Quality Management Process: Elements and Examples

Quality management is a critical part of product development. It's not just about ensuring that your product is delivered on time and in the right condition; it's also about improving customer satisfaction and other key business metrics. The bad news is that there are many different ways to approach quality management, making it difficult to get started or stay focused on your goals.

However, with some planning and planning tools, you'll be able to develop a quality strategy that works for your organization! In this article, we'll cover seven elements needed when developing an effective quality management plan as well as some examples of how they might look in practice.

What is Quality Management?

Quality management is a process that helps ensure the quality of products and services. It can be used to monitor and manage the processes involved in producing these items, as well as ensuring that they meet customer expectations. Quality management may also involve establishing standards or baselines, measuring results against those standards, and making necessary changes to improve quality.

Why is it important?

If products or services are not of high quality, customers may not be happy with them. And if customers aren't happy, businesses likely won't maintain or grow their customer base over time. In fact, poor quality can even lead to product recalls and lost sales revenue! So, it's essential for businesses to have a comprehensive understanding of how quality works.

Elements of Quality Management

Here are seven elements you must consider when planning your quality management strategy.

1. Quality Management Plan

The first step in a quality management process is establishing your goals. Knowing what you're trying to achieve before starting on a solution will help determine how ambitious or realistic those solutions should be.

For example − if you're training for an endurance event (such as a half marathon), your goal may be to complete the entire course without stopping. If this sounds like something that might take years of training, then it's probably time for some reassessment! Instead, let's say that instead of being an all−out competitor in an endurance race−which could result in serious injury or even death−your goals are simply getting up each morning and going outside with your dog anyway. And there are plenty of ways you can do this successfully by setting attainable milestones along your path towards achieving them (like reaching 20 lbs lost).

2. Quality Assurance Process

Quality assurance ensures that the quality of products meets the standards set by the quality management plan. It involves testing, evaluating, and controlling products at various stages throughout their lifecycle.

For example, during manufacturing, quality assurance can monitor materials used in production processes and ensure they meet certain specifications before going into production.

After completion of this stage, it may also be necessary to conduct tests on finished goods before receiving them back from suppliers/manufacturers as part of an inspection process. Quality control provides assurance that all aspects of product development are being executed properly while product release follows through with testing procedures such as sampling analysis and final checks against expected results.

3. Quality Control

It is the practice of verifying that products and services meet customer expectations. It involves identifying and correcting errors during the manufacturing, packaging, shipping, and installation processes to ensure that products are delivered on time, meet specifications correctly, and do not cause injury or property damage.

QC also includes monitoring ongoing operations to ensure quality standards are maintained. Quality control tools can be manual or automated, depending on how much time you have and what type of equipment you have available.

4. Defect Tracking and Reporting

Defect tracking and reporting are key parts of the quality management process. It helps you identify issues, track them from when they are first identified to when they are resolved, and keep your team informed about their progress.

There are two ways that you can use defect tracking and reporting −

  • Write down all potential defects in a notebook or spreadsheet. This will help you stay organized when someone comes up with an idea for a new feature or change. It doesn’t take long for everyone on your team to see how long ago this was considered an issue and, therefore, could be fixed.

  • Keep track of what kind of workarounds were used to fix a particular problem so that if another similar issue should arise somewhere else later down the line, then other staff would know what steps needed to be taken next time around as well!

5. Process Improvement Activities

Process improvement (PI) is a systematic approach to improving the quality of products and services. PI activities can be conducted throughout the entire product life cycle, from conception through delivery and after−sales service. Process improvement activities are necessary to ensure that your quality management system is efficient and effective.

These activities should be based on data, not assumptions. They should also be based on your customers' needs, business goals, and a well−defined quality management plan. By reducing waste through better design, companies can save money both in production costs and in employee time spent implementing remedial actions.

6. Customer Feedback Analysis

This is another important element of your quality management strategy. You can use customer feedback to improve how you do business so that customers have a better experience and return time after time.

Customer feedback analysis involves reviewing customer comments about products or services provided by your company, identifying trends in those comments, and determining ways to improve quality based on them. This process can help you identify problem areas within your business or prioritize which issues need immediate attention first.

7. Quality Reviews at Pre−determined Intervals

There are many ways to conduct a quality review. The most common way is once per quarter, but you can do it every month or even weekly if you want to ensure that your company is on top of its game.

Reviews are an important part of any quality management process in order to measure progress toward the goals and objectives set out by management. In addition, they provide useful feedback for both employees and managers so that everyone knows what needs improvement or reinforcement at any given time.


In closing, an effective quality management strategy should be based on a well−defined business goal and process that helps you meet it. A quality management plan will help guide your organization through the various stages of product development−from identifying needs and defining requirements to designing solutions and testing products before they go out the door.

In addition, it’s important to have a quality assurance process in place so that early warnings about issues can be identified before they become too expensive or difficult to fix later downstream. Finally, add some defect tracking systems into your system so you can follow up on any issues as soon as possible!

Updated on: 21-Dec-2022


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