Rust programming language – Applications

Rust is a multi-paradigm language that can be used in many areas of development. It serves the system programming as the main domain, which these days can even include the web browsers and other software, even if they are user interface ones.

That being said, let’s look at the areas of application where Rust programming language shines.

Application Extending

Rust has in-built extensions for different commonly used languages like C++, Python and Java. These extensions make it much easier to extend any application code to Rust and hence allowing the developers to make use of Rust’s memory safety and other features which make handling the code an even better experience.

Data Processing

Data Processing is something where Rust excels the most. It is one of the world’s fastest regular expression engines. It’s memory control and type system provides you with the ability to create high-throughput data pipelines with low and stable memory footprints.

User Facing Applications

The design of Rust also allows it to be deployed to develop user-facing software. Servo, the web browser engine, that acted as an incubator for Rust’s early phase development, is indeed a user-facing application.

Operating in constrained Environments

Rust can play a vital role in adding new levels of safety even in a very confined Resource-constrained environment like microcontrollers, where C has been the domain for decades. Rust can improve the safety of such constrained environments without imposing runtime costs.

System Programming

Systems Programming is where Rust shines the most. Many large programs have been implemented in Rust, including video game engines, compilers, and operating systems.

Updated on: 20-Feb-2021


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