SaaS Testing Tutorial:What is Cloud Testing?

In this article, we will learn how to perform "Cloud Testing." To grasp this, we must first grasp the concept of Cloud Computing. This article examines Cloud Computing, Cloud Testing, and the major challenges that arise while testing on the cloud.

Introduction to Cloud Computing

A new phrase and technique known as "virtualization" was introduced to the business few years ago. Virtualization, the notion of sharing computer resources across many operating systems to increase scalability, save capital costs, and simplify IT infrastructure administration, became the backbone of several enterprises with the advent of virtualization.

In recent years, cloud computing has witnessed a rapid rise in IT. Any beginner to cloud computing should think of it as a notion where everything is delivered "as a service."

Cloud computing is self-evidently a comprehensive solution that delivers IT as a Service. Like virtualization, its tagline is resource sharing, with on-demand allocation and availability through the Internet.

Cloud Testing

Cloud testing is a type of software testing in which a software application is tested using cloud computing services. Cloud testing's purpose is to leverage cloud computing to test software for both functional and non-functional requirements. This results in faster availability, scalability, and flexibility for software testing, saving time and money.

Cloud computing is a web-based platform that allows users to access computing resources such as hardware, software, and other computer-related services from anywhere in the world.

There are three forms of cloud computing −

  • Software as a service (SaaS) is an acronym.

  • Platform as a Service (PaaS) is an acronym for Platform as a Service.

  • Infrastructure as a Service is abbreviated as IaaS.

Let's take a closer look at each of them individually now.

IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)

This is the most fundamental layer that acts as the cloud's basis. The majority of it is made up of physical resources like storage, network devices, computer servers, and so on. All of these computer resources are available on a pay-per-use basis, which means that a user only pays for what he uses.

PaaS (Platform as a Service)

In the cloud, the platform is the most crucial layer. You have no control over the infrastructure, but you may use the apps that have been installed. As a result, a complete run-time environment, such as a development or testing environment, is available on demand. As a result of this method, you'd normally have a VM with a full environment, including an operating system, appropriate middleware, and so on, ready to use as needed.

The application layer is the topmost layer in this case, and it is generally visible to any user. SaaS (Software as a Service): The application layer is the topmost layer in this situation, and it is typically visible to any user. In this situation, users can use the internet to obtain applications/products on demand. As a result, rather than purchasing a license for each individual user, this looks to be the most cost-effective way to ensure that the license is always in use. This may be seen in programs like Gmail, Google Docs, Photoshop, and others.

Clouds of Different Types

The three categories of cloud formations are public, private, and hybrid clouds −

Services are available to anybody, and resources are assigned and delivered dynamically in response to requests in public clouds.

Employees only have access to private clouds, which are generally restricted within the limits of an organization's firewall laws.

Hybrid clouds combine the benefits of both private and public clouds in one package. Organizations have the option of deciding which services are exposed to the general public and which are only available to internal users.

Cloud Testing Methodologies

There are four key organizations in the cloud testing market.

Testing of the entire cloud: The cloud is viewed as a complete entity, and testing is carried out in accordance with its features. Cloud and SaaS organizations, as well as end-users, are pursuing this type of testing.

Within a cloud, testing is done by examining each of the cloud's intrinsic features. Cloud providers are the only ones that can do this type of testing.

Testing is done on a variety of cloud platforms, including private, public, and hybrid clouds.

Functional and non-functional testing is conducted depending on application requirements in cloud-based SaaS testing.

Ways of doing Cloud Testing

Types of Cloud TestingTask Performed
SaaS or Cloud-oriented TestingThis type of testing is frequently handled by cloud or SaaS providers. The major purpose is to guarantee that the cloud or SaaS application's service features are of good quality. This environment is used for integration, functional, security, unit, system function validation, and regression testing, as well as performance and scalability evaluation.
Online based application testing on a cloudOnline application providers do this testing, which includes performance and functional testing of cloud-based applications.
When legacy systems are linked to cloud applications, the quality of the connection between the legacy system and the cloud application under test is assessed.
Cloud-based application testing over cloudsThis type of testing is used to evaluate a cloud-based application's quality across many clouds.

