Python - Remove Keys from dictionary starting with K


Python is a popular and robust programming language known for its versatility, ease of learning, and extensive library and tool ecosystem suitable for diverse applications. Dictionaries are ⁠ a vital data type in Python that enables the storage and manipulation of key-value pairs, making them one of the most significant features of the language.  

Removing Keys from dictionary starting with letter ‘K’


The keys possess characteristics of uniqueness, immutability, and ⁠ serve the purpose of accessing respective values. Deleting key−value pairs from a dictionary involves removing specific keys based ⁠ on certain conditions, like starting with a specific character


1. del dict_name[key]

-The del statement in Python serves as a keyword to remove ⁠ items or elements from different data structures, such as dictionaries. When employed alongside a dictionary, it grants us the capability to ⁠ eliminate a designated key−value pair by leveraging the specified key.  The syntax for deleting a specific key from ⁠ a dictionary, dict_name[key], consists of three components: ‍

The 'del' keyword in Python signifies the intention ⁠ to remove an object or element. ⁠

The provided sentence is already ⁠ clear and concise. There is no need for ⁠ any further modifications. Dictionaries in Python can be modified ⁠ because they are mutable objects. By providing the dictionary's name, we will identify the desired dictionary ⁠ from which we aim to remove a particular key−value pair. ​

The key in a dictionary serves as the ⁠ identifier to retrieve its associated value. After using `del dict_name[key]`, we indicate the exact key ⁠ that should be removed from the dictionary. The key in question must be a valid ⁠ and existing key in the dictionary. A KeyError will be raised if the key ⁠ does not exist in the dictionary.  

2. dict_name.pop(key)

Dictionaries in Python are a data structure with ⁠ key−value pairs and they offer great versatility. The pop() operation is purpose−built for removing a key-value pair ⁠ from a dictionary and obtaining the associated value. The 'dict_name.pop(key)' syntax permits the removal of a particular key−value pair determined ⁠ by the specified key, while simultaneously retrieving the associated value.

The "dict_name.pop(key)" syntax consists ⁠ of two components:

The "dict_name" refers to the name of the dictionary ⁠ we desire to eliminate the key-value pair from. The element can be removed from the ⁠ target dictionary by specifying its name.  The key: It is an identifier utilized to ⁠ access the associated value within the dictionary. The specific key that we want to remove from ⁠ the dictionary is specified when using dict_name.pop(key). The key provided should exist ⁠ within the dictionary. A KeyError will be raised if the key ⁠ is not found in the dictionary. ​


  • Step 1: Return a dictionary containing pairs of ⁠ keys and corresponding values.

  • Step 2: Traverse the keys within ⁠ the dictionary. ​

  • Step 3: Verify whether the key begins ⁠ with the letter 'K'.

  • Step 4: Remove the key-value pair from the dictionary if ⁠ the key begins with the letter 'K'. ‍

  • Step 5: Print the updated dictionary. ‍


  • Approach 1− Using the del keyword.

  • Approach 2− Using pop() method.

Approach 1− Using the del keyword.


# create a dictionary
my_dict = {'K1': 1, 'K2': 2, 'K3': 3, 'A1': 4, 'A2': 5}

# iterate through the keys of the dictionary
for key in list(my_dict.keys()):
   # check if the key starts with the letter 'K'
   if key.startswith('K'):
      # remove the key-value pair from the dictionary
      del my_dict[key]

# print the updated dictionary


{'A1': 4, 'A2': 5}

The code starts by initializing a dictionary ⁠ called my_dict with key−value pairs. The dictionary holds keys including 'K1', 'K2', 'K3', 'A1', ⁠ and 'A2' along with their corresponding values. The code then applies a for loop to ⁠ go through each key in the dictionary. The function employs the list() method, taking my_dict.keys() as input ⁠ to generate a list comprising the keys for iteration. The dictionary can be safely modified ⁠ while iterating using this approach. ⁠The code within the loop verifies if each key commences with ⁠ the letter 'K' by employing the startswith() string method. If a key fulfills this condition, the code proceeds to ⁠ eliminate the corresponding key−value pair from the dictionary. After the loop finishes executing, the code prints ⁠ the updated dictionary by utilizing print(my_dict). The code's output displays the modified dictionary without the key−value ⁠ pairs that have a starting letter of 'K'. The keys 'K1', 'K2', and 'K3' are removed ⁠ from the original dictionary in this case. This action causes the remaining key-value pairs to ⁠ be 'A1': 4 and 'A2': 5.

The provided code showcases a concise and direct method for eliminating dictionary ⁠ keys according to a specified condition.

Approach 2− Using pop() method.


# create a dictionary
my_dict = {'K1': 1, 'K2': 2, 'K3': 3, 'A1': 4, 'A2': 5}

# create a list of keys to remove
keys_to_remove = [key for key in my_dict.keys() if key.startswith('K')]

# remove the keys from the dictionary
for key in keys_to_remove:

# print the updated dictionary


    {'A1': 4, 'A2': 5}

The first step of the code involves initializing a dictionary ⁠ called my_dict, where key−value pairs can be stored. The dictionary includes keys like 'K1', 'K2', 'K3', ⁠ 'A1', and 'A2', alongside their corresponding values. Then, the code generates a list called ⁠ keys_to_remove by implementing list comprehension. The statement examines every key in my_dict and verifies if the individual key commences ⁠ with the letter 'K' by utilizing the startswith() method from the string class. Once a key satisfies this condition, it ⁠ gets appended to the keys_to_remove list. The list keys_to_remove now includes all the keys from ⁠ my_dict that have a starting letter of 'K'. The resulting list will include the keys 'K1', ⁠ 'K2', and 'K3' in this specific scenario. ​

The algorithm makes use of a for loop ⁠ to cycle through the keys_to_remove list. For every key in the list, the pop() method is ⁠ employed to eliminate the corresponding key−value pair from my_dict. ⁠


In conclusion, depending on the unique use case, each approach has advantages and limits. It is critical to select the appropriate technique based on the application's requirements. Developers can now securely create and handle dictionaries in Python with the knowledge obtained from this article.

Updated on: 09-Oct-2023


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