use the caching DNS server.

  • Keep an eye on and maintain the caching DNS server to make sure it functions properly and is always up to date.


In conclusion, optimising network performance and lowering reliance on external DNS servers require setting up a caching DNS server in Ubuntu Server 14.04. BIND and Unbound are two approaches that are frequently employed for achieving this. BIND, a widely used DNS programme, has powerful caching features and may be set up by installing the package, making changes to the named.conf file, specifying the IP address of the server, and restarting the BIND service. Unbound, on the other hand, offers a compact and safe DNS solution. You can get better DNS resolution and quicker response times for subsequent queries by customising the unbound.conf file, specifying cache settings, the server's IP address, and restarting the Unbound service. The caching DNS server needs to be monitored and maintained frequently to maintain peak performance. You may successfully set up a caching DNS server in Ubuntu Server 14.04 to improve network performance by following these instructions.

Updated on: 03-Aug-2023


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