Scientific Investigation


Scientific Investigation is a process that may not get an expected conclusion sometimes, but it ensures further research about any topic. The steps of scientific investigation take the first step toward any development in that research. A combined process includes other various procedures and makes a strong impact on the investigation process. To find out the most of the information it included various questions as an initial step.

What is Scientific Investigation?

In short, Scientific Investigation is a procedure to find the answer to any question involving the Scientific Methods. It can be described as a process that involves various techniques and different types of research methods, that as a whole involves developing a hypothesis, gathering data and then analyzing it, conducting experiments and at last, making a conclusion (Siswanto, Susantini. & Jatmiko, 2018). Sometimes, it does not end up as planned and does not provide proper solutions; however, it leads to further new investigations. The methods that are used in Scientific Investigation are mainly Scientific Methods. It involves many steps and the final step is for concluding the result.

Steps of Scientific Investigation

Several steps or phases help in conducting Scientific Investigations. However, it has 6 basic methods that are included in that process and helps the investigation to conclude.


Every scientific investigation starts with a basic step that is making observations. It is the initial process of investigation that involves the observing part. It also helps to get an overview of the whole procedure. The observation step is also called a step of Inspection. It includes various queries regarding the whole process and its surroundings.

Propose Questions

In the second step, after the observation part, comes the part of the question about the process. It is the main part where the whole idea of the scientific investigation starts making progress. In short, it helps in making questions about the observation. The objective of this step is to make sure that information is known and every query is solved.

Form a hypothesis

The third part of the scientific investigation process is the phase where the formation of a hypothesis is made. It involves the proper explanation of every query, and it is referred to as the most significant part of the whole investigation (Ioannidis, 2018). It provides all the possible answers to scientific questions. The only way through which the hypothesis can be proved false is observation. The main criteria of the hypothesis are that it has to be logical.

Test the hypothesis

The fourth and equally important step for making a scientific investigation is testing the hypothesis. For testing a hypothesis, prediction needs to be done first. The statement can provide an idea of what might happen (Manz, Lehrer & Schauble, 2020). In this step, it is described as, if A occurs then B will happen. Based on that hypothesis, the predictions can be made.

Drawing a conclusion

The conclusion is the most crucial step of the whole scientific investigation. This step helps to check the result of the test. It clears the idea of the evidence, that makes prediction and whether it supports the hypothesis or not. It is not possible that a hypothesis can always be positive; one piece of evidence may disprove the whole hypothesis and can make it false.

Communicate Result

The final step of the scientific investigation is communicating the result. This step includes communicating the results and other learning while performing the scientific experiment (Sciencebuddies, 2022). In this process of testing the hypothesis, if the other researchers get the same result, it will add extra support. However, if the results are different then it will result as disproved.

Figure 1: Steps for scientific investigation

Direction for conducting Scientific Investigation

In the scientific process in completing the basic steps, the most important thing is how to make it works. In short, it needs a proper direction for implementing the steps as required. There are very few directions that can make the whole investigation process run smooth. The first thing that cannot be compromised is the observation part.

Proper observation needs to perform and that should include the whole environment of the investigation. Making various questions and queries related to the topic is essential to cover the whole information (Siswanto, Susantini. & Jatmiko, 2018).

One attempt should be made to search for the background data it will help in the process. The collected information should be accurate and relatable to the topic otherwise it will hamper the result. Monitoring the whole process of the hypothesis is essential to make the experiment authentic. It is also mandatory to make a tabular formation for all the data that are collected because it will help in managing the information accordingly. A proper scientific investigation provides the answers that help in making a proper result that is authentic enough to believe.

Figure 2: Direction of scientific research


With the help of proper methods and techniques used for getting, an expected result, through collecting the data and information, developing a hypothesis and testing it and from them concluding, is referred to as the scientific investigation. The whole methods that are used are the scientific methods.


Q1. What is considered the heart of the science?

Ans. The scientific investigation is considered the most crucial part of science and is called as Heart of science.

Q2. What are the most essential steps of scientific investigations?

Ans. steps are essential for making a scientific investigation are observation, propose the question, form a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, drawing a conclusion and communicating the result.

Q3. What is the method that is used for scientific investigations?

Ans. Scientific investigation is considered the heart of science as it is conducted through many sets of processes. For making scientific investigation, only the scientific method is used.

Updated on: 13-Oct-2022


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