Python - Use of slots


Python, an incredibly versatile and powerful programming language, offers an array of features that enable developers to develop efficient and classy programs. Among these characteristics is the idea of "slots", a mechanism that can greatly boost the performance and memory efficacy of Python objects. Slots offer a method to maximize memory utilization by limiting the characteristics that can be declared for a type or its examples. It is possible especially helpful during the handling of vast amounts of data or resource−demanding software.


In the Python programming language, a slot represents a technique employed to enhance the instantiation of objects of a class definition by generating a predetermined collection of properties for every occurrence. Slots are specified within a class and are a method of instructing Python to generate a particular group of characteristics for each occurrence of the type.


class MyClass:
    __slots__ = ('attr1', 'attr2', 'attr3')

This class MyClass uses slots for limiting the properties that can be specified for examples of the class definition. The __slots__ property is assigned to a collection having the names of the requested fields. In this situation, it incorporates 'property1', 'property2', and 'property3'.

Through the use of slots, the Python programming language avoids the use of the default dictionary−like structure resembling a dictionary to save attributes. These outcomes with decreased memory utilization and upgraded accessing attributes quickly. The limited attribute set designated by slots delivers superior performance and optimized memory utilization. Especially when dealing with numerous of cases or applications that require a lot of memory.

It is crucial to observe that when slots are specified for a category, efforts to define extra attributes not mentioned in the `__slots__` property will cause an attribute error. The limitation guarantees that only the specified attributes are allowed. This offers improved control regarding class memory consumption.

In general, the given syntax exhibits the accurate utilization of slots in the Python programming language. This functionality gives developers the ability to improve memory utilization and boost attribute performance.


  • Step 1: Generate a class that has compartments.

  • Step 2: Specify the characteristics that are to be held in the spaces.

  • Step 3: Utilize the slots parameter to inform Python that the object holds a predefined group of attributes.

  • Step 4: Build an example of the type.

  • Step 5: Set values for the properties stated in the containers.

Approach: Basic Usage of Slots


class Person:
    __slots__ = ('name', 'age')

    def __init__(self, name, age): = name
        self.age = age
person1 = Person('Alice', 30)
print(          # 'Alice'
print(person1.age)           # 30

person2 = Person('Bob', 25)
print(          # 'Bob'
print(person2.age)           # 25    



This example demonstrates the use of data containers inside the `Person` class. The objective of placeholders is to limit the properties that can be declared for examples of the group. These outcomes for enhanced improved memory effectiveness and accelerated retrieving attributes.

Within the `Person` class, the `__slots__` attribute is defined as a collection that holds the identifiers 'name' and 'age'. This implies that objects of the `Individual` class can exclusively possess these two characteristics. Through the utilization of slots, the Python programming language averts the generation of a structure resembling a dictionary (`__dict__` attribute) for every instance. These decrease storage usage and boost attribute retrieval speed.

The `__init__` function acts as the object constructor and handles the responsibility of assigning the characteristics of every `Person` occurrence. It requires two arguments, `name` and `age`. These inputs are utilized to assign the related properties of the element.

For example, the features of the `Person` object, two examples, `instance1` and `instance2`, are made. There are diverse values assigned to the attributes named `name` and `age`. The `person1` instance is named 'Bob' and is 40. The `person2` object contains the title 'Bobby' and is 25 years of age.

If we display the `name` and `age` properties belonging to `person1` and `person2` by employing dot notation, they can be retrieved as the name of `person1`, the age of `person1`, the name of `person2`, and the age of `person2`.

The result shows that the property values are properly assigned and retrieved.


class Employee:
    __slots__ = ('name', 'age', 'salary', 'address', 'email')

    def __init__(self, name, age): = name
        self.age = age
        self.salary = None
        self.address = None = None
e1 = Employee('Alice', 30)
e1.salary = 50000
e1.address = '123 Main St' = ''

e2 = Employee('Bob', 25)
e2.salary = 60000
e2.address = '456 Oak Ave' = ''
print(, e2.age, e2.salary, e2.address,


123 Main St
Bob 25 60000 456 Oak Ave

This provided code example shows the implementation of fields within the `Employee` class definition. By defining slots, this code limits the properties that can be assigned for objects of the category. As a result improved memory management and enhanced attribute retrieval speed.

In the `Employee` class, the `__slots__` attribute is set to a tuple containing the names of the allowed attributes: 'name', 'age', 'salary', 'address', and 'email' properties. This implies that objects of the `Employee` category can solely possess these characteristics and no additional ones.

The constructor method acts as the instance creator and handles setting the 'name' and 'age' properties for every `Employee` entity. This function accepts two inputs, `name` and `age`, that are used to assign the respective properties.

A pair of objects belonging to the `Employee` class, `e1` and `e2` objects, are formed with varied values for the properties 'name' and 'age'. This `e1` object is named 'Alice' and has 30. This `e2` object has the title 'Alice' and age 35.

Once the creation is complete the objects, and extra properties including 'salary', 'address', and 'email' get assigned particular values for every entity using dot syntax. As an illustration, `e1.salary = 50000`, `e1.address = '123 Main St'`, ` has the value '', and also for `e2` instance.

The result shows that the characteristic values are accurately assigned and retrieved for both entities `e1` and `e2`.


To sum up, The Python programming platform is an efficient and flexible programming language offering various features to enhance memory usage optimization. Programmers can utilize methods for example, making use of generators, utilizing unchangeable entities, and applying the flyweight architectural pattern to minimize the memory footprint of their code. Extra methods such as slots and deleting attributes may also improve memory efficiency. Through the use of such methods, programmers can guarantee that the Python programming they do achieves optimal performance and uses memory efficiently.

Updated on: 27-Jul-2023


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