Quality Management System (QMS) and Its Purpose

A Quality Management System (QMS) is a systematic approach to consistently managing an organization's processes and activities to produce high-quality products and services.

A QMS aims to improve the organization's quality performance, enhance customer satisfaction, and support compliance with applicable regulations and standards. It does this by establishing processes and procedures for identifying and addressing potential quality issues and promoting a culture of continuous improvement within the organization. In this article, we will learn about Quality Management Systems, their elements, and their purpose.

What is Quality Management System?

A Quality Management System (QMS) is a structured system for documenting processes, methods, and responsibilities for meeting quality policies and objectives. A QMS aids in organizing and directing an organization's operations to satisfy requirements from customers and regulators and continuously enhance effectiveness and efficiency.

An international standard that describes the requirements for such systems, ISO 9001:2015, is the most widely used approach for quality management systems. Although some people mistakenly use the word "QMS" to refer to the ISO 9001 standard or the collection of documents outlining the QMS, it refers to the full system.

Top 10 Purposes of Quality Management System

1. Framework for Continues Improvement

A Quality Management System (QMS) provides a framework for continuous improvement by setting out processes and procedures that an organization can follow to identify and address areas for improvement in its products, services, and processes. This helps the organization continuously improve the quality of its products and services, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

2. Ensuring to Meet Customer Requirements

A QMS helps to ensure that an organization's products and services consistently meet customer requirements and expectations by establishing standards and procedures that must be followed in the design, development, and delivery of these products and services. This helps to ensure that customers receive high-quality products and services that meet their needs and expectations.

3. Fostering a Customer Focus Culture

A QMS promotes a culture of customer focus within the organization by making customer satisfaction a key focus of the organization's processes and procedures. This helps to ensure that the organization continuously seeks ways to improve the quality of its products and services to meet its customers' needs and expectations.

4. Provides a Structured Approach

A QMS establishes a systematic and structured approach to managing the organization's processes, which helps to ensure that all processes are efficient, effective, and consistent. This can help the organization to reduce waste and improve the efficiency of its operations, leading to cost savings and increased profitability.

5. Identifies Quality Risks

A QMS helps to identify and address potential quality risks before they occur by establishing a set of processes and procedures for identifying and addressing potential issues. This can help prevent quality issues from occurring, saving the organization time and money by avoiding the need to fix issues after they have already occurred.

6. Reduce Errors in the Organization

A QMS helps to reduce the number of defects and errors in the organization's products and processes by establishing a set of processes and procedures for identifying and addressing potential issues. This can help improve the quality of the organization's products and services, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

7. Boosts Efficiency

A QMS helps improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization's processes by establishing a set of processes and procedures designed to optimize the organization's operations. This can reduce waste and improve the efficiency of the organization's operations, leading to cost savings and increased profitability.

8. Improves and Maintains Competitiveness

A QMS can improve the organization's competitiveness by enabling it to consistently produce high-quality products and services that meet the needs and expectations of its customers. This can help the organization to differentiate itself from its competitors and win new business.

9. Enhances Organisation’s Credibility

A QMS can enhance the organization's reputation and credibility with customers, regulators, and other stakeholders by demonstrating the organization's commitment to continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. This helps build trust and confidence in the organization's products and services.

10. Supports the Standards of the Organisation.

A QMS can support the organization's compliance with applicable regulations, standards, and laws by establishing processes and procedures to meet these requirements. This can help avoid potential legal and regulatory issues, saving the organization time and money.

Elements of Quality Management System

The elements of a Quality Management System (QMS) comprise the system and contribute to the organization's overall approach to quality management. These elements typically include −

Quality Policy

The quality policy is a statement that outlines the organization's commitment to quality and the goals and objectives of the Quality Management System (QMS). It should describe the organization's approach to quality management and the principles that guide its efforts in this area.

One should develop the quality policy in consultation with all relevant stakeholders, including employees, customers, and suppliers. It should be reviewed and updated regularly to remain relevant and effective.

Quality Planning

Quality planning involves identifying and defining the quality objectives, standards, and procedures the organization will use to guide its quality management efforts. This may include setting targets for quality performance, establishing processes for monitoring and measuring quality, and developing procedures for identifying and addressing quality issues.

Quality Control

Quality control involves using techniques and tools to monitor and control the quality of the organization's products and processes to ensure that they meet the required standards. This may include testing and inspection, statistical process control, and quality management software.

Quality Assurance

Quality assurance verifies that the organization's products and processes comply with the established quality standards. This may include activities such as testing and inspection, the review of documentation, and the implementation of processes to prevent errors and defects.

Quality Improvement

Quality improvement involves identifying and implementing changes to the organization's products, processes, and systems to improve overall quality. This may include root cause analysis, process improvement initiatives, and implementing new technologies or best practices.

QMS Documentation

QMS documentation includes all written policies, procedures, and records used to document and support the organization's QMS. This may include quality manuals, standard operating procedures, and quality records.

Quality training and awareness

Quality training and awareness involve providing training and education to employees to help them understand and effectively implement the QMS. This may include training on specific quality-related topics and broader training on quality principles and practices.

Internal Audits

Internal audits are periodic reviews of the organization's QMS by trained internal auditors to ensure that it functions effectively and complies with the established quality standards. These audits typically involve reviewing documentation, observing processes, and testing products to ensure they meet the required standards.

Management Review

Management review is a periodic review of the organization's QMS by management to ensure that it meets the organization's quality objectives and that any necessary changes are identified and implemented.


Overall, a Quality Management System (QMS) is a systematic approach to improving an organization's quality performance and meeting customer requirements. Implementing a QMS can help an organization achieve long-term success through improved quality performance.

Updated on: 19-Jan-2023


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