Setting the font color & style of the console in Node.js

You can use the chalk module to customize the statements printed on the console.By using it, one can change the text font-color to any color. One can also change the font-style to Bold, Italic or Underlined. Also, you can highlight the printed text.


npm install chalk

Example 1

Create a file "color.js" and copy the following code snippet. After creating the file, use the command "node color.js" to run this code.

// Giving color to console statments

// Importing the chalk module
const chalk = require('chalk');

// Printing the text in blue color
console.log('Welcome to Tutorials Point !'));

// Printing the text in red color
console.log('Error occured !!! '));

// If color is not present we can pass the
// RGB code to give color
console.log(chalk.rgb(100, 150, 70)
            ('Custom statement - Hi...'));


ode>> node color.js

Example 2

// Giving color to console statments

// Importing the chalk module
const chalk = require('chalk');

// Setting background color to red
console.log(chalk.bgGreen('Welcome to Tutorials Point'));

// Setting background color to Bright Black
console.log(chalk.bgBlackBright('Hello User !!! '));

// Setting background color to Bright Red
console.log(chalk.bgRedBright('Hello... I am a custom color.'));


ode>> node color.js

Example 3

// Giving color to console statments

// Importing the chalk module
const chalk = require('chalk');

// Setting the text style to Bold
console.log(chalk.bold('Welcome to Tutorials Point in bold'));

// Setting the text style to dim
console.log(chalk.dim('Welcome to Tutorials Point in Dim'));

// Setting the text style to Italic
console.log(chalk.italic('Welcome to Tutorials Point in Italic'));

// Setting the text style to Bold
console.log(chalk.underline('Welcome to Tutorials Point in Underline'));


ode>> node color.js

Updated on: 18-Aug-2021


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