Role of Business in Environmental Protection


Businesses need to play a key role in environmental protection because every human being including businessmen is part of the environment. Businesses cannot engage in practices that harm the environment because profitability cannot replace the well−being of other humans.

Businesses need to play a key role in environmental protection because every human being including businessmen is part of the environment. Businesses cannot engage in practices that harm the environment because profitability cannot replace the well−being of other humans.

It has been observed that many businesses ignore sustainable practices for making the environment safe and secure for coming generations. Businesses also have the responsibility to conserve the environment because they have the money and power to run big environment−friendly projects.

There is, however, doubt about the fact as to how a business can engage itself in environmental protection. Let us discuss a few steps businesses can imbibe to keep the environment protected.

Steps by which Businesses Can Keep the Environment Protected

Finding and Applying P2 Opportunities

Image 1: Waste recycling management concept with green, blue, red and yellow bin for Biodegradable, General, Hazardous and Recyclable waste

P2 or Pollution prevention opportunities can be found and applied to reduce pollution at various steps of production. P2 specifically tries to use waste materials that can be reused instead of disposed of and left off in landfills. Businesses can, therefore, look for opportunities to carefully use waste materials instead of disposing off.

For example, instead of using toxic solvents for cleaning equipment can be replaced with hot water without compromising quality. Beer manufacturers can use the organic materials that are generated during the brewing process as animal feed. Switching to LED lights instead of incandescent ones saves energy and power and therefore, the pollution associated with electricity generation can also be reduced.

These are only a few examples of how businesses can protect the environment by opting for sustainable practices. Governments of various countries have a list of exclusive plans on how to use P2 opportunities which the households and industries can apply.

Adopting New Materials and Technologies

New technologies often reduce the toxicity and pollution associated with the use of industrial and personal equipment. Moreover, in some cases, the use of new materials can lead to a sustainable future that is useful and protective of the environment. By using new technologies and materials that can reduce pollution and waste, businesses can contribute to a sustainable future. By adopting new technologies and materials, businesses can find new production methods and outputs that are more sustainable in nature.

Considering Internal Business Processes

Learning about a company’s resource consumption is important to consider the internal processes of an organization. By making the internal processes efficient, companies can cut costs apart from making their production processes environmentally conscious. Making the company efficient also means reducing the consumption of energy and waste. To do so, the following areas may be considered.

  • Recycling − Recycling matters a lot when we talk about environmental protection. It reduces the need for resources that requires energy to get produced. Companies may put blue recycling bins in the office premises or provide smaller wastebaskets to the employees to collect recyclable waste. Moreover, companies may also support the cause by resorting to office supplies that are produced with recycled materials.

  • Reducing consumption − Waste can be minimized by limiting consumption. To limit consumption, businesses can opt for a lot of measures. Some of these are reducing excess and unnecessary printing, putting lights off in rooms that are not being used, and letting employees bring reusable water bottles, etc.

  • Selecting the right factory − Although many businesses do not think that checking the factory premises for energy efficiency is a good idea, the buildings matter a lot. If you are going to lease or purchase a factory check if it has optimum and energy−efficient lighting conditions. It is also an important factor to check whether the building has or pays for regular recycling of reusable products. Looking into all these factors not only helps reduce waste but also maximizes environmental protection at no extra cost.

  • Travel Guidelines − For protecting the environment, even smaller actions provide a great impetus to the overall outcome. Travel policies are such conditions that impact the overall environmental protection policy of a company exclusively. If travel could be reduced, the use of fuel and other resources can be minimized. So, companies should check if travel can be erased and if other activities like video conferencing can be used instead of it.

  • Options to commute − Commuting is also an important factor. If your company provides incentives for carpooling or the use of public transport, it can save enormous energy resources that would be used if all employees use their own vehicles to commute to and from the office. That is why carpooling and public transport options are increasingly being adopted by large firms.

Reviewing Supply Chain

Maintaining the right manufacturing standards and having the right internal policies are just half of the big picture in environmental protection. In fact, the supply chain that contains sourcing the materials, manufacturing products, and then distributing them for sale also plays a key role in the system. If your supply chain is environment−friendly, you are doing your duty to protect the environment correctly. Therefore, never forget to ask your partners and logistic suppliers to do their bit in keeping the environment protected.

Conducting Sustainability Audits

Conducting regular audits of the company’s internal policies and processes where it can improve and bring about a palpable change in protecting the environment should be practiced. Such audits would reveal the strong and weak points of the overall sustainability plan. However, it must be noted that audits should be done regularly and it is not a one−time process.

Consumer Education

Image 2: Happy people stand in queue with reusable eco bags in hands visiting store and packing for shopping and purchases.

Consumers are a part of your business and sharing the sustainable business practices of your firm is necessary with them. This will not only help improve your brand image but will also let the consumers understand their own duties to live more sustainably.

In many countries, there are detailed plans for companies to follow for the protection of the environment. Companies need to follow the guidelines for which audits are done regularly by governing authorities. These audits must be acknowledged and accepted by companies that already contain the actions companies must take to keep the environment protected.


Businesses must take responsibility to save and protect the environment. As the most harm to the environment is done by businesses, they must be proactive to repair the environment by following sustainable action plans. It is a burning issue foir our generations, if we do not take action now, it may be too late to protect the environment for future generations. Therefore, businesses must pave the path for a more inclusive environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Qns 1. What is meant by P2?

Ans. P2 or Pollution prevention opportunities can be found and applied to reduce pollution at various steps of production. P2 specifically tries to use waste materials that can be reused instead of disposed of and left off in landfills. Businesses can, therefore, look for opportunities to carefully use waste materials instead of disposing of them.

Qns 2. Name any three internal policies that may be considered by companies for environmental protection.

Ans. The three policies that may be considered for environmental protection are recycling, reducing consumption, and selecting the right factory.

Qns 3. Why is it important to share the sustainability practices of businesses with consumers?

Ans. Consumers are a part of the business and sharing the sustainable business practices of the firm is necessary with them. This will not only help improve the brand image but will also let the consumers understand their own duties to live more sustainably.

Updated on: 14-Nov-2023


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