Relation Between Celsius and Kelvin


Celsius and Kelvin denote the two different important scales that are used to measure body temperature. Both units are used to measure the same properties but the lowest and the highest temperature are different. These two scales guide to gain the body temperature which is applicable in different calculations as well as calibrations.

The standard value of the Kelvin scale starts at -273 with denotes the reciprocal of 0.0366, which is a negative value. On the Celsius scale, the point of absolute zero is 2730C while on the Kelvin scale the absolute zero is 0 k.

What is the relation between Celsius and Kelvin?

Figure 1: Freezing and boiling pint in Kelvin scale

The Celsius unit is prevalent in the use of different industries. The Celsius scale has commonly used the purpose of the temperature scale to measure the weather temperature and then measure the difference between the temperatures. In order to measure the uncertainties of the temperature of the body particles, the Celsius scale is also used. This scale assists in providing the expression in terms of intervals of temperatures. The lowest temperature of a thermometer is absolute 0 and as on the Kelvin scale, the absolute zero is 0 k. Then the negative temperature on the Kelvin scale is not possible at all. The main reason for this is that the substance of the particles cannot be cooler than it.

Application of relation between Celsius and Kelvin

The huge application of the Kelvin is seen in the science laboratory it produces an accurate degree of temperature without any error. Besides this, in the Kelvin scale, the temperature is not provided in degrees but in a unique form that is greatly applicable to the scientific purpose (Danniswari et al. 2022).

The Kelvin scale assists by providing the determination of color temperature (Rasyidi et al. 2021). The most significant reason for using this scale is that it provides a reflection at the level of “0” in the absence of the thermal energy that any other scale is not able to provide.

Figure 2: Relation between Celsius and Kelvin

In the properties of independent scale, Kelvin is widely used as it provides a unique and errorless temperature that cannot be found in any other scale (Siddique & Ghaffar, 2019).

This scale is calibrated as per the international methods so that the kelvin scale is widely used all over the world (Yuningsih, 2021). In contrast, many scientists also preferred the Celsius scale which provides the temperature measurement in a degree form that is applicable for different purposes and helpful to perform various calculations.

Properties of Celsius and Kelvin

Before 1954, it is believed by scientists that the ice melting point is 00C and the boiling point of the water is 1000C. While after the invention of different scales the belief was changed as on different scales the ice melting point and the boiling point of water are different.

Figure 3: Comparison of celsius and Kelvin scale

In this formula, K denotes the kelvin and D denotes the temperature of the Celcius scale.

For example, 400C in the kelvin scale will be 40 + 273 = 313 on the kelvin scale. Kelvin scale is considered the scale for thermodynamic measurement as it provides an errorless outcome of the temperature of the body temperature (Ranagalage et al. 2018).

In the formula “K = D + 273” the number 273 is regarded because in this scale the melting point of ice starts at -273 which is equivalent to 0.366.

Difference between Celsius and Kelvin

Celsius Kelvin

The absolute zero on the Kelvin scale is -273.15.

The average temperature of the human body on this scale is 37.0.

The temperature of the boiling water is 99.3839.

On the Celsius scale, the surface of the sun is 5526.

The highest recorded temperature on the earth's surface is 58.

The lowest recorded temperature on the earth's surface is -89.

The ice melting temperature is on this scale 0.

The absolute zero on the Celsius scale is 0.00

The average temperature of the human body on this scale is 309.95

The temperature of the boiling water is 373.1339.

On the Kelvin scale, the surface of the sun is 5800.

The highest recorded temperature on the earth's surface is 331.

The lowest recorded temperature on the earth's surface is 184.

The ice melting temperature is on this scale 273.14.

Table 1: Difference between the Celsius and Kelvin scale


The Kelvin scale is regarded as the most reliable measurement structure as it provides errorless outcomes. Most scientists use this scale for measuring the temperature of different chemical particles. While, Celsius scale is mainly used by the common people. Mostly it is used to measure the temperature of the atmosphere. The Kelvin scale provides the most standardized measurement of temperature compared to Fahrenheit and Celsius scales. In the measurement of a chemical reaction and to input the exact temperature of the particles, the experts use the Kelvin scale.


Q.1 Can the Kelvin scale be negative?

Ans. On this scale, the temperature of any particles can travel to a minimum of 2730C and all kinds of disturbances are disappeared in the temperature. Nothing can be cooler than zero but now some atomic gases have negative Kelvin too.

Q.2 Is the Kelvin scale can be used instead of the Celcius scale?

Ans. Kelvin scale refers to zero kinetic temperature but on celsius, scale is not connected to zero kinetic temperature. Therefore, scientist generally does not use Kelvin instead of the Celcius scale.

Q.3 What is the practical application of the kelvin scale?

Ans. The Kelvin scale is mainly used for colour temperature determination and in lighting applications. The temperature on this scale measures the physical colour temperature of an object like white, blue and vivid red.

Q.4 What is the measurement process of the Kelvin and Celcius scale?

Ans. The temperature measurement with the celsius scale is different but not highly different. In order to change the value of the Celsius scale to the Kelvin scale, a simple formula has to be used, K = D + 273 and D = K - 273.

Updated on: 13-Oct-2022

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