Reproductive Health


Reproductive health is defined as public health in terms of the mental, social as well as physical of living organisms related to the system of reproduction. The reproductive ambit along with sexual health includes the reproductive capacity in terms of satisfactory as well as safe sexual life.

What is Reproductive Health?

According to the perception of World Health Organization (WHO), reproductive health is defined as the overall well-being along with the accurate functioning of different organs for reproduction. Different types of programmes are arranged by WHO to increase the awareness of this type of health among the global people through different platforms. Different types of sexually transmitted diseases can take place because of a lack of awareness about the health of the people.

Aims of Reproductive Health

This kind of health should be improved to make a progressive society and maintain the population of the world.

Figure 1: Factors affecting Reproductive and Sexual Health

  • It is very helpful in improving maternal quality as well as making accessible different types of reproductive health services in rural areas.

  • It increases different prevention processes of diseases that affect the health of the maternal body.

  • In order to broaden the capabilities of human sources as well as regional governments, this health awareness is very important. Besides this, to create awareness through the health centres among the communities is very important.

Key Components of Reproductive Health

As per the biological authority, some principal components of this type of health have a great impact on the development of reproductive status.

Sexual Status of Health

Applications of precautions and contraceptives are the principal factors in preventing unwanted pregnancies. It is also very effective in reducing the rapid spread of different types of sexual diseases. This type of component is very helpful to avoid infections of health in both men's and women's bodies. It guides to keep the carriers fit and healthy for different sexual cases like the menstrual process.

Figure 2: Key components of reproductive health

Maternal Condition of Health

This type of health refers to the condition of a mother’s body, especially during pregnancy time. It also ensures a good condition of health during the prenatal as well as postnatal stages. According to the perceptions of WHO authority, a mother’s body need all kinds of medical assistance in all the stages of pregnancy. After the delivery process, she requires good medical care.

Proper planning for the Family

It refers to the desire of having a number of children in an individual. It helps to avoid unwanted as well as accidental pregnancies. It guides to reduce different types of sexually transmitted diseases. It increases the ratio of fertility mitigating the issues of different sexual diseases.

Significance of Reproductive Health

This type of health is very important for maintaining a good and healthy position in society.

  • It allows some restrictions and follows a safe and healthy sexual life.

  • It guides to restrict different STDs like AIDS.

  • When the reproductive health of the parents is good then the baby is born without any infections.

  • If the health situation is good for a mother, then there are not many difficulties during the delivery process.

  • The interest in reproduction guides leads to good as well as healthy pieces of information taken in, especially during the stage of adolescence.

Issues Related to Reproductive Health

Several health issues are commonly found in the case of disorganized and unhygienic health of reproduction. An unhealthy system of reproduction can create deformities as well as overpopulation. Another important issue that commonly occurs because of the bad condition of health in terms of reproduction is STDs like AIDS and other types of sexual diseases.

Figure 3: Different organisms causing STDs

Different health issues can happen to the mother as well as the baby due to unhealthy conditions of reproductive systems. Great health issues can occur because of the early marriage process as it is that stage of life of a girl who is not prepared for intercourse and conceiving a baby. Due to unhealthy conditions of reproduction mode, the mortality rate among the mothers as well as baby is severally high.


It is a very significant aspect which guides to improve the social health and develops the status and the lifestyle of people. The government are very much active in increasing the awareness among the people about their health for reproduction and arranges different programmes to provide them with medical care for this issue. Different types of infertility treatments are available in health centres for sexual dysfunctions.


Q1. What is the amniocentesis test?

Ans. This type of test is mainly applied for the determination of the gender of a baby who is not born. This type of test guides to analyse the cosmological facts of amniotic fluid which surrounds the fetus. This type of test is mainly used for gender detection and also to find chromosomal abnormalities.

Q2. What are the different stages of reproduction?

Ans. The different stages of reproduction are infancy, adolescence as well as reproduction state which starts at the age of 15 and last up to 45 years. The post-reproductive stage is another important stage of reproduction which starts after the age of 45 and the common features of this stage are infertility as well as menopause. Different types of diseases are also seen in this stage of life.

Q3. What is the stage of adolescence?

Ans. It refers to a reproductive state which starts at the age of 10 and lasts up to 19 years. These negative effects that happen during this stage include psychological disorders, abortion, different sexual diseases and even sexual abuse as well as an increased inclination towards violence.

Updated on: 24-Apr-2023


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