Quora Alternatives

What is Quora?

Quora is a question−answer website where people can ask questions and also answer the questions asked by other users. All the content on the website is written by users. Users have to create and edit the content to make it grammatically correct and useful. Users can use the platform as a social networking website and follow interesting topics. The questions and answers available on the website are of high quality. The platform is free to use and anybody can join it to ask questions.

Price Plans of Quora

Quora is available for free and can be joined by anybody.

Why Quora Alternatives?

  • The user interface is cluttered

  • Fake profiles are created to increase the number of followers

  • Spammy backlinks are another disadvantage

  • Most answers are not unique and are copied from different websites

How to choose a Quora Alternative?

Quora is useful for people of different fields. Some of the advantages of Quora are listed below:

  • Posts on Quora can be found in the search results

  • Learn about different topics and ask related questions

  • It has a great diversity of topics

  • You can follow interesting topics

  • Customers will learn about your brand

Top 10 Quora Alternatives

There are many alternatives to Quora and some of them have been discussed here in detail.

Alternative 1 − Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow is a question−answer platform where you can get answers of technical questions. Quora usually has answers of general questions but this is not the case with Stack Overflow. The platform consists of a huge number of programmers who get knowledge on this program from experienced professionals. None of the askers will face any problems in getting answers to questions.

Alternative 2 − Yahoo Answers

Yahoo Answers is considered as the most useful substitute for Quora. You can sign up on the website for free. The website has a game system and you will get points for answering different questions. Yahoo Answers is not as popular as Quora but you can find good questions and answers on the website.

Alternative 3 − Answers.com

Answers.com is a great alternative to Quora. The website has been developed to help students to get answers to their questions. Millions of users are using the platform to ask questions. The website may not be good for marketing professionals but it can help students in the business and finance category.

Alternative 4 − ASKfm

ASKfm is another popular alternative to Quora. There are more than 160 million users who use this website. ASKfm is a platform that has been developed for mobile devices. But now it can also be accessed through web browsers. You can ask any type of question based on any subject. Currently, the platform is available in 49 languages.

Alternative 5 − Reddit

Reddit is considered as one of the fierce competitors of Quora. The platform is divided into thousands of communities called subreddits. You are allowed to become a member of any of these subreddits. You also have the option of creating your own community You can ask questions on different topics and also give answers to different questions. You can also discuss about different topics in a community.

Alternative 6 − News360

News360 is another rest pal form which can be used as a replacement for Quora. You can get answers of questions related to different niches. The app can be easily installed on different operating systems like Windows, Apple, and many others. This is a cross−platform app through which users can access different content related to their favorite topics.

Alternative 7 − Warrior Forum

Warrior Forum is considered as one of the best alternatives to Quora. The website consists of questions and answers on different topics like business, health, education, technology, gambling, and many more. You can get help from the community of the website to get answers to all your questions related to a particular subject.

Alternative 8 − Just Answer

Just Answer is an alternative to Quora and experts provide answers to different questions on this platform. These experts include tech experts, lawyers, mechanics, doctors, home repair workers, doctors, engineers, and many more. You can give full details regarding a question and experts will answer them accordingly. There are situations in which you have to pay a small amount if you are satisfied with an answer.

Alternative 9 − Fluther

Fluther is another popular alternative to Quora. The website is divided into two parts which are general and Social. In the General section, people can ask general questions and get answers. In the Social section, questions are asked for the purpose of getting votes. The platform is free to use.

Alternative 10 − Ask Ubuntu

Ask Ubuntu is a fantastic alternative to Quora. There are 1.3 million users and the number of questions available on this platform is 385,000. You can filter the questions on the basis of tags. This makes searching questions on a particular topic easy.


Quora is a popular question−answer website where users can answer different questions and also put their questions to get answers. The platform has spammy backlinks and Answers are copied from various websites so uniqueness in answers is little. There are many websites that can be used as Quora alternatives and some of them are Yahoo Answers, Answers.com, Just Answer, and many more.

Updated on: 07-Sep-2023


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