SaaS Testing

Software testing that investigates the functional and non-functional requirements of a software application produced utilizing the Software as a Service model is known as SaaS testing. SaaS testing assesses the software program's quality by evaluating data security, integrity, performance, interoperability, and scalability.

A Beginner's Guide to Cloud Testing is a primer on cloud testing for those who are unfamiliar with it.

Cloud testing concentrates on the most important concerns, such as security.

Functional testing, end-to-end business operations, data security, browser compatibility, and more are all included in the application.

Network − Putting different network bandwidths, protocols, and data transfer via networks to the test.

This section covers disaster recovery testing, backups, secure connections, and storage rules. Infrastructure certification is required for regulatory compliance.

Other types of cloud testing exist −

  • Performance
  • Availability
  • Compliance
  • Security
  • Scalability
  • Multi-tenancy
  • Upgrade testing in real-time

Cloud Testing Is Necessary

Cloud testing is the examination of resources that are available on demand, such as hardware, software, and so on. Even testing may be deemed a "service" in this scenario. It's vital for cloud services to verify that the service (product) meets both functional and non-functional requirements. With the expanding amount of cloud-based apps, it's more necessary than ever to have a Cloud Testing plan.

The Advantages of Cloud Testing

When we evaluate the multiple benefits we obtain from cloud testing, we can see why it is necessary. We've attempted to summarize the most salient characteristics that demonstrate why Cloud is so critical right now −

  • Availability of a dynamic testing environment − The conventional testing strategy in most businesses is to invest in the hardware and software infrastructure required for testing. Due to rapidly changing demands, many of you would almost surely agree that the environment offered to testing teams seldom matches that of clients, making it difficult for enterprises to stay current. Because it allows users to easily reproduce a client environment and discover flaws early in the cycle, the cloud is the only answer to this challenge.

  • Low cost − Another viewpoint on the above argument is that the most prevalent reason for organizations investing in infrastructure is that many of their servers are unused all of the time. As a result, they may have to pay extra to renew their licenses. In this scenario, moving to the cloud can assist since consumers can commission gadgets whenever they want, which saves a firm a lot of money.

  • Quickly customizable − By utilizing the cloud, businesses can easily mimic an end-user-oriented environment by altering it based on use, saving both money and effort. Test teams may easily execute load and performance testing scenarios using a range of permutations and combinations, such as multiple operating systems, browsers, and settings.

One of the most tempting features of the cloud is the flexibility to scale up or down computing capacity as needed. This is frequently used in situations when business requirements change frequently.

Cloud-based testing Dive Deep

Both traditional and cutting-edge methodologies will be used in cloud testing. Both testing and cloud are huge topics in and of themselves. We'll look at how to see both at the same time in the sections following.

Cloud Testing Forms

Cloud testing may be divided into four groups based on the goals they want to achieve −

Testing of the entire cloud − The cloud is treated as a separate entity with its own set of capabilities, and testing is carried out appropriately.

Testing in the cloud: This is testing that takes place within the cloud itself, examining all of its built-in features.

Cloud-to-cloud testing − Depending on the specifications, testing is performed on a variety of clouds, including public, private, and hybrid clouds.

SaaS testing on the cloud − The criteria are followed when performing functional and non-functional testing.

Testing Environments on the Cloud

There are three types of cloud testing environments −

  • An environment, whether private or public, in which the quality of the apps installed must be validated.

  • The quality of the apps installed must be validated in a hybrid environment.

  • A cloud-based testing environment for confirming the quality of cloud-deployed apps.

The Different Types of Cloud Testing

Testing in the cloud must not only ensure that functional requirements are met, but it must also give nonfunctional testing a high priority. Let's look at the many forms of testing that are carried out.

Updated on: 30-Oct-2021


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