Scrapy - Working with Items

Creating Items

You can create the items as shown in the following format −

>>myproduct = Product(name = 'Mouse', price = 400)
>>print myproduct

The above code produces the following result −

Product(name = 'Mouse', price = 400)

Getting Field Values

You can get the field values as shown in the following way −


It will print result as 'Mouse'

Or in another way, you can get the value using get() method as −


It will print result as 'Mouse'

You can also check whether the field is present or not using the following way −

>>'name' in myproduct

It will print the result as 'True'


>>'fname' in myproduct

It will print the result as 'False'

Setting Field Values

You can set value for the field shown as follows −

>>myproduct['fname'] = 'smith'

Accessing all Populated Values

It is possible to access all the values, which reside in the 'Product' item.


It will print the result as −

['name', 'price']

Or you can access all the values along with the field values shown as follows −


It will print the result as −

[('name', 'Mouse'), ('price', 400)]

It's possible to copy items from one field object to another field object as described −

>> myresult = Product(myproduct) 
>> print myresult

It will print the output as −

Product(name = 'Mouse', price = 400)

>> myresult1 = myresult.copy() 
>> print myresult1

It will print the output as −

Product(name = 'Mouse', price = 400)