Ruby/TK - Paned Windows Widget

The Panedwindow widget lets you stack two or more resizable widgets above and below each other (or to the left and right).

The user can adjust the relative heights (or widths) of each pane by dragging a sash located between them. Typically, the widgets you're adding to a panedwindow will be frames containing many other widgets.


Here is a simple syntax to create this widget − {
   .....Standard Options....
   .....Widget Specific Options....

Standard Options

  • class
  • cursor
  • style
  • takefocus

Widget Specific Options

Sr.No. Options & Description

orient => String

One of horizontal or vertical. Specifies the orientation of the separator.


width => Integer

If present and greater than zero, specifies the desired width of the widget in pixels. Otherwise, the requested width is determined by the width of the managed windows.


height => Integer

If present and greater than zero, specifies the desired height of the widget in pixels. Otherwise, the requested height is determined by the height of the managed windows.

Manipulating Paned

  • Calling the "add" method will add a new pane at the end of the list of panes. The "insert position subwindow" method allows you to place the pane at the given position in the list of panes (0..n-1); if the pane is already managed by the panedwindow, it will be moved to the new position. You can use the "forget subwindow" to remove a pane from the panedwindow; you can also pass a position instead of a subwindow.

  • Other options let you sign relative weights to each pane so that if the overall panedwindow resizes, certain panes will get more space than others. As well, you can adjust the position of each sash between items in the panedwindow. See the command reference for details.


require 'tk'
require 'tkextlib/tile'

$resultsVar =
root =
root.title = "Window"

p =
   height 110
   place('height' => 100, 'width' => 200, 'x' => 10, 'y' => 10)

f1 = {
   relief 'groove'
   borderwidth 3
   background "red"
   padx 30
   pady 30
   pack('side' => 'left', 'pady' => 100)
f2 = (p){
   relief 'groove'
   borderwidth 3
   background "yellow"
   padx 30
   pady 30
   pack('side' => 'right', 'pady' => 100)

p.add f1, nil
p.add f2, nil


This will produce the following result −

Ruby/Tk paned