Python requests - POST request with headers and body

Python's requests library is a powerful tool for making HTTP requests in a simple and efficient manner. It provides an easy-to-use interface for sending GET, POST, and other types of requests to web servers. When it comes to making a POST request, it's often necessary to include headers and a request body, which contain additional information and data for the server to process.

In this article, we will explore how to use the requests library to make a POST request with headers and a body. We will cover the fundamental concepts of headers and request bodies, demonstrate their usage in the method, and discuss best practices for handling responses and errors.

Setting up the Environment

Before we dive into making POST requests with headers and a request body using the requests library in Python, let's ensure that our environment is properly set up. Here are the steps to follow −

Install the requests library

  • If you're using Python 3 or above, the requests library is not bundled with the standard library, so you'll need to install it separately. Open your terminal or command prompt and run the following command:

pip install requests
  • If you're using an IDE or code editor with an integrated terminal, you can install the library directly from the terminal panel within the editor.

Import the requests module

Once the library is installed, make sure to import the requests module at the beginning of your Python script or in your interactive Python environment:

import requests

With the requests library installed and imported, you're now ready to make POST requests with headers and a request body.

In the next section, we will explore how to construct the headers and request body, and then go on to make the actual POST request using the method.

Constructing Headers and Request Body

To make a POST request with headers and a request body, we need to construct both the headers and the body before sending the request using the method. Let's break down the process step by step:

Constructing Headers

  • Headers provide additional information about the request, such as authentication credentials, content type, or user agent. We can include headers in our POST request by passing them as a dictionary to the headers parameter of the method.

  • To construct the headers, create a dictionary with the desired header names as keys and their corresponding values as values. Here's an example −

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Authorization': 'Bearer your_token_here'
  • Replace 'application/json' with the appropriate content type for your request, and 'your_token_here' with the actual authorization token if required.

Constructing the Request Body

  • The request body contains the data we want to send as part of the POST request. It can be in various formats such as JSON, form data, or plain text. The choice of format depends on the server's expectations.

  • To construct the request body, create a dictionary or data structure with the required data. Here's an example using JSON format −

import json

payload = {
    'name': 'John Doe',
    'email': ''

json_payload = json.dumps(payload)
  • In this example, we create a dictionary payload with some sample data. We then use json.dumps() to convert the dictionary into a JSON string representation, which is required for sending JSON data in the request body.

In the next section, we will put together the constructed headers and request body and make the actual POST request using the method.

Making the POST Request

Now that we have constructed the headers and request body, we can proceed to make the actual POST request using the method. Here's how to do it:

Specify the URL

  • Start by specifying the URL to which you want to send the POST request. Replace '' in the code snippet below with your actual URL.

url = ''

Make the POST request

  • Use the method to send the POST request. Pass the URL, headers, and request body as parameters.

import requests

response =, headers=headers, data=json_payload)

Handling the Response

  • The method returns a Response object that contains the server's response to our request.

  • We can access the response status code, response headers, and response body using various attributes and methods of the Response object. Here's an example:


Error Handling

  • It's important to handle any potential errors that may occur during the request. You can use response.raise_for_status() to raise an exception if the request was not successful (status code >= 400).


By following these steps, you can effectively make a POST request with headers and a request body using the requests library in Python.

POST Request with Headers and Body

To demonstrate the usage of requests for making a POST request with headers and body, let's consider an example where we send a JSON payload to an API endpoint. Here's the complete code 


import requests
import json

# Set up the URL
url = ''

# Set up the headers
headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Authorization': 'Bearer your_token'

# Set up the request body
payload = {
    'name': 'John Doe',
    'email': '',
    'age': 30
json_payload = json.dumps(payload)

# Make the POST request
response =, headers=headers, data=json_payload)

# Check the response
if response.status_code == 200:
    print('Request successful!')
    print('Request failed!')

Let's break down the code 

  • We import the necessary modules  requests for making HTTP requests and json for working with JSON data

  • We set up the URL to which we want to send the POST request.

  • We define the headers, including the 'Content-Type' header specifying that we are sending JSON data, and an 'Authorization' header if required by the API.

  • We set up the request body as a Python dictionary and then convert it to a JSON string using json.dumps().

  • We make the POST request using and pass the URL, headers, and request body as parameters.

  • We check the response status code. If it is 200 (indicating a successful request), we print the response JSON. Otherwise, we print the response text to identify any errors.

This example demonstrates how to make a POST request with headers and a request body using the requests library in Python. Feel free to customize the code according to your specific requirements.


In this article, we explored how to make a POST request with headers and a request body using the requests library in Python. We learned about the importance of setting up the environment by installing the requests library and understanding its dependencies.

In this article, we explored how to make a POST request with headers and a request body using the requests library in Python. We learned about the importance of setting up the environment by installing the requests library and understanding its dependencies.

We then ran through a complete example that demonstrated the process of sending a JSON payload as the request body and including headers in the request. We walked through the code step by step and discussed each component in detail.

Updated on: 10-Aug-2023

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