Reproductive Health Problems Strategies


Reproduction is the main process behind the existence lives on earth. Reproductive health involves the subject of reproductive organs, reproductive glands, and associated organs that performs together to complete the reproduction process. Reproductive health strategies are the measures that are taken for the wellness of the reproduction process.

What is Reproductive Health?

Reproduction is a biological process through which parents produce their offspring. Reproduction is a vital part of the existence of living organisms. Reproductive health means the condition of the female and male reproductive systems during the entire lifespan. The reproductive glands and organs that help in releasing sex and growth hormones combine to form the reproductive systems.

Figure 1: Human Reproductive Systems

The pituitary gland presents in the brain plays an important role to control different reproductive operations. Reproductive health means a matter of mental, physical, and social well-being related to all reproductive system aspects. Individuals who decide to have a satisfying and safe sex life can learn about reproductive health and associated components and strategies.

Key elements of Reproductive Health

There are mainly three elements or components of reproductive health. These are maternal health, sexual health, and family planning.

Maternal Health

Maternal health means the healthy situation of the mother at the time of pregnancy and after pregnancy. In prenatal and postnatal stages, maternal health ensures the mother’s good health. WHO experts say a mother must get the best medical aid during her pregnancy.

Figure 2: Elements of reproductive health

Sexual Health

Unintentional pregnancy can be avoided by taking different preventive measures and taking contraceptives. These measures vastly help in reducing the spread of diseases (gonorrhoea, HIV, etc.) that are transmitted sexually. Avoiding infection spread is required for women and men to gain good reproductive health.

Family planning

It refers to the understanding to obtain children as per the desired count and time-space of birth by parents using contraceptive methods and involuntary fertility treatment. Family planning is required for avoiding STDs and unwanted pregnancies and also to increase the fertility rate.

Goals of Reproductive Health

Reproductive health strategies are taken to achieve the following goals.

  • Availing quality reproductive and maternal health services to distant areas

  • Enhancing the disease prevention measures for safe maternal health

  • Increasing the human resource and institutional capacities in different communities, government sectors, and health sectors where people are involved in reproductive health.

These are the fundamental objectives to gain good reproductive health.

Reproductive Health: Problems

Reproductive health is significant in an individual's entire lifespan. It relates to the existence of their family. But there are several concerns regarding reproductive health conditions. Some of them are mentioned below.

  • Overpopulation: It directly affects reproductive health.

  • Deformities: Deformities in sex organs can make trouble in reproduction.

  • STDs: Sexually Transmitted Diseases or STDs can spread during sex and create problems in new-born babies.

  • Poor health condition: If the mother associated with reproduction has health issues it may spread to her child.

  • Early marriage: In undeveloped areas, early marriage; i.e.; before the puberty stage causes trouble in reproductive health.

  • Mortality: Higher mortality rate affects the reproductive health of mothers and children

Reproductive Health: Improvement Strategies

It is crucial for individuals to maintain good reproductive health. Governments of many countries have taken different reproductive health strategies for ensuring the wellness of people. The most known strategies are mentioned below.

  • Family planning and awareness programs have been implemented in many countries by governments to keep people concerned about family planning. The Reproductive and Child Healthcare program was the modified version of this program.

  • Sex education is one of the finest strategies to maintain reproductive health. Schools are places where students learn most things in their early life. Sex education teachers can help them with the right advice to stay away from harming sex organs or experimenting.

  • Another important strategy is to implement the action plan properly for medical assistance and facilities to treat reproductive issues. STDs, contraception, pregnancy, and menstrual troubles can be resolved at these facilities to prevent further issues.

  • Many people have less knowledge about pregnancy and birth control. Educating couples about pregnancy, birth control strategies, and mother care can be a good contributing factor to reproductive health.

Figure 3: Amniocentesis

  • Amniocentesis is a smart idea to make a diagnosis of an unborn baby’s genetic disorder and health issues. Genetic disorders like Spina bifida and Down syndrome can be identified at the premature stage with this prenatal test.


Reproduction is the most common factor in people’s existence in the environment. The key components of reproductive health are maternal health, family planning, and sexual health. Local governments and social communities for people’s satisfaction set some goals. There are some limitations and issues in reproductive health. Reproductive health strategies like sex education, pregnancy advice, and medical assistance for reproduction can give people a good life.


Q1. What is amniocentesis?

Ans. Amniocentesis is the testing process of amniotic fluid from the uterus. The amniotic fluid is combined with various proteins and foetal cells. The fluids work as a protection layer for babies during the mother's pregnancy.

Q2. What is STDs?

Ans. STD stands for sexually transmitted diseases that are contracted during sexual intercourse. HIV and gonorrhoea are diseases that do not have a complete cure. Preventive measures can be taken early by not having many sex partners or by using protective elements like condoms.

Q3. What are the causes of population explosion?

Ans. The major causes of population explosion are increased birth rate and decreased death rate due to medical improvements, decreased infant mortality, and decreased maternal death. Another reason for overpopulation is the lack of education. Some people have the habit of producing more than two children that leads to a population explosion.

Updated on: 24-Apr-2023


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