Python - Remove Initial K column elements


The focus of this article is to investigate the process of eliminating the first column elements beginning with K using Python. Thereby, let us examine the specifics.


The process of discarding the first K elements from every column of a provided dataset or array is what is meant by removing initial K column elements. A frequently employed technique in data preprocessing involves eliminating extraneous or insignificant information located at the start of each column. The utilization of this procedure can be advantageous in multiple circumstances. Instances of this include deleting header rows in a CSV file or eradicating initial empty values in a dataset.


  • Step 1: Define the matrix.

  • Step 2: Define the value of K.

  • Step 3: A new matrix can be generated by utilizing list comprehension to exclude the initial K elements from every row.

  • Step 4: The original and new matrices should be printed.

  • Step 5: End


  • Approach 1− Using pandas

  • Approach 2− Using List comprehension

Approach 1− Using pandas


import pandas as pd

# Define the matrix
matrix = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12]]

# Define the value of K
K = 2

# Convert the matrix to a pandas DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(matrix)

# Apply a lambda function to each row of the DataFrame to remove the first K elements
new_df = df.apply(lambda x: x[K:], axis=1)

# Convert the new DataFrame back to a list of lists
new_matrix = new_df.values.tolist()

# Print the original matrix and the new matrix
print("Original matrix:")
print("New matrix:")


Original matrix:
[[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12]]
New matrix:
[[3, 4], [7, 8], [11, 12]]

Initially, the pandas library is imported and subsequently, the given matrix, comprising of nested lists is defined. The value of K is also indicated, which denotes the quantity of elements to be eliminated from the start of every column. Afterwards, the pd.DataFrame() function is utilized to transform the matrix into a pandas DataFrame. We can conduct data operations more conveniently with the DataFrame obtained.

Afterward, the DataFrame's apply() function is utilized to apply a lambda function to every row. The lambda function, namely lambda x: x[K:], eliminates the initial K elements of each row's components by slicing them from index K onwards. The application of the operation row-wise is guaranteed by setting the axis=1 parameter. A transformed DataFrame named new_df now holds the resulting data.

The list of lists obtained from the DataFrame new_df is created by applying the values.tolist() function after eliminating the first K elements of each row. Subsequently, the data can be subjected to further manipulation based on requirements. The desired nested list format for the transformed data is obtained through this step.

In conclusion, we output the initial matrix and the modified matrix for result comparison. To display the initial matrix, use the print(matrix) command and for the updated matrix, apply print(new_matrix). The removal of the initial K elements from each row can be observed through this approach.

The resulting display exhibits the initial matrix and the updated one in succession. The first two entries of every row in the original matrix have been eliminated, as can be noticed. The outcome is the newly transformed matrix.

In general, the implementation presented in this code offers a different method utilizing pandas library for eliminating first K elements of a column. The utilization of this tool provides users with convenient and adaptable features for managing tabular information.

Approach 2− Using List comprehension


# Define the matrix
matrix = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12]]

# Define the value of K
K = 2

# Use a list comprehension to create a new matrix with the first K elements removed from each row
new_matrix = [row[K:] for row in matrix]

# Print the original matrix and the new matrix
print("Original matrix:")
print("New matrix:")


Original matrix:
[[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12]]
New matrix:
[[3, 4], [7, 8], [11, 12]]

The initial step involves defining the provided matrix as a list within another list. The initial K elements get effectively removed by slicing each row starting from index K within the list comprehension. The outcome is a modified matrix wherein the targeted elements have been eliminated.

The original and modified matrices are printed for result comparison. Printing the 'matrix' statement exhibits the matrix in its original state, whereas printing the 'new_matrix' displays a modified matrix with K initial elements eliminated.

The resulting output comprises of the initial matrix succeeded by the updated matrix. It is evident that the initial two components of every row in the source matrix have been excluded upon scrutiny. The outcome is the newly transformed matrix.

To conclude, list comprehension in this code presents a direct method for eliminating the first K elements from all rows of a matrix. A new row is created by excluding the first K elements as it iterates over every row of the matrix in an efficient manner. The utilization of this method circumvents the necessity for embedded iterations and furnishes a succinct resolution. The desired transformation can be achieved through its simple and readable approach.


Two distinct techniques were examined in Python to eliminate the initial K column elements, as previously stated. Two different methods are employed, one utilizing list comprehension and the other relying on the pandas library. The desired outcome of eliminating the specified number of elements from each row or column is effectively accomplished by both methods.

First method is appropriate for situations in which a straightforward and portable solution without any outside requirements is desired, whereas the pandas library offers extra data manipulation functionalities, making this method particularly advantageous for managing bigger datasets or when such additional capabilities are needed.

The selection of these methods relies on the precise needs of your undertaking. For those who work with compact matrices and favor a succinct approach. It may be a viable option to consider utilizing the list comprehension approach. In case you are dealing with extensive datasets or require sophisticated data analysis features. There is the potential for increased flexibility and efficiency through utilization of the pandas approach.

Updated on: 09-Oct-2023


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