Python - Remove item from dictionary when key is unknown


Dictionaries in Python are a widely employed data structure that provide versatility by enabling storage of key−value pairs. The sentence 'They offer an efficient means of accessing and manipulating data.' When dealing with dictionaries, there could be cases where you require eliminating an element when the key is unidentified. In this article, various methodologies will be examined to address this issue, including accompanying code samples and explanations.


Python implements dictionaries as hash tables, enabling efficient value retrieval based on a specific key. The key associated with the item is required in order to remove an item from a dictionary. Nevertheless, there could arise instances wherein the key linked to the item we wish to eliminate is unknown. Different methods are required to remove the item in such cases.


del my_dict[key]

Using del keyword

A dictionary is a data structure comprising key-value pairs, with the guarantee that every key is distinct. To eliminate an entry from a dictionary, it is necessary to have knowledge of the key linked with that specific entry. Nevertheless, there could arise scenarios in which the key connected to the item we wish to eliminate remains unknown. To address these scenarios, alternative techniques are required to eliminate the object.

'My_dict is the name of the dictionary, and key refers to the key of the item that needs to be removed.' The KeyError exception is raised if the key is not present in the dictionary.

my_dict.pop(key, None)

Using the pop() method

The method pop() in Python is a built-in functionality designed to swiftly eliminate a particular item from a dictionary. To utilize this approach, it is essential to possess knowledge regarding ⁠ the key of the specific item that requires removal. In case the key is not known, we can handle the KeyError exception raised by attempting ⁠ to remove a non−existent key in the pop() method by passing a default value. A KeyError exception is raised if the key is not present ⁠ in the dictionary and no default value is specified. ​

new_dict = {k:v for k,v in my_dict.items() if k != key}

Using a dictionary comprehension

A dictionary comprehension is a compact technique for generating ⁠ a fresh dictionary using an already existing dictionary. To remove an item from a dictionary using this method, we can construct a ⁠ new dictionary comprising all the key-value pairs except for the desired item. The syntax for removing an item from a dictionary using a dictionary comprehension is as ⁠ follows: `new_dict = {key: value for key, value in my_dict.items() if key != specified_key}`. This creates a new dictionary called `new_dict` that contains all the key-value pairs ⁠ from the original dictionary excluding the one with the specified key.


  • Step 1:Obtain the key of the item ⁠ that needs to be removed.

  • Step 2: Verify whether the provided key ⁠ exists within the dictionary. ‌

  • Step 3: Once the key exists, utilize one of the ⁠ mentioned techniques to eliminate the item. ⁠

  • Step 4: If the key is absent, refrain ⁠ from performing any action. ​

  • Step 5: Print the updated dictionary.  


  • Approach 1 − Using the del keyword.

  • Approach 2 − Using pop() method

Approach 1 − Using the del keyword.


# Define a dictionary
my_dict = {'apple': 1, 'banana': 2, 'orange': 3}

# Get the key of the item to be removed
key_to_remove = 'banana'

# Remove the item using the del keyword
    del my_dict[key_to_remove]
except KeyError:

# Print the updated dictionary


{'apple': 1, 'orange': 3}

The code provided defines a dictionary named my_dict with three key-value pairs: 'apple' having a value ⁠ of 1, 'banana' having a value of 2, and 'orange' having a value of 3. ⁠Proceed by specifying the key of the item ⁠ that requires removal from the dictionary. The key in this scenario is set to 'banana' ⁠ and then assigned to the variable key_to_remove. ​

The del keyword is utilized to eliminate ⁠ an object from the dictionary. The key-value pair can be deleted from the dictionary by utilizing the del keyword ⁠ along with the dictionary name and key, both enclosed in square brackets. The item with the key 'banana' is removed from the ⁠ dictionary my_dict by using del my_dict[key_to_remove] in this code. ‍

The code implements error handling with a try-except block, as the ⁠ specified key may potentially not exist in the dictionary. A KeyError exception is raised if ⁠ the key is not present. The programs except block is designed to catch the KeyError ⁠ exception, while the pass statement enables uninterrupted execution. ​

Approach 2− Using pop() method


# Define a dictionary
my_dict = {'apple': 1, 'banana': 2, 'orange': 3}

# Get the key of the item to be removed
key_to_remove = 'banana'

# Remove the item using the pop() method
my_dict.pop(key_to_remove, None)

# Print the updated dictionary


{'apple': 1, 'orange': 3}

The code provided defines a dictionary named `my_dict` with three key-value pairs: 'apple' has a value ⁠ of 1, 'banana' has a value of 2, and 'orange' has a value of 3. The purpose of this dictionary is to capture a group of items, ⁠ in which every item is linked with a distinct key. ‍

The final step involves specifying the key of the ⁠ item that should be removed from the dictionary. The 'banana' key is identified and assigned ⁠ to the variable key_to_remove for removal. ⁠This variable will be utilized to signify the specific key ⁠ that we intend to eliminate from the dictionary. ‍

The pop() method is utilized to eliminate ⁠ an item from the dictionary. The pop() operation enables the removal of an element by specifying ⁠ its key and it also returns the associated value. 'Using the pop() method in this code, the item with ⁠ the key 'banana' is removed from the my_dict dictionary.' ⁠

The pop() method receives ⁠ two arguments. The provided sentence is already ⁠ clear and concise. No further processing ⁠ is needed. The specified key is not found in the dictionary, an optional value can ⁠ be provided as the second argument and will then be returned. The second argument of this code is set to None, indicating that if ⁠ the specified key 'banana' is not found, no value will be returned. ‌

The pop() method in a dictionary removes the key-value pair and ⁠ returns the corresponding value if the specified key is present. Nevertheless, in the event that the key cannot be located, ⁠ the pop() method will not trigger an error.


By understanding and implementing various approaches, you can confidently remove ⁠ items from a dictionary when the key is unknown. These approaches will enable you to effectively manipulate and ⁠ handle dictionary information in your Python projects. ​

Updated on: 09-Oct-2023


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