Salma takes 15 minutes from her house to reach her school on a bicycle. If the bicycle has a speed of 2 m/s, calculate the distance between her house and the school.


Salma takes 15 minutes from her house to reach her school on a bicycle.

To do:

To calculate the distance between her house and the school if the bicycle has a speed of 2 m/s.


Time taken $t=15\ minutes=15\times60\ seconds=900\ seconds$

Speed $=2\ m/s$

So, the distance between her house and school $=speed\times time$


$=1800\ m$

$=1.8\ km$               [Because $1\ km=1000\ m$]

So, the distance between Salma's house and school is $1800\ m$ to $1.8\ km$.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022

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