PyTorch – How to get the exponents of tensor elements?

To find the exponential of the elements of an input tensor, we can apply Tensor.exp() or torch.exp(input). Here, input is the input tensor for which the exponentials are computed. Both the methods return a new tensor with the exponential values of the elements of the input tensor.






We could use the following steps to compute the exponentials of the elements of an input tensor −

  • Import the torch library. Make sure you have it already installed.
import torch
  • Create a tensor and print it.
t1 = torch.rand(4,3)
print("Tensor:", t1)
  • Compute the exponential of the elements of the tensor. For this, use torch.exp(input) and optionally assign this value to a new variable.
exp_t1 = torch.exp(t1)
  • Print the resultant tensor.
print("Exponentials of elements:
", exp_t1)

Example 1

The following Python program shows how to compute the exponentials of the elements of an input tensor.

# import torch library
import torch

# create a tensor
t1 = torch.tensor([1,2,3,4,5])

# display the tensor
print("Tensor t1:
", t1) # Compute the exponential of the elements of the tensor exp_t1 = t1.exp() print("Exponential of t1:
",exp_t1) # create another tensor t2 = torch.randn(2,3) print("Tensor t2:
", t2) # Compute the exponential of the elements of the above tensor exp_t2 = t2.exp() print("Exponential of t2:


Tensor t1:
 tensor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
Exponential of t1:
 tensor([ 2.7183, 7.3891, 20.0855, 54.5981, 148.4132])
Tensor t2:
 tensor([[ 0.2986, 0.0348, 2.1201],
   [-0.4488, -0.2205, 0.5417]])
Exponential of t2:
 tensor([[1.3480, 1.0354, 8.3319],
   [0.6384, 0.8021, 1.7189]])

Example 2

# import torch library
import torch

# create a tensor
t1 = torch.tensor([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])

# display the tensor
print("Tensor t1:
", t1) # Other way to compute the exponential of the elements exp_t1 = torch.exp(t1) print("Exponential of t1:
",exp_t1) # create another tensor t2 = torch.randn(4,3) print("Tensor t2:
", t2) # compute the exponential of the elements of the tensor exp_t2 = torch.exp(t2) print("Exponential of t2:


Tensor t1:
 tensor([[1, 2, 3],
   [4, 5, 6]])
Exponential of t1:
 tensor([[ 2.7183, 7.3891, 20.0855],
   [ 54.5981, 148.4132, 403.4288]])
Tensor t2:
 tensor([[ 1.3574, -0.3132, 0.9117],
   [-0.4421, 1.4100, -0.9875],
   [ 0.1515, 0.1374, -0.6713],
   [ 1.1636, -0.1663, -1.1224]])
Exponential of t2:
 tensor([[3.8862, 0.7311, 2.4884],
   [0.6427, 4.0959, 0.3725],
   [1.1636, 1.1473, 0.5110],
   [3.2014, 0.8468, 0.3255]])

Updated on: 06-Dec-2021

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