Record Similar tuple occurrences in Python

When it is required to record similar tuple occurrences, the 'map' method, the 'Counter' method and the 'sorted' method can be used.

A list can be used to store heterogeneous values (i.e data of any data type like integer, floating point, strings, and so on). A list of tuple basically contains tuples enclosed in a list.

The map function applies a given function/operation to every item in an iterable (such as list, tuple). It returns a list as the result.

The 'sorted' method is used to sort the elements of a list.

The 'Counter' is a sub-class that helps count hashable objects, i.e it creates a hash table on its own (of an iterable- like a list, tuple, and so on) when it is invoked.

It returns an itertool for all of the elements with a non-zero value as the count.

Below is a demonstration of the same −


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from collections import Counter
my_list_1 = [(11, 14), (0, 78), (33, 67), (89, 0)]

print("The list of tuple is : ")

my_result = dict(Counter(tuple(elem) for elem in map(sorted, my_list_1)))
print("The frequency of like tuples is : ")


The list of tuple is :
[(11, 14), (0, 78), (33, 67), (89, 0)]
The frequency of like tuples is :
{(11, 14): 1, (0, 78): 1, (33, 67): 1, (0, 89): 1}


The required packages are imported.

  • A list of tuple is defined and is displayed on the console.
  • The 'Counter' method is used on this list of tuple, and it is applied to every element using the 'map' method.
  • This is then converted into a dictionary.
  • This output is assigned to a value.
  • It is displayed on the console.

Updated on: 12-Mar-2021


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