Role of Cloud Computing in IoT

Innovations lead to a continuing expansion of technologies. IoT and cloud computing are now two upcoming internet technologies that are closely linked, with one providing the groundwork for the success of the other.

Cloud computing is helping the IoT in getting success. Cloud is a big factor in the success of IoT. As cloud enable user to carry and access all thing over internet without any storage, IoT is related with cloud computing. Future users of these technologies will gain a number of benefits. As was already mentioned, cloud computing allows for scalability in the delivery of applications and software as a service by enabling businesses to manage and store data across cloud platforms.

What is IoT?

In, IoT we do not need interaction between human or between human and computer. We can communicate data over a network of linked devices like objects, computers, or digital devices.

A heart monitor implant is an example of IoT usage. An in-built sensor that gives alert to driver on path danger in car is also example of IoT. IoT device is an object which can transfer or receive the data across network and can have IP address. IoT object should be capable of having IP address.

Increased data output has led to the growth of IoT. Due to the Internet of Things Cloud Service's excessive communication between cheap sensors in the IoT, there will soon be billions of connected machines and devices joining human users.

Why Cloud Computing Is Essential For IoT?

As a result of cloud computing, storage options for personal and professional use have undergone tremendous change. Data is also available from a distance, thanks to cloud solutions' scalability and data dynamics. It has thus shown to be a successful solution for data transfer across internet channels and via specialized direct links, depending on the organization's needs.

The cloud is an excellent IoT enabler that satisfies the data-driven requirements of the company. Cloud also offers technology framework. Using that framework, we can develop better IoT devices.

Speed and scale are two essential aspects of cloud computing, and they work in unmatched harmony with IoT networking and mobility. So, user can benefit more by combine use of cloud computing and IoT. Unquestionably, some factors show that the cloud is necessary for the success of IoT, and here are some of them.

Cloud Functions as a Distant Computing Power

On-premises infrastructure reliance is no longer a viable option. As usage of cloud and IoT devices are increasing day by day, we generated large amount of data. We need to process that data quickly using big data. The advantage of having a tonne of storage capacity in this situation comes from the cloud. As we are heading towards 5G from 4G, cloud computing also enables developer more speed in getting access to data.

IoT Data is More Secure And Private as a Result of Cloud Computing.

IoT involves significant data generation. And when you work with data, the data security and data privacy become issue. IoT also makes use of mobility. Cloud uses advance encryption algorithms and authentication. Which enable cloud to provide its user high security.

No Requirement For Hosting on-premises

For IoT devices, plug-and-play hosting services are necessary. This will become quite expensive due to plug-and-play hosting services. This will cost more to organizations. This type of hosting services needs hardware system. Due to the combined power of cloud computing and IoT, you do not need to depend on substantial machinery. As cloud computing infrastructure make it ready to use without having hardware storage device set-up offline. This makes it easy for IoT hosting organizations.

Improved Device-To-Device Communication

We can use cloud technology for the communication using the IoT. Smart device can easily connect with each other using IoT APIs. It also makes internal communication between devices fast and easy.

Less Cost of Ownership

While preventing enterprises from putting up the infrastructure, cloud technology also provides many resources. As a result, it saves lot of money on infrastructure construction. Additionally, because there is no idea of local systems, hardware, and software in the cloud, the IT teams are abler to concentrate on their regular tasks.

Program For Business Continuity

Business continuity is guaranteed by cloud computing, even if unexpected disasters occur while it is being used. There is no danger of data loss because data is maintained on additional distinct servers, which is considerably more crucial in the case of IoT-based architecture.

IoT innovations with low entry barriers require hassle-free hosting options. As a result, cloud computing in IoT is a suitable solution. IoT players can use the power of distant data centers due to cloud computing without requiring on-premises gear and software. IoT cloud computing is the best option financially because users need to adhere to the pay-as-you-go concept. It also saves a tonne of money upfront.

This helps businesses can launch massive IoT projects with ease. This removes many obstacles to entry for the majority of IoT-based organizations.

Communication Between Devices

By using cloud computing in proper way, IoT devices can communicate with each other seamlessly. As a result, connected devices and smart devices can communicate with various reliable APIs. In this way, networked technologies are made possible by cloud computing.


Every firm works individually to keep up with this evolving technology's pace. IoT technology is predicted to connect billions of devices, and the information that these devices produce will be challenging to handle and process using the current methods.

Updated on: 29-Dec-2022

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