rtop - An Interactive Tool to Monitor Remote Linux Server Over SSH

Rtop is a live monitoring tool for remote Linux servers connected over SSH. Users can use Rtop to actively monitor crucial server metrics including CPU, memory, network, and disc utilisation. The application gives admins a real-time overview of system performance and enables them to spot possible problems or bottlenecks. Users can browse through various metrics, organise them, and view precise process-specific information using the interactive interface of Rtop. It provides a practical and effective solution to monitor remote servers closely, making it simpler to identify and rapidly address any performance-related issues.

Methods Used

  • Command-Line Monitoring Tools

  • Web-Based Monitoring Tools

  • Third-Party Monitoring Solutions

Command-Line Monitoring Tools

A useful method for using rtop to monitor distant Linux servers is to use command-line monitoring tools. Real-time information on critical server parameters like CPU usage, memory consumption, network traffic, and disc utilisation is available from this interactive application, which may be accessed via SSH. Administrators may actively monitor system performance with rtop, quickly spot bottlenecks, and take care of future problems. The tool's command-line interface makes it easy to navigate between different metrics, allowing for sorting and in-depth process analysis. Rtop gives administrators the tools they need to easily watch remote servers, identify performance issues as soon as they arise, and take the required steps to guarantee that servers are functioning to their full potential.


  • Connect through SSH to the distant Linux server.

  • Use legitimate credentials to authenticate and log in to the server.

  • Using the SSH connection, issue the rtop command to the remote server.

  • Parse and analyse the rtop command's output to extract pertinent metrics and data.

  • For monitoring reasons, display or save the metrics that were obtained.

  • You might create a loop or schedule a periodic repetition of steps 3-5 to allow for ongoing monitoring.

  • Handle any probable faults or exceptions that may arise during the login, command execution, or SSH connection.

  • Cut off the SSH link to the distant server.

Web-Based Monitoring Tools

The graphical interface for remote Linux server monitoring is provided by web-based monitoring tools, such as rtop. These solutions allow administrators to use a web browser to access interactive rtop capabilities, doing away with the necessity for a command-line interface. In an aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly way, users may examine real-time information including CPU consumption, memory utilisation, network traffic, and disc usage. Web-based monitoring tools like Webmin, Cockpit, and Ajenti also offer thorough system monitoring capabilities, enabling administrators to manage users, see system logs, and keep an eye on server performance all from a single spot. This method makes using rtop to monitor distant Linux servers easier and offers a user-friendly interface.


  • Connect through SSH to the distant Linux server.

  • Use the proper credentials to authenticate.

  • Use the SSH connection to run the rtop command.

  • Constantly retrieve and show the real-time metrics that rtop offers.

  • Offer a user-friendly interface that allows users to browse through various data and categorise them as desired.

  • Keep track of important server metrics including disc consumption, network traffic, memory usage, and CPU usage.

  • Use logic to identify any performance-related problems or bottlenecks and address them.

  • Integrate with a notification system if desired to produce alerts or notifications for important events.

  • Maintain ongoing real-time server monitoring, updating the metrics as fresh information becomes available.

  • Offer a choice to gracefully end the monitoring session and disconnect from SSH.

Third-Party Monitoring Solutions

Third-Party Monitoring Solutions, such as the interactive application rtop, are external software programmes that can be used to monitor remote Linux servers using SSH. These options, including Nagios, Zabbix, and Prometheus, give thorough monitoring capabilities in addition to what rtop offers. They give admins the ability to simultaneously monitor many servers, gather performance information, produce alarms, and offer thorough reports. Administrators can learn more about server performance with the help of these solutions' frequently advanced capabilities like trend analysis, capacity planning, and network monitoring. When rtop is integrated with these outside programmes, the monitoring capabilities are improved and a more thorough picture of the remote Linux server environment is given.


  • Connect through SSH to the distant Linux server.

  • Utilising the SSH connection, issue the rtop command to the remote server.

  • Continue to get the rtop-provided real-time performance information.

  • Preserve and prepare the data for analysis.

  • Verify that any predetermined thresholds or requirements for alert generation are satisfied.

  • Initiate the proper alert mechanism (such as an email notification or log entry) if an alert condition is fulfilled.

  • Refresh and update the monitoring data as needed.

  • Offer a dashboard or user interface to display the server metrics and status.

  • It's optional to combine the metrics gathered by the third-party monitoring system with the data from the rtop monitoring.

  • Continue to keep an eye on the remote Linux server until the process is ended or as long as necessary.

  • Deal with any mistakes or exceptions that arise throughout the monitoring procedure.

  • After the monitoring is finished, properly terminate the SSH connection to the remote server.


In conclusion, rtop, an interactive programme for remote Linux server monitoring over SSH, offers a strong option for server monitoring in real-time. Administrators can actively monitor crucial metrics including CPU, memory, network, and disc utilisation thanks to its command-line interface. Administrators can improve their monitoring capabilities, obtain deeper insights into server performance, and get through reports and warnings by using rtop in conjunction with web-based monitoring tools or outside monitoring solutions. Rtop provides a useful and effective way of closely monitoring distant Linux servers, whether it's through command-line tools, web-based interfaces, or interaction with third-party solutions. Administrators may maintain a stable Linux infrastructure and assure optimal server operations by quickly identifying and resolving performance-related issues.

Updated on: 13-Jun-2024


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