Role of JavaScript in Software Companies?

In this article, you will learn about the importance and role of the JavaScript language in the software industry. Where do we use the language and how it helps in production in the software companies everything we will get to know.

JavaScript is one of the web development languages used to add functionality to the website. It makes the website interactive, robust, faster, and prettier. It's a scripting, interpreted language that can be directly compiled in a web browser like C, or CPP; it doesn't need a compiler to compile.

Basically, to develop a website we need three basic languages: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

  • HTML is used to add content to the website such as images, text, buttons, etc.

  • CSS plays an important role in the styling part, which means applying the style to all the content present on the website.

  • JavaScript is used to make the website interactive means making elements responsive like when you press a button the color of the website will change. HTML and CSS give website structure and don’t perform anything on the website whereas JavaScript performs a dynamic activity on the website.

Role of basic Web Development Languages

  • HTML − Content, Structure

  • CSS − Design and Beauty

  • JavaScript − Behavior

Work can be done using JavaScript

JavaScript works as a programming language like C++, python and it can also perform all the actions that a simple programming language can like:

  • Declaration of variable

  • Server−side programming

  • Use of external modules

  • Class declaration and it use

  • Creation of different kinds of functions and operators


<!DOCTYPE html>
      let MyName = "Kalyan";
      function value(){
         return "Hey there";
      document.write("My name is: ", MyName)
      document.write("<br>Value function says: ", value())

Here MyName is a variable and value is a function that is being called in the console object.

JavaScript in Software Companies

In recent years new Frameworks have come into the scenario of JavaScript such as ReactJs, Angular, and Vue which makes website beauty more smooth, more structured, and more interactive for the users.

Like Python, PHP, and Ruby, JavaScript can also be used as a server−side language using Node.Js. So Developers have been increasing their knowledge of this technology. JavaScript is used almost in all software companies and growing its popularity.

In the software industry you will be performing works like:

  • Developing the functionality as per the specified task.

  • Developing and making enhancements in the existing software.

  • Working in the development team.

  • Developing JavaScript documents. Developing JavaScript documents.

  • Debugging the application to track and resolve the bug.

  • Making recommendations to the ongoing or existing software.

Though there are some cons also with JavaScript along with its goodness.

Pros & Cons of Using JavaScript in Software Companies


The following are some pros of using JavaScript in Software Companies:

Better Performance of the website

Due to interpreter checking (interpreter which does checks at run time) JavaScript is slower compared to some compiled languages.

Server traffic saving leads to les server load

As JavaScript operates on the client side so the validation of data can be done in the browser itself rather than sending it for validation to the server. So, in the case of an error browser updates only the selected segment of the page the whole website need not be reloaded. JavaScript also improves the performance of the website by reducing the code length. The codes are less overhead with various built−in functions, loops, DOM access, etc.

Increase in usability due to better performance and responsive interfaces

As there are frameworks like React, Vue, and Angular so it became very easy to create catchy web pages. Many kinds of functionalities like sliders, drag, and drop provide a rich interface to the website. Which leads to more user interactivity and gives more responsiveness.

Extended functionality in the interface using extensions

Allowing third-party extensions allow the developers to help to use the predefined code in their programs to save time and money and makes the JavaScript applications a lot faster.


The following are some cons of using JavaScript in Software Companies:

Client-side security issue

As you know JavaScript code is visible to the user so one can simply take out the application source code for the wrong purpose. Users with advanced knowledge can also perform vulnerable checks and can have access to critical information.

Debugging issue

It becomes difficult to figure out the error as browsers do not display the errors generated by JavaScript. This makes debugging difficult, as we have HTML editors who allow for debugging, but they are not effective compared to other language editors as of the large code size it won't be easy to debug on the HTML editors.

Maintenance of the JavaScript program is hard

As JavaScript is implemented in the browsers and they are getting changed constantly so this makes adaptation harder.

Stoppage in rendering

Whenever an error occurs, it stops rendering of the whole website so due to a single piece of mistake the entire JavaScript will stop working.

So, web development moves at a fast pace and JavaScript is also growing every day as the popularity is increasing by its use by the developers.

Updated on: 28-Dec-2022


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