Save API data into CSV format using Python

In the world of data−driven applications and analysis, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) play a crucial role in retrieving data from various sources. When working with API data, it is often necessary to store it in a format that is easily accessible and manipulatable. One such format is CSV (Comma Separated Values), which allows tabular data to be organized and stored efficiently. This article will explore the process of saving API data into CSV format using the powerful programming language Python. By following the steps outlined in this guide, we will learn how to retrieve data from an API, extract relevant information, and store it in a CSV file for further analysis and processing. Let's dive into the world of API data handling with Python and unlock the potential of CSV formatting.

Let's assume for the time being that we have an API endpoint that offers us some data in JSON format. Our objective is to obtain this data and store it as a CSV file so that it can be easily manipulated and analyzed.

Importing the Required Libraries

The first step involves importing the necessary libraries that will facilitate handling API requests and performing CSV operations. These libraries are essential as they provide pre−defined functions and classes, streamlining the process of working with API data and CSV files.

In this particular case, we will import two essential libraries: requests and csv. The requests library is used for making HTTP requests, enabling us to retrieve data from APIs. On the other hand, the csv library equips us with tools for working with CSV files, allowing us to read, write, and manipulate tabular data.

Here's the code for importing the libraries:

import requests
import csv

By including these import statements in our code, we ensure that we have access to the necessary functions and classes provided by the requests and csv libraries throughout our program. This enables us to efficiently handle API data and perform CSV operations.

Making the API Request

Making an API request to get the data is the next step after importing the required libraries. Let's assume for the purposes of this example that we want to get a list of users via an API endpoint. We'll utilize the requests library to send an HTTP GET request and get the JSON data.

Here's an example code:

response = requests.get('')
data = response.json()

By executing this code, the data variable will contain the JSON data retrieved from the API endpoint. This data can then be further processed, extracted, and transformed before saving it into a CSV file, as described in the subsequent steps of the article.

Extracting and Preparing the Data

Once we retrieve the JSON data from the API, we extract the relevant information and format it for CSV storage. Assuming the API response includes user objects with attributes like name, email, and age, we aim to create a list of dictionaries representing each user. This allows efficient data organization and streamlines subsequent operations. By iterating through the API response, extracting desired attributes, and constructing user dictionaries, we ensure the data is appropriately structured for CSV storage and further analysis.

Here's an example code snippet to illustrate this step:

users = []

for user in data:
    user_info = {
        'Name': user['name'],
        'Email': user['email'],
        'Age': user['age']

In the previously mentioned code snippet, we begin by generating an empty list called users to house the data that was extracted. After that, we iterate through each user object in the data variable, which contains the API response. We gather crucial information about each user, including their name, email address, and age.

Saving the Data into a CSV File

The following step is to save the data into a CSV file after it has been extracted and formatted in the proper manner. In this step, we'll create a CSV writer using the csv module and write the data into the file row by row.

Here's an example code:

filename = 'users.csv'

with open(filename, 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
    writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=['Name', 'Email', 'Age'])

In the code snippet above, we specify the filename we want for our CSV file, such as 'users.csv'. Then, we open the file in write mode using the open() function.

The data will be saved into the CSV file users.csv with the provided column headings after this code has been run. To check the output, open the file in a text editor or spreadsheet program. The structure of the CSV file may look like this:

John Doe,,25
Jane Smith,,30
Alex Johnson,,28

Each row represents a user, and the columns correspond to the attributes we extracted in the previous step.

By saving the data into a CSV file, we have created a portable and easy−to−read format for further analysis and processing.

Verifying the CSV Output

To confirm the successful saving of our data into the CSV file, we can read its contents and print them out. Here's an example code:

with open(filename, 'r') as csvfile:
    reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
for row in reader:

Running the above code will print each row of the CSV file, verifying that the data has been saved correctly.


In summary, using Python to save API data into CSV format offers a practical and efficient solution for storing and analyzing tabular data. With libraries like requests and csv, it becomes easy to fetch data from APIs, extract the necessary information, and arrange it neatly into a CSV file. CSV format integrates with various data analysis tools and simplifies data frame−ups. Python's creativity, along with the simplicity and compatibility of CSV, makes it a reliable choice for effectively handling and storing API data. Whether it's user data, financial records, or any other tabular data from an API, Python, and CSV provide a dependable solution.

Updated on: 25-Jul-2023

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