Python - Uneven Sized Matrix Column Minimum

In Python, when dealing with matrices of uneven row lengths, the efficiency in locating each column's minimum values becomes paramount; a variety of approaches each boasting its own strengths and suitability for different scenarios exist to tackle this task. We are going to delve into several methods within this article: from basic nested loops all the way up to advanced tools such as NumPy and Pandas.

Ultimately, you will grasp a comprehensive understanding of two crucial skills: mastering the manipulation of uneven-sized matrices and extracting valuable information from them.

Method 1: Using Nested Loops

This method, utilizing nested loops, iterates through the matrix; it meticulously maintains a record of each column's minimum value. While this approach proves effective for smaller matrices, its efficacy may falter when applied to larger datasets.


matrix = [
   [3, 8, 1],
   [4, 2],
   [9, 6, 5, 7]
max_row_length = max(len(row) for row in matrix)

column_minima = [float('inf')] * max_row_length

for row in matrix:
   for i, value in enumerate(row):
      # Update the minimum value for each column
      column_minima[i] = min(column_minima[i], value)

for i, minimum in enumerate(column_minima):
   print(f"Minimum value in column {i}: {minimum}")


Minimum value in column 0: 3
Minimum value in column 1: 2
Minimum value in column 2: 1
Minimum value in column 3: 7

Method 2: Using NumPy

Working with matrices becomes highly efficient due to NumPy: an array, filled with NaN values, is created; the matrix data then fills this array. Utilizing np.nanmin subsequently allows for identification of each column's minimum value and affirming hence why NumPy excels in handling numerical data.


import numpy as np

matrix = [
   [3, 8, 1],
   [4, 2],
   [9, 6, 5, 7]
max_row_length = max(len(row) for row in matrix)

# Create a NumPy array filled with NaN values
np_matrix = np.empty((len(matrix), max_row_length))
np_matrix[:] = np.nan

# Fill the NumPy array with matrix values
for i, row in enumerate(matrix):
   np_matrix[i, :len(row)] = row

# Find the minimum values in each column
column_minima = np.nanmin(np_matrix, axis=0)

# Print the minimum values for each column
for i, minimum in enumerate(column_minima):
   print(f"Minimum value in column {i}: {int(minimum)}")


Minimum value in column 0: 3
Minimum value in column 1: 2
Minimum value in column 2: 1
Minimum value in column 3: 7

Method 3: Using List Comprehension

Employing list comprehension is an astute way to ascertain the minimum values in each column: it iteratively traverses through the matrix–generating a roster of minimal figures for every pillar. This systematic approach not only simplifies readability but also enhances efficiency; consequently, making it an optimal method.


matrix = [
   [3, 8, 1],
   [4, 2],
   [9, 6, 5, 7]
column_minima = [min(row[i] for row in matrix if i < len(row)) for i in range(max(len(row) for row in matrix))]

for i, minimum in enumerate(column_minima):
   print(f"Minimum value in column {i}: {minimum}")


Minimum value in column 0: 3
Minimum value in column 1: 2
Minimum value in column 2: 1
Minimum value in column 3: 7

Method 4: Using itertools.zip_longest

Employing Python's itertools library, this code snippet identifies the minimum values within each column of a variably-sized matrix: initially, it transposes said matrix, unpacking its rows with zip_longest; consequently ensuring all columns possess equal length by filling any missing values with float('inf'). It then calculates the minimal value for every individual column through utilizing list comprehension. Finally, the program iterates through the resulting list of column minima; consequently, it prints them--this process yields an output that exhibits each column's minimum value in the original matrix.


from itertools import zip_longest

matrix = [
   [3, 8, 1],
   [4, 2],
   [9, 6, 5, 7]

# Transpose the matrix and use zip_longest
transposed = zip_longest(*matrix, fillvalue=float('inf'))

column_minima = [min(col) for col in transposed]

for i, minimum in enumerate(column_minima):
   print(f"Minimum value in column {i}: {minimum}")


Minimum value in column 0: 3
Minimum value in column 1: 2
Minimum value in column 2: 1
Minimum value in column 3: 7

Method 5: Using a Custom Function

We create a custom function that discovers minimum values in each column; it operates by iterating through the matrix, maintaining along its journey, a list of minimal values for every column. The flexibility and customization options this method offers are noteworthy: they elevate our approach to data management significantly.


def min_values_in_columns(matrix):
   column_minima = [float('inf')] * max(len(row) for row in matrix)
   for row in matrix:
      for i, value in enumerate(row):
         column_minima[i] = min(column_minima[i], value)
   return column_minima

matrix = [
   [3, 8, 1],
   [4, 2],
   [9, 6, 5, 7]

column_minima = min_values_in_columns(matrix)

for i, minimum in enumerate(column_minima):
   print(f"Minimum value in column {i}: {minimum}")


Minimum value in column 0: 3
Minimum value in column 1: 2
Minimum value in column 2: 1
Minimum value in column 3: 7

Method 6: Using a defaultdict

The collections module's defaultdict streamlines the procedure of discovering minimum values in each column: it cyclically navigates through the matrix, methodically updating minimum values for every column within its dictionary-esque configuration.


from collections import defaultdict

matrix = [
   [3, 8, 1],
   [4, 2],
   [9, 6, 5, 7]
column_minima = defaultdict(lambda: float('inf'))

for row in matrix:
   for i, value in enumerate(row):
      column_minima[i] = min(column_minima[i], value)
for i, minimum in column_minima.items():
   print(f"Minimum value in column {i}: {minimum}")


Minimum value in column 0: 3
Minimum value in column 1: 2
Minimum value in column 2: 1
Minimum value in column 3: 7

Method 7: Using Pandas

Pandas − this is a potent library utilized for data manipulation. By creating a Pandas DataFrame from the matrix, we employ the min function to ascertain minimum values in each column–a task at which Pandas excels particularly when manipulating structured data.


import pandas as pd

matrix = [
   [3, 8, 1],
   [4, 2],
   [9, 6, 5, 7]
df = pd.DataFrame(matrix)

column_minima = df.min()

for i, minimum in enumerate(column_minima):
   print(f"Minimum value in column {i}: {int(minimum)}")


Minimum value in column 0: 3
Minimum value in column 1: 2
Minimum value in column 2: 1
Minimum value in column 3: 7


In our exploration of diverse methods for finding minimum values in each column of uneven-sized matrices, particularly using Python: we encountered various strategies, ranging from simple nested loops and list comprehensions to specialized tools such as NumPy and Pandas. The method you select should hinge on two primary factors: the unique characteristics intrinsic to your data; and performance prerequisites relevant to your task. Prioritizing readability, numerical efficiency or versatility; each merits a method – one that deftly navigates the diverse matrix structures apt for your needs.

Updated on: 02-Nov-2023


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