Requirements of Linux System Administrator

Linux is a type of operating system that is used in many computers that acts as a common platform between hardware and software applications. It is not only implemented in computers but also in mobile phones, laptops, and tab. Linux OS can be installed and used for free as it comes under Open source. The Linux System Administrator is a position in Information Technology (IT) companies in the backend to maintain and install the Linux operating system in different computers for the workflow of the respective organization. So certain requirements of the Linux System administrator are needed and are discussed in the below article.

Linux System Administrator

Linux System Administrator is designated in the IT industry as a backend Specialist who is responsible for installing the Linux software and maintaining its proper functioning. The most system used in the backend uses the Linux operating system for its high security and stability.

Responsibilities of Linux System Administrator

Some of the primary responsibilities of a Linux system administrator are

  • The Linux system or software is installed in different systems in the Organization.

  • The System and Linux server are maintained and if any malfunctions occur, it is being restored to normal function. So, it needs proper maintenance of the system by the administrator.

  • It also involves data backup for future use and in case of any security threats.

  • The Administrator is responsible for the system's security.

Requirements of Linux System Administrator

Minimum Requirement

The prerequisite to be a Linux system requirement is a person who pursued a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in the field of Computer science, Software Engineering, Information Technology or Telecommunications. The Person should be an expert in the Linux Operating system.

Linux Server Configuration Techniques

It involves the specialist managing and configuring the servers in the Linux Operating system. The Configuration process involves some of the parameters settings like

Network Settings

It is set for the proper communication between the system and devices. The IP address is to identify the network, the Net mask is to know the range of the network and Hostname is the name of the server in a particular network. The Networks can be configured manually or automatically and this manual method is used by the Linux system administrator.

Hardware Settings

These deal with the hardware components of the system like the Central Processing System (CPU), disk, printer, and scanners. The Hardware settings are maintained for better performance and a trusted system.

Software Settings

It maintains the software application of the Linux system like Application versions, software management tools, and protocols.

Security Settings

The Linux server needs to maintain security using the methods of encryption and authentication.

Performance Settings

The performance of the Linux server involves the speed and efficiency of the system.

Scripting Languages

Some scripting languages that Linux system administrators should be proficient in are Python, JavaScript, PHP, and Ruby.

Performance Maintenance

The Responsibility of the administrator is to maintain the performance of the system to prevent any slow functioning and crashes in OS.

Network Protocols

Basic knowledge about the functioning of network protocols like TCP, UDP, and DNS should be known.

Other Requirements

  • The ability to use applications like tcpdump and Wireshark to capture, decipher, and analyze network data.

  • Familiarity with MySQL, PostgreSQL, other database management systems, and SQL.

  • Proper Knowledge of security technologies and theories based on Linux, such as firewall, SELinux, and encryption.

  • Knowledge of how to edit files and scripts using the vi editor or other text editors

  • The Analytical abilities to identify and fix system problems and enhance performance.

  • Communication abilities to work with other IT professionals and offer user support the ability to solve problems creatively and overcome tough obstacles.

Advantages of Linux System Administrator

  • The Main advantage is that it maintains perfect workflow using the skills of the administrator.

  • The Linux OS is free of cost for the public use and also provides a wide range of features.

  • When the person is working as a Linux system administrator, they can learn the new tools, applications and software used.

  • The users can join the community of Linux to learn about the updates in the system.

Disadvantages of Linux System Administrator

  • We could have to deal with a challenging command-line interface that is difficult for beginners to understand and a high learning curve.

  • Some peripheral hardware drivers and programs created for Windows or macOS may not work properly and may only have limited support.

  • Especially in the IoT and cloud areas, Linux systems may be subject to security threats and vulnerabilities.

  • We may need to adjust to Linux distributions and versions with varied features and functionalities.

  • Some Linux-based tools and systems may require you to work with restricted resources and documentation.


A Linux System Administrator is an important position in the IT industry for medium to high-range companies. They are the persons responsible for completing the security routine of the system and scripting with some programming languages like Python, JavaScript, and Perl. They act as a mediator between the organization and the end user.

Updated on: 23-Nov-2023

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