Python Seaborn - Strip plot illustration using Catplot

Data visualization plays a crucial role in understanding and communicating patterns, trends, and insights from data. Python, with its rich ecosystem of libraries, offers powerful tools for creating visually appealing and informative plots. Seaborn, a popular data visualization library built on top of Matplotlib, provides a high-level interface for creating beautiful statistical graphics.

In this article, we will explore one of Seaborn's versatile plot types - the strip plot. Strip plots are useful for visualizing the distribution of a continuous variable against a categorical variable. They display individual data points along an axis, making it easy to observe patterns, clusters, and outliers.

Understanding Strip Plots

Strip plots are a type of categorical plot that display individual data points distributed along an axis based on their values. They are particularly useful when visualizing the relationship between a continuous variable and a categorical variable. Strip plots provide a simple yet effective way to identify patterns, variations, and outliers within different categories.

To create a strip plot, we represent the categorical variable on the x-axis and the continuous variable on the y-axis. Each data point is then plotted as a dot or a small vertical line, indicating its position along the y-axis. This arrangement allows us to compare the distribution of the continuous variable across different categories.

Strip plots are especially valuable when dealing with relatively small datasets, as they provide a detailed view of individual data points. However, they can become crowded and less interpretable with larger datasets, so it's essential to use them judiciously.

Now that we have a basic understanding of strip plots, let's move on to using Seaborn's Catplot function to create them efficiently.

Creating Strip Plots with Seaborn's Catplot

Seaborn is a powerful Python library for data visualization that offers a variety of plotting functions, including the Catplot function. Catplot is a versatile function that can create various types of categorical plots, including strip plots.

To create a strip plot using Seaborn's Catplot, we first need to import the necessary libraries and load the dataset. Then, we can use the Catplot function and specify the kind parameter as "strip". Additionally, we need to provide the name of the categorical variable for the x parameter and the name of the continuous variable for the y parameter.

For example, consider a dataset that contains information about students' grades in different subjects. We can create a strip plot to visualize the distribution of grades across the subject categories. Here's the code snippet to achieve that 

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load the dataset
# ...

# Create the strip plot
sns.catplot(x="subject", y="grade", kind="strip", data=df)

# Customize the plot
plt.title("Distribution of Grades across Subjects")

# Show the plot

In this example, we import the necessary libraries, load the dataset (df), and create the strip plot using sns.catplot(). We then customize the plot by setting the title, x-axis label, and y-axis label. Finally, we display the plot using

By using Seaborn's Catplot function with the "strip" kind, we can easily create informative strip plots that effectively illustrate the distribution of data across different categories.

Customizing Strip Plots

Seaborn's Catplot provides several options for customizing strip plots to enhance their visual appearance and convey information effectively. Let's explore some common customization techniques 

Adjusting Point Size and Color

We can adjust the size and color of the points in a strip plot to make them more prominent or visually appealing. The size parameter allows us to control the size of the points, while the color parameter allows us to change their color. For example 

sns.catplot(x="subject", y="grade", kind="strip", data=df, size=6, color="steelblue")

In this example, the size parameter is set to 6, making the points larger, and the color parameter is set to "steelblue", changing the color of the points.

Adding Jitter

By default, strip plots position the points at their exact values, which can result in overlapping points and make it difficult to discern the distribution. We can add jitter to the points to introduce random variation in their positions along the categorical axis, thereby reducing overlap. To add jitter, we can use the jitter parameter 

sns.catplot(x="subject", y="grade", kind="strip", data=df, jitter=True)

In this example, the jitter parameter is set to True, enabling the jittering effect.

Grouping Data with Hue

If we have another categorical variable that we want to visualize simultaneously, we can use the hue parameter to group the data by that variable. Each unique value of the hue variable will be represented by a different color or marker style. For example 

sns.catplot(x="subject", y="grade", hue="gender", kind="strip", data=df)

In this example, the hue parameter is set to "gender", allowing us to compare the grade distributions across subjects for different genders.

In the next section, we will explore additional customization options and discuss best practices for working with strip plots using Seaborn's Catplot.

Additional Customization and Best Practices

In addition to the customization options discussed in the previous section, Seaborn's Catplot provides several other features and best practices to enhance strip plots. Let's explore them 

Adding Swarm Plot

A swarm plot is an alternative to the strip plot where the points are adjusted along the categorical axis to avoid overlapping. This can provide a clearer representation of the data distribution. To create a swarm plot, we can set the kind parameter to "swarm" 

sns.catplot(x="subject", y="grade", kind="swarm", data=df)

Using swarm plots can be especially useful when dealing with larger datasets or when there is significant overlap among the data points.

Controlling Axis Limits and Labels

We can customize the axis limits and labels to provide better context for the strip plot. Seaborn's Catplot allows us to modify the axis limits using the xlim and ylim parameters. Additionally, we can set custom axis labels using the xlabel and ylabel parameters 

sns.catplot(x="subject", y="grade", kind="strip", data=df)
plt.xlim(0, 100)
plt.ylim(0, 10)

In this example, we set the x-axis limits to 0 and 100, and the y-axis limits to 0 and 10. We also customize the x-axis label as "Subject" and the y-axis label as "Grade".

Choosing an Appropriate Figure Size

The figure size plays a crucial role in the visual representation of the strip plot. It's important to choose an appropriate figure size that allows the plot to be clearly visible and interpretable. We can set the figure size using the figsize parameter −

sns.catplot(x="subject", y="grade", kind="strip", data=df, figsize=(8, 6))

In this example, the figsize parameter is set to (8, 6), indicating a width of 8 inches and a height of 6 inches for the figure.


In this tutorial, we explored how to create strip plots using Seaborn's Catplot function in Python. Strip plots are a useful visualization tool to understand the distribution of categorical data against a continuous variable. We covered the basic usage of Catplot and discussed various customization options to enhance the appearance and interpretation of strip plots.

Updated on: 11-Aug-2023


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