Reiki for Beginners: All that You Want to Know

Reiki is the energy that fills you up when you are down. It gives you the energy to fight negative forces within your body and eliminate diseases, stress and pain. To understand it better, let's start from the beginning.

What is the Theory Behind Reiki?

Every individual is filled with bundles of energy when they are born. That is why when a kid gets hurt, they heal rapidly. They are never tired or hold on to sadness, anger, resentment, or any of the adults' pain. Kids are always smiling, happy and playing. Unlike adults, they never get into depression or boredom.

So what Changes When kids turn into Adults?

As we become adults, we become more tempted towards worldly things, greedy, angry at small things, jealous of others and bring negativities in our life. All such negativities have blocked the path of the energy that flows into our lives, which the universe provides us.

Imagine your life as a hollow pipe connected to a river. As long as the water flows through the tube, your life is filled with happiness. However, over time, dirt and grime get layered inside the pipe, slowing down the water flow and eventually clogging it up. This is what happens to your energy flow, and Reiki can help you unclog the pipes and let you receive an endless flow of energy.

What is Reiki Healing?

The term "Reiki" comes from the Japanese word "Rei", meaning "Universal", and "Ki", meaning "Life Energy". The most current form of Reiki was developed in 1922 by Mikao Usui, aka Usui Reiki Ryoho. However, Reiki healing can be dated back to 2500 years ago.

According to practitioners, Reiki is a form of energy healing. Getting into a physical injury or emotional pain can stagnate the energy in our bodies. These energies get blocked, which leads to illness. Reiki helps unblock the path and lets the energy flows. Improving the flow of energy can help with several physical and mental health benefits, such as relieving pain, promoting relaxation, speeding up healing, and reducing symptoms of illness.

What are the types of Reiki Healing?

Reiki healing comes in two types: Hands-on and distant healing.

In hands-on healing, the healer heals the patient by holding the hand 3-5 inches from the body. The healer heals the patient by targeting various body parts called "chakras".

Sometimes you may need more than one healer, known as "group healing". This process is more powerful and efficient.

Distant healing is a Reiki process where the healer doesn't have to be physically present near you. The healer can be in any part of the world and still have the power to heal you. It works by providing the healer with certain details of yours like name, age, photograph, etc. This type of healing is considered as powerful as hands-on healing.

What is the History of Reiki?

There was a huge misconception going on regarding the history of Reiki. People in the west used to believe that Reiki was dead in Japan after the health of Sensei Hayashi (disciple of Mikao Usui), who trained Mrs Takata, and she was the one who brought Reiki to the west. It was believed that she rediscovered Reiki and was a Christian. 

The real truth is Reiki is still widely practised in Japan and other parts of the world. This is true that Dr Usui used to teach in Christian Boys School, but Reiki is a 2500 years old healing method that originated in Bhuddist monasteries.

How does Reiki Works?

The healer tunes and channels their reiki energy and directs it to the client. It is usually done by resting the hands upon the client and letting the energy flow from the healer's palm to the client. However, this is level I of Reiki. From Level II, healers can treat a patient through a distance, also known as absent healing.

How can Reiki help my Loved ones and me?

Reiki fills you with positive energy while discarding negative forces from your body. It has helped several people worldwide by relieving ailments like arthritis, the common cold, sinusitis, muscular pain, and sciatica. It has also helped in even diseases like cancer and AIDS. 

Besides physical healing, Reiki has also helped people with their emotional, mental and spiritual health, such as stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia. It can help you improve your relationships with your loved ones and helps you spiritually to combat legal or official matters and events like parties, marriages, functions, etc.

Although a Reiki healer can provide you with the energy you need, it's ultimately up to you whether you accept the help. Believing is a significant part of Reiki. If you don't believe in it, you cannot benefit from it.

What is Reiki Attunement?

Reiki Attunement is when a person becomes a Reiki healer when they attain the power to open their chakras. It is different from Reiki healing. In healing, a healer provides the patient with the energy to heal them, while in attunement, a person becomes capable of healing others.

To become a healer, you need to contact a Reiki teacher nearby your area to learn from them. It is better to learn from someone local as it makes it easier for you to approach them whenever you have a doubt.

The whole process of Reiki Attunement happens in one day when the teacher gives some notes to students for reference, including a short lecture about Reiki's history, different levels of Reiki and a physical demonstration.

What are the Three Levels of Reiki Training?

There are three levels or degrees of Levels of Reiki. You have to learn the first degree to move to the other. With each degree, you will become more powerful in healing.

First Degree (Takes 8-12 hours)

The first degree focuses mostly on self-care and allows you to share it. You will learn how to use hand placements to share Reiki with your friends and family through full or abbreviated chair sessions. You will also learn to use Reiki in acute cases or through "spot therapy".

The first degree is mostly experiential; you will become a conduit for Reiki energy. The training consists of four initiations. If you mostly want to learn Reiki for you or your family, first-degree is great.

Second Degree

This is where you learn how to heal patients without hand placement. This degree teaches you to replace the hand placement with a mental connection so you can heal someone from a distance. It is also helpful for first-degree practitioner to improve their healing power.

Third Degree

The third degree Reiki is a master training only taught on an invitation basis. The invitation is for people who want to dedicate their lives to teaching others to practice Reiki.

Updated on: 07-Mar-2023


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