Salesforce for Manufacturing: Managing Production Data

Salesforce is a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) platform that helps organizations manage their customer interactions, sales processes, and customer data. With the rise of Industry 4.0, manufacturing companies are looking for ways to integrate their production processes with their customer-facing operations.

Salesforce provides a solution for managing production data and integrating it with other systems to create a seamless end-to-end process. In this article, we will explore how Salesforce can be used in the manufacturing industry to manage production data and improve efficiency.

Overview of Salesforce for Manufacturing

Salesforce is a cloud-based platform that can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. The platform provides a range of tools and features that help manufacturing companies manage their customer relationships, sales processes, and production data. The key features of Salesforce for manufacturing include:

Sales and Marketing Automation

Salesforce provides tools for automating sales and marketing processes, such as lead management, email marketing, and customer segmentation. This helps manufacturing companies to streamline their sales and marketing efforts and improve their overall customer engagement.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Salesforce provides a centralized database for managing customer data, including contact information, purchase history, and customer interactions. This helps manufacturing companies to understand their customers better and tailor their products and services to meet their needs.

Analytics and Reporting

Salesforce provides powerful analytics and reporting tools that allow manufacturing companies to analyze their sales and production data in real-time. This helps them to identify trends, optimize their processes, and make data-driven decisions.

Integration with Other Systems

Salesforce can be integrated with other systems, such as ERP and MRP systems, to create a seamless end-to-end process. This helps manufacturing companies to manage their production data and integrate it with other systems to improve their overall efficiency.

Mobile Access

Salesforce can be accessed from mobile devices, which allows manufacturing companies to manage their production data on-the-go. This helps them to stay connected to their operations and make real-time decisions.

Using Salesforce to Manage Production Data

One of the key benefits of Salesforce for manufacturing is its ability to manage production data. Production data includes information about manufacturing processes, such as production schedules, inventory levels, and quality control data. By integrating production data with other systems, such as ERP and MRP systems, manufacturing companies can create a seamless end-to-end process that improves efficiency and reduces costs.

Salesforce provides a range of tools and features that can be used to manage production data, including:

Custom Objects

Salesforce allows manufacturing companies to create custom objects that can be used to store production data. Custom objects are similar to database tables and can be customized to fit the specific needs of the manufacturing company. For example, a custom object could be created to store production schedules or quality control data.


Salesforce provides workflows that can be used to automate production processes. Workflows can be used to trigger actions, such as sending alerts or creating tasks, based on specific events or conditions. For example, a workflow could be created to send an alert when inventory levels reach a certain threshold.


Salesforce provides dashboards that allow manufacturing companies to visualize their production data in real-time. Dashboards can be customized to show the specific data that is important to the manufacturing company. For example, a dashboard could be created to show production schedules or quality control data.


Salesforce provides reports that allow manufacturing companies to analyze their production data. Reports can be customized to show specific data, such as inventory levels or production output. For example, a report could be created to show the number of units produced per hour.

Mobile Access

Salesforce can be accessed from mobile devices, which allows manufacturing companies to manage their production data on-the-go. This helps them to stay connected to their operations and make real-time decisions. For example, production managers can use their mobile devices to check production schedules, inventory levels, and quality control data while on the shop floor.

By using Salesforce to manage production data, manufacturing companies can improve their efficiency and reduce costs.

Here are some ways that Salesforce can help manufacturing companies manage their production data:

Streamline Production Processes

By using workflows to automate production processes, manufacturing companies can reduce the time and resources required to manage their production data. For example, a workflow could be created to automatically update inventory levels when new products are received.

Improve Data Accuracy

By storing production data in a centralized database, manufacturing companies can ensure that their data is accurate and up-to-date. This helps them to make informed decisions and avoid costly errors. For example, production managers can use Salesforce to track quality control data and identify areas for improvement.

Increase Collaboration

By using Salesforce to manage production data, manufacturing companies can increase collaboration between different departments. For example, sales teams can use production data to make more accurate sales forecasts, while production teams can use sales data to optimize production schedules.

Optimize Inventory Levels

By using Salesforce to track inventory levels, manufacturing companies can optimize their inventory levels and reduce the risk of stockouts. This helps them to avoid costly delays and ensure that they can meet customer demand. For example, production managers can use Salesforce to track inventory levels and adjust production schedules to avoid stockouts.

Improve Customer Satisfaction

By using Salesforce to manage production data, manufacturing companies can improve their customer satisfaction. By tracking production schedules and inventory levels, they can ensure that they can deliver products on time and meet customer expectations. This helps to build trust and loyalty with customers, which can lead to increased sales and revenue.

Challenges of Using Salesforce for Manufacturing

While Salesforce can provide significant benefits to manufacturing companies, there are also some challenges to consider.

Here are some of the challenges that manufacturing companies may face when using Salesforce:

Data Integration

Salesforce may need to be integrated with other systems, such as ERP or MRP systems, to manage production data effectively. This can be a complex process and may require significant technical expertise.


Manufacturing companies may need to customize Salesforce to fit their specific needs. This can require significant time and resources and may require the assistance of Salesforce consultants or developers.

Data Security

Manufacturing companies need to ensure that their production data is secure and protected from unauthorized access. This requires implementing appropriate security measures and policies, such as role-based access controls and data encryption.

User Adoption

Manufacturing companies may face challenges in getting their employees to adopt Salesforce and use it effectively. This requires providing training and support to ensure that employees are comfortable using the platform and can make the most of its features.


Salesforce can be a significant investment for manufacturing companies, particularly if they require customization or integration with other systems. Manufacturing companies need to carefully consider the costs and benefits of using Salesforce and ensure that they can achieve a positive return on investment.

Best Practices for Using Salesforce for Manufacturing

To get the most out of Salesforce for manufacturing, here are some best practices to consider:

Start with a Clear Strategy

Before implementing Salesforce, manufacturing companies should have a clear strategy for how they will use the platform to manage their production data. This includes identifying the specific data that they need to track and how they will integrate Salesforce with other systems.

Customize Salesforce to Fit Your Needs

Manufacturing companies should customize Salesforce to fit their specific needs. This includes creating custom objects, workflows, and reports that are tailored to their production processes.

Train Employees

To ensure that employees are comfortable using Salesforce, manufacturing companies should provide training and support. This includes providing hands-on training and creating user guides and documentation.

Ensure Data Accuracy

Manufacturing companies should ensure that their production data is accurate and up-to-date. This requires implementing data quality controls and regular data audits.

Secure Production Data

Manufacturing companies should implement appropriate security measures to protect their production data. This includes using role-based access controls and data encryption.

Monitor Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Manufacturing companies should monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) to track their production performance and identify areas for improvement. This includes tracking production efficiency, inventory levels, and quality control metrics.

Collaborate Across Departments

Manufacturing companies should encourage collaboration between different departments, such as sales and production, to optimize their production processes. This requires sharing production data and using it to make informed decisions.

Continuously Improve

Manufacturing companies should continuously improve their production processes by using data analytics to identify areas for improvement. This includes using predictive analytics to forecast production demand and identify potential bottlenecks.

Updated on: 18-May-2023


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