Run Docker Container in Background (Detached Mode)

These instructions can be used to operate a Docker container in detached mode, or in the background. Start by using the "-d" switch, which stands for detached, with the Docker start command. The next step is to select the image you wish to execute along with any additional parameters or configurations. The container will begin operating in the background after being executed, freeing up the command line for additional use. Using the Docker ps command, you may list the active containers and access them later. When operating lengthy processes or services that don't require immediate contact, detached mode is especially helpful.

Methods Used

  • Using Docker Compose

  • Using the "--detach" or "--detach-keys" Options

  • Using the "-d" Flag

Using Docker Compose

You can provide your containers and their configurations in a YAML file to use Docker Compose to run Docker containers in the background. then run "docker-compose up -d" to finish. With this command, all declared services are started in detached mode, freeing up terminal space while they operate in the background. By managing networking and dependencies for numerous containers, Docker Compose provides proper container orchestration. With Docker Compose, you can quickly launch and manage containers in a detached mode, making it easier to manage complicated applications made up of numerous services.


  • Start the algorithm, first.

  • Request the name or ID of the Docker image the user wishes to launch.

  • Request any extra settings or options from the user for the container.

  • Use the supplied parameters to run the Docker command "docker run -d".

  • Verify that the container was started in detached mode correctly.

  • splay a success message stating that the container is running in the background if it started successfully.

  • Show the proper error message if there was a problem launching the container.

  • Finish up the algorithm.

Using the "--detach" or "--detach-keys" Options

A Docker container may be executed in the background (detached mode) with the "--detach" or "--detach-keys" parameters. When a container is started, it can work independently in the background and free up your terminal by adding the "--detach" parameter to the Docker run command. You can also supply unique keys to remove the container by using the "--detach-keys" option. To start the container in detached mode, type "docker run --detach-keys=mykeys image_name>," where "mykeys" is the custom key combination for detaching. These parameters offer simple ways to divide the terminal interface from container execution.


  • Start.

  • Accept the name or ID of the Docker image as input.

  • Request any desired setups or options from the user.

  • Use the "--detach" or "--detach-keys" flags in the Docker run command, depending on the user's preferences options.

  • Instruct the user to enter the custom key combination if the "--detach-keys" option is chosen.

  • Use the selected settings and configurations to execute Docker while passing the image name or ID.

  • Indicate that the container has begun in detached mode by displaying a success message.

  • End.

Using the "-d" Flag

Use the "-d" argument when executing the Docker run command to run a Docker container in the background. With this flag, the container is launched in detached mode. For instance, carry out −

docker run -d <image_name>

The terminal is made available by this background container launch. You receive the container ID for your records. List the active containers with "Docker ps" to access the container later. Running lengthy processes or non-interactive services with the "-d" switch helps to simplify container administration.


  • Start the algorithm, first.

  • Type the ID or name of the Docker image that you want to run.

  • Type "docker run -d" into the terminal.

    • The "docker run" command generates a fresh container and launches it.

    • The "-d" parameter indicates that the container should be run in detached mode or in the background.

    • Substitute "" for the Docker image's real name or ID.

  • The container is launched by the Docker engine in detached mode.

    • The container launches as a separate background process.

    • You can now use the terminal to complete additional activities.

  • As output, the container ID is given.

    • The running container is identified exclusively by its container ID.

    • It can be used to interact with the container or for future reference.

  • The algorithm is finished.


Detached mode, often known as running Docker containers in the background, has many advantages for managing and deploying containerized applications. The three methods—using the "-d" flag, Docker Compose, and the "--detach" or "--detach-keys" options—offer ease and flexibility for running containers in the background. These techniques enable users to launch containers in detached mode, allowing them to carry on with other projects while the containers operate independently. Productivity and resource use are enhanced as a result. These methods enable effective and scalable Docker container deployment in a background context, whether you like the simplicity of the "-d" flag, the thorough container management of Docker Compose, or the customised choices of "--detach" or "--detach-keys."

Updated on: 01-Aug-2023

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