Roadmap to Crack PMP® Certification Exam

Administered by the Project Management Institute (PMI), USA, the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification is used by project managers in order to demonstrate their qualifications, competency, skills, and experience in the field of project management.

The PMI designed the PMP Certification to honor project managers who have demonstrated their proficiency in managing projects successfully. PMI is the world's foremost authority on project management. Project managers with the Project Management Professional (PMP)® credential belong to an exclusive group of highly-qualified project managers. It demonstrates project leadership expertise and experience in any field.

A project manager must fulfill specific requirements and then pass a 180-question exam in order to become a certified PMP holder. Each test question may be connected to actual project management experience because the PMP exam was developed by project leaders to set benchmarks for future project leaders.

Why PMP?

Let us understand why PMP certification is held in high regard.

Proof of Excellence

The PMP is the top project management certification in North America, says CIO magazine. The certification demonstrates your specific skills, commitment to excellence, and the capacity for peak performance that companies seek.

The Stats Speak for Itself

In each of the 40 nations surveyed, PMPs received a median pay that was 16% greater than those who did not have a PMP certificate.

Evidence of High Performance

The certification demonstrates that you have the ability to boost business outcomes and broaden the impact of your company both locally and globally.

The PMP certification attests to your high level of expertise in:


Recognizing that you are capable of inspiring and leading a project team over its duration.


Finding the ideal working method for each project using predictive, agile, and hybrid approaches.

Business Setting

Highlighting a project's accomplishments and how they relate to the overarching, strategic objectives of the firm.

Road Map to Crack PMP

With proper planning and effective action, cracking PMP successfully is highly possible. Check out how you can set your path on the track to success.

Knowledge of the PMBOK Guide

The Project Management Institute (PMI) has a guide called the PMBOK® Guide. One of the keys to passing the PMP test is to become well-versed with the PMBOK® guide. Numerous books are available on the market, but none of them can replace the official guide issued by PMI. At least that should be your priority among the other books, for a kick-start. Perhaps you will state, "I don't see many queries from the handbook." True, but it also helps you to understand concepts more clearly on a foundational basis, which is necessary to succeed on the test.

Create a schedule or plan

Your preparation would be better if it followed a study plan or a structure. Before you dive into your books and notes, clearly establish your objectives (timely and ultimate) and make a plan on how to get there. The exam might be stressful for most of us, let's face it. Without a clear plan in place, you might get lost in the preparation without knowing where you are heading.

Consult a different study guide

Even though it is essential to read the PMBOK guide, doing so is insufficient to pass the PMP exam. The PMBOK is not exam-oriented, which is the reason. The manual explains the principles or data underlying the procedures. It does not, however, explain how these processes are related to one another or how to use them in practical situations. You'll see that the majority of the exam's questions are scenario-based after taking a quick glance at the PMP questions. Therefore, simply studying the PMBOK guide will improve your project management fundamentals but may not guarantee exam success. So do consider going through other popular books on the market once you finish setting the foundation with the PMI official guide.

Finish a bunch of practice exercises

The majority of the PMP exam questions are scenario-based. These possibilities can be varied. So, simply reading the theory does not ensure that you will be able to use it in practical situations. The practice questions come in handy here.

You will also discover that questions can be categorized as you work through a range of problems. While some questions are brief and to the point, others are wordy and complicated. There are several queries that use formulas. Additionally, there are ITTO questions that probate you on project management methods and tools.

Mock Exams for Practice

Mock tests are essential to let you know what the real drill of the exam is. Any exam doesn't only test your problem-solving skills, they are also about how well you can manage your time while solving those problems. If you follow the PMP exam solely as a knowledge-based test, chances are, you’ll fall behind. The questions are challenging, and the syllabus is extensive, but the practice is what will get you there. Do not undervalue the endurance needed to sit for 4 hours and respond equally well to 200 questions of varying levels of difficulty.

Make effective use of the 35 hours of project management training

The PMI mandates that you complete 35 contact hours of formal project management training before you can even register for the exam. The majority of individuals view it as a formal task that they must complete in order to appear for the test. Instead, use it as a learning opportunity that can help you achieve your objective of passing the PMP exam. Build a solid foundation for the topics tested during these 35 hours. The contact hours might assist you to identify any particular areas where you are lacking.

Make a strategy that works for you

The majority of those who passed the PMP exam on their first try have a different story to share when you read their success stories. What is the most effective exam strategy? There is no such thing as a universally effective strategy.

No two people are alike. Some people may not respond well to what works for others. For example, some of us learn a lot faster with flashcards. Others choose to learn through visual means. Some people discover that they study better in a group environment. Therefore, the key to passing this exam is to be aware of your study habits, strengths, and shortcomings.

Maintain your composure

You might have performed exceptionally well on your practice exams. However, keep in mind that your D-day might be a little different due to whatever fear or nervousness you may have brought with you to the exam. The majority of us struggle to function well under stress. Again, mock tests are what help you here to keep your composure. One of the tricks you can use here is getting into the habit of sitting for mock tests at the same time you will be giving your exam. It will make you accustomed to sitting for 4 hours at the same time when you’ll be sitting for your main exam.

The Bottom Line

The ideal strategy for the exam is to treat it as a "project" in order to pass it. As a first step, create a precise definition of your goals or objectives. Select the resources you intend to employ next (study materials, institutions, mock papers, etc.). The syllabus should be broken down into tasks with deadlines. As you evaluate your performance in the Mocks, review your progress and make adjustments to your strategy. Above all, have faith in your ability. Consider yourself capable of passing the PMP test on your first try. Be persistent, keep improving and make amendments to your strategy until it solves the puzzle of cracking PMP certification.

Updated on: 15-Dec-2022


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