Second Anglo-Maratha War

Second Anglo-Maratha War: Explanation

The Second Anglo-Maratha War was the second conflict between the British and the Marathas This war was started in 1803 and continued till 1805.

Image 1: Second Anglo-Maratha War map, political divisions, 1883

Peshwa Madhav Rao Narayan passed away in 1795 and Baji Rao II followed the throne. Lord Wellesley came up with a Subsidiary Alliance system. Here, the Indian rulers should have to pay some allowance to have British army in India.

Nana Phadnavis, who was the Chief Minister of Maratha back then, refuted to follow this system knowing the agenda of Britishers. In 1800, he passed away and Marathas lost control over their system.

Due to the defeat of Baji Rao II, resulted in the war and this was the most brutal war for the Maratha where they go defeated and conquered by the English. The kingdom of British got victorious in the battle and later some sort of settlement was formed between them.

During the war, several agreements were made with the British and they defeated and acquired many places in India. One such agreement was the Agreement of Deaogaon. The defeat of Maratha in the hand of the British resulted in them a huge loss as they lost a vast part of smoke important territories.

Second Anglo-Maratha War: Background

The British had defeated the soldiers of the Maratha and as a result, they got separated from each other. Some Indian monarchs had opposed the British rules that were organised and formed by Yashwantrao Holkar. However, this did not succeed in the long term.

The unity and the troops of Scindia and Bhonsle were destroyed by the British, which forced them to an agreement with the British. They fought for the freedom of Maratha when the Subsidiary Alliance was formed.

The laws and regulations were formed stating that no troops of the Europeans will be hired in war with the British. It was stated, that in his region, he would get the soldiers of the Company and some percentage of the European peoples and hire permanently in the regions. Bajirao II got afraid and pulled himself back to Bassein.

There he made a deal with the British. The soldiers of Scindia and Peshwa were conquered and the head of his kingdom changed. During this war, Surat was handed over to the British, which was worth Rs 26 Lakh, to levy the total claims on the Nizam’s supremacy.

Second Anglo-Maratha War: Significance

The following are the significance of the war −

  • The power of the British had risen gradually instead of the agreement done by the Peshwa.

  • The formation of the armies of the British resulted in significant and was strategically useful.

  • In the places like Lucknow, they had already acquired their soldiers.

  • The Company gained power gradually after having Poona which meant that the forces of the English were more in terms of power and numbers and can get to any place easily.

  • The agreement resulted in a war and heated conversation between the British and the Marathas that overpowers the three important laws of the Marathas.

  • There was an objection that the agreement had been transferred to the British, which might be an important part of India. However, later it was obtained that that was done due to certain factors and circumstances.

Second Anglo-Maratha War: Results

Image 2: The Agreements of Second Anglo-Maratha War

The agreement between the British and the soldiers of Maratha caused several consequences. Though the kingdom of the British had won the war, still there was confusion about the result of the war. Therefore, the implications of the war are as follows −

  • The British had handover a defeat in the hands of the army of Maratha.

  • The agreement named Surji-Anjangaon and was formed by the Scindians. By that agreement, the British obtained the area Gurgaon and Delhi and some other territories and some of the districts of Ahmednagar, Broach, and parts of Gujarat and Bundelkhand.

  • Bhonsle formed the treaty of Devogaon and because of this agreement; British conquered the parts of Cuttack, Balasore, and area of Odhisa and Wardha Rivers. This treaty came to an end on December 17, 1803.

  • The agreement of Rajghat was established by Holkars and as a result they handover Tonk, Bundi and Rampura into the hands of the British.

  • A huge part of Central India had been conquered and acquired by the English due to this war.

  • After this agreement and the war, the officials of the British acquired the authorised power over the Significant Swaths of Central India.


The Second Anglo-Maratha War took place from the year 1803 to 1805 where the argumentative conflict took place between the Maratha Empire and the British East India Company. This war was the second battle between the people of Maratha and the British, resulting in India. During that situation, Peshwa got help and an agreement was made between Baji Rao II and the company of British. The intense argument was formed due to an issue caused by Bhosle’s and Scandia’s.


Q1.What is Subsidiary Alliance?

Ans.This Subsidiary Alliance was the agreement between the company of the British and the regions of India. By this agreement, many important places of India specially the Central India had been conquered by the troops of the British. This was the main loophole from which the British had established their kingdom in India.

Q2.What was the conclusion of the Second Anglo-Maratha War?

Ans.After the agreement of Deogaon, the kingdom of the British completely conquered the places of Odisha and the western region of The Wardha River. The agreement of Rajghat was done by Holkars and they handover Tonk, Bundi and Rampura into the hands of the British.

Q3.What was the agreement that led to the Second Anglo-Maratha War?

Ans.When Baji Rao II did not get any kind of help and pulled himself back to Peshwa and then done a deal with the officials British. He handed over his regions to the hand of the English and agreed to serve the soldiers of the British in those regions. When Scindias and Bhonsle were against this agreement, it resulted in this war.

Updated on: 18-Dec-2023


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