Role of IT in the Environment


Information technology is a powerful tool to study, protect and save the environment from degrading. IT helps to gather various forms of data about the environment which helps scientists identify key areas that need attention. It also tells how the environmental factors must be conserved and which areas need immediate attention.

The Internet, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and information obtained via satellite have the potential to save the environment and let them flourish on a large scale. Here are some information on the use of IT for the environment.

Role of IT for the Environment

Database on Environment System

When interrelated data on various subjects is accumulated, it forms a database. It is often kept in computerized form. The data of the databases can be retrieved whenever needed. With the help of a computer, the information in a database can be retrieved very quickly. That is how it helps scientists and researchers to get insight into various information about the environment that has been already collected and restored in the databases.

National Management Information System (NMIS)

This is a database of research and development along with research personnel compiled by NMIS of the department of science and technology. Various environmental data can be found in this database.

Environmental Information System (ENVIS)

ENVIS is an initiative of the Ministry of Environment and Forests. The database is used extensively by environmental researchers and forest personnel. The organization is headquartered in Delhi and it has 25 branches in different cities in India.

The ENVIS centers work for creating a network of databases in domains like pollution control, clean technologies, coastal ecology, biodiversity, remote sensing, media related to the environment, renewable energy, western Ghats and eastern environmental management, desertification, wildlife, mangroves, Himalayan ecology, mining, etc.

Remote Sensing

Remote sensing utilizes satellites to get imagery to identify various biological and physical resources. As satellites can provide data about the environmental conditions of the whole country, including physically unreachable places, remote sensing is a very good way to collect and disseminate data in digital form. Remote sensing is used in the fields of information like water logging, deforestation, desertification, urban sprawl, mineral and energy reserves, river and canal network, and so on.

Geographical Information System (GIS)

  • GIS technique superimposes various thematic maps on a large number of interrelated and interdependent geographic data in digital form to gain access to new information about the geography and other states of a location. It has proved to be very fruitful in environmental management. There are many software that help one to work with GIS to get meaningful data on environmental management nowadays.

  • In GIS, thematic maps of various resources such as industrial growth, water resources, human settlements, soil type, road network, forest land, cropland or grassland etc. are superimposed on actual maps with the help of digital technologies to get an insight into the geographical aspects of various locations.

  • GIS can help to identify polluted zones, diseases croplands, and degraded lands to offer actual data. In the planning for a suitable location for industrial growth, GIS plays an important role. By providing dependable, verifiable, and correct data about forest cover, degraded forest lands, etc. one can get a snapshot of a geographical location that can be used for planning and research.

  • GIS also offers information on atmospheric phenomena like the approach of monsoon, new oil reserves, depletion of the Ozone layer, etc. GIS plays a key role in resource mapping, management, planning, environmental conservation, and environmental impact assessment.

The World Wide Web

The World Wide Web is an extremely useful tool for both students and teachers of environmental studies. With the reservoir of files, photos, PowerPoint presentations, animations, audio and video, and other digital material on environmental studies, the web has informed millions of students and teachers about new occurrences in the field of environmental studies.

The role of the web has numerous features for students and teachers.

  • Features for students − With information on practice quizzes, hyperlinks on every topic, how-to study tips, web exercises, case studies, career information, environmental maps, key terms, current articles, an interactive encyclopedia, and how-to contact officials, students can gain a lot of insights into the environmental science studies with the help of world wide web.

  • Features for teachers − The web offers charts, answers to web exercises, case studies, solutions to critical thinking, an editing facility to add or delete questions and create multiple versions of the same test questions, etc. The vast reservoir of information on critical aspects of environmental studies helps teachers to gain much-needed insights to offer the students new perspectives and this helps the learning and lecture process of the teachers.

Key takeaways

  • IT helps to gather various forms of data about the environment which helps scientists identify key areas that need attention.

  • The internet, geographic information systems (GIS) and information obtained via satellite have the potential to save the environment and let them flourish on a large scale.

  • When interrelated data on various subjects is accumulated, it forms a database. It is often kept in computerized form. The data of the databases can be retrieved whenever needed.

  • NMIS is a database of research and development along with research personnel compiled by NMIS of the department of science and technology. Various environmental data can be found in this database.

  • ENVIS is an initiative of the Ministry of Environment and Forests. The database is used extensively by environmental researchers and forest personnel. The organization is headquartered in Delhi and it has 25 branches in different cities in India.

  • As satellites can provide data about the environmental conditions of the whole country, including physically unreachable places, remote sensing is a very good way to collect and disseminate data in digital form.

  • GIS technique superimposes various thematic maps on a large number of interrelated and interdependent geographic data in digital form to gain access to new information about the geography and other states of a location.

  • GIS has proved to be very fruitful in environmental management. There are many software that helps one to work with GIS to get meaningful data on environmental management nowadays.


IT has changed the domain of environmental studies altogether. By using the features of IT, environmental studies have not only become sophisticated but it is also offering correct and verifiable insights. With the help of IT, environmental studies are reaching new heights with the passing of time. Therefore, IT is the best contributor to environmental sciences for researchers, and both students and teachers of the subject nowadays.


Qns 1. What is the procedure behind the GIS technique?

Ans. In GIS, thematic maps of various resources such as industrial growth, water resources, human settlements, soil type, road network, forest land, cropland or grassland etc. are superimposed on actual maps with the help of digital technologies to get an insight into the geographical aspects of various locations.

Qns 2. What is meant by remote sensing? Why is it useful?

Ans. Remote sensing utilizes satellites to get imagery to identify various biological and physical resources. As satellites can provide data about the environmental conditions of the whole country, including physically unreachable places, remote sensing is a very good way to collect and disseminate data in digital form.

Qns 3. What is the full form of ENVIS?

Ans. ENVIS stands for Environmental Information System.

Updated on: 04-Jan-2024

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