Run process with realtime output to a Tkinter GUI

This tutorial explores the integration of real-time process output into a Tkinter GUI using Python. Tkinter helps in creating visually appealing interfaces, while the subprocess module facilitates the execution of external processes. By combining these two and incorporating threading for parallelism, developers can create responsive and interactive applications.

This tutorial outlines a practical example to illustrate the seamless integration of real-time output in Tkinter-based Python applications. Before getting into the code, let's briefly understand the key components involved in achieving real-time output in a Tkinter GUI.

  • Tkinter − Tkinter is Python's de facto standard GUI (Graphical User Interface) package. It provides tools for creating visually appealing and interactive user interfaces.

  • The subprocess Module − Python's subprocess module allows us to spawn new processes, connect to their input/output/error pipes, and obtain their return codes.


Let's walk through a simple example to demonstrate running a process with real-time output in a Tkinter GUI. For this illustration, we'll use a basic scenario where a command-line process generates continuous output.

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import scrolledtext
import subprocess
from threading import Thread

class RealTimeOutputGUI:
   def __init__(self, root):
      self.root = root
      self.root.title("Real-time Output in Tkinter GUI")

   # Create a scrolled text widget for real-time output
      self.output_text = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(root, wrap=tk.WORD, height=20, width=50)
      self.output_text.pack(padx=10, pady=10)

      # Button to start the process
      self.start_button = tk.Button(root, text="Start Process", command=self.start_process)

   def start_process(self):
      # Disable the button to prevent multiple process launches
      self.start_button['state'] = tk.DISABLED

      # Launch the process in a separate thread
      process_thread = Thread(target=self.run_process)

   def run_process(self):
      # Command to simulate a process with continuous output
      command = ["python", "-u", "-c", "for i in range(5): print('Output:', i); import time; time.sleep(1)"]

      # Use subprocess to run the command
      process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, text=True, bufsize=1)

      # Read and display real-time output in the GUI
      with process.stdout:
         for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, ''):
            self.output_text.insert(tk.END, line)

      # Enable the button after the process completes
      self.start_button['state'] = tk.NORMAL

# Create the Tkinter root window
root = tk.Tk()

# Instantiate the RealTimeOutputGUI class
real_time_output_gui = RealTimeOutputGUI(root)


Understanding the Code Structure

Let's dissect the code structure to comprehend how the Python script orchestrates the interaction between Tkinter, subprocess, and threading.

  • Tkinter Setup − We start by setting up a basic Tkinter GUI with a scrolled text widget for displaying real-time output and a button to initiate the process.

  • The start_process Method − This method is called when the user clicks the "Start Process" button. It disables the button to prevent multiple process launches and initiates a new thread to run the process.

  • The run_process Method − This method defines the actual process that will be executed. In this example, we use a subprocess to run a Python command that generates continuous output. The real-time output is read line by line and displayed in the Tkinter GUI.

  • Thread Usage − We use the Thread class from the threading module to run the process in a separate thread. This ensures that the GUI remains responsive while the process is running.

  • Updating the GUI − To display the real-time output in the Tkinter GUI, we use the insert method of the ScrolledText widget. Additionally, the yview method is called to keep the scrollbar at the bottom, ensuring that the latest output is always visible. The update method is used to refresh the GUI during the process execution.


On running this code, you will get the following output window −


In conclusion, the integration of real-time output into Tkinter GUIs, as demonstrated in this tutorial, enhances the user experience across various Python applications. By combining Tkinter for graphical interfaces, subprocess for executing external processes, and threading for parallel execution, developers can create responsive, interactive tools.

Updated on: 15-Feb-2024


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