Recursively List All Files in a Directory Including Symlinks


When it comes to managing files and directories in any operating system, being able to list all files in a directory is an essential task. However, it becomes a bit more complicated when you need to recursively list all files in a directory, including symlinks. This is particularly important for developers and system administrators who work with large, complex file systems. In this article, we will cover how to recursively list all files in a directory, including symlinks, with examples and subheadings.

What is a symlink?

A symlink, also known as a symbolic link or soft link, is a special type of file that acts as a pointer to another file or directory. It provides a way to create a shortcut or alias to a file or directory without creating a copy of file or directory. Symlinks are commonly used in Unix-based operating systems such as Linux and macOS.

Listing files in a directory

Before we dive into listing all files in a directory, let's first cover how to list files in a directory. In Unix-based operating systems, you can list files in a directory using ls command. basic syntax for ls command is as follows −

ls [options] [file or directory]

To list files in current directory, simply type ls and press enter. This will display a list of all files and directories in current directory.

Recursively listing files in a directory

To recursively list all files in a directory, including subdirectories, we can use find command. find command is a powerful utility that allows you to search for files and directories based on various criteria such as name, size, and date modified.

The basic syntax for find command is as follows −

find [path] [options]

To recursively list all files in a directory, simply type following command −

find /path/to/directory -type f

This command will recursively list all files in specified directory, including subdirectories. -type f option tells find command to only list files and not directories.

Listing symlinks

To list symlinks, we can use ls command with -l option. -l option tells ls command to display file or directory as a detailed list, including information such as file permissions, owner, group, and file size.

To list symlinks, simply type following command −

ls -l /path/to/symlink

This will display symlink and file or directory that it points to.

Recursively listing files in a directory, including symlinks

To recursively list all files in a directory, including symlinks, we can combine find command and ls command. find command will search for all files in specified directory, including subdirectories, and ls command will display file or directory as a detailed list, including information such as file permissions, owner, group, and file size.

The basic syntax for command is as follows −

find /path/to/directory -type f -exec ls -l {} +

The -exec option tells find command to execute ls command on each file that is found. {} + tells find command to replace {} with file name and + tells find command to pass all file names to ls command at once.


Let's say we have a directory called /home/user/documents that contains several subdirectories and symlinks. We want to recursively list all files in directory, including symlinks.

To do this, we can use following command −

find /home/user/documents -type f -exec ls -l {} +

This will display a detailed list of all files in /home/user/documents directory, including subdirectories and symlinks.

Additional Information

There are some additional options that you can use with find and ls commands to customize your search and output. Here are a few examples −

Using -name option with find command

The -name option allows you to search for files based on their name. For example, if you only want to search for files with .txt extension, you can use following command −

find /path/to/directory -type f -name "*.txt"

This will only list files with .txt extension.

Using -mtime option with find command

The -mtime option allows you to search for files based on their modification time. For example, if you only want to search for files that were modified within last 7 days, you can use following command −

find /path/to/directory -type f -mtime -7

This will only list files that were modified within last 7 days.

Using -h option with ls command

The -h option tells ls command to display file sizes in a human-readable format. For example, instead of displaying a file size in bytes, it will display size in kilobytes or megabytes. This can make it easier to read and understand output. To use -h option, simply add it to ls command −

ls -lh /path/to/file

This will display file size in a human-readable format.


Recursively listing all files in a directory, including symlinks, is an essential task for developers and system administrators who work with large, complex file systems. By using find and ls commands, you can easily list all files in a directory and display detailed information about each file, including symlinks. With examples and subheadings covered in this article, you should now be able to effectively list all files in a directory, including symlinks, in any Unix-based operating system.

Updated on: 14-Mar-2023

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