Python - Remove first K elements matching some condition


Python, an interpreted programming language at a high level, is extensively utilized in various domains including web development, scientific computing, data analysis, and artificial intelligence among other applications. A range of objectives can be accomplished by utilizing this adaptable language. The list is considered one of the most beneficial data structures available in Python. A group of items with varying data types is what comprises it. Python is an adaptable and robust coding language that provides an extensive array of utilities and modules for diverse assignments.

A frequent duty while dealing with data involves eliminating elements from a list that fulfill a specific criterion. Mutable lists allow modification of their elements even after their creation. This article delves into the process of eliminating the initial K elements from a list that meet a particular criterion. Various programming scenarios can benefit from utilizing this process.


Our objective is to eliminate the initial K elements from a list that meet a certain requirement. The process of eliminating items from a list according to a specific criterion requires going through each element or in simple words iterating through each element of the list and verifying whether it matches the given condition. Afterwards, the removal of any matching elements is done. The list will have only element that does not meet the condition after removal.


  • The first step involves defining both the list and the condition that needs to be checked.

  • To keep a record of the number of deleted items, begin by setting up a counter variable during Step 2.

  • Using a while loop, go through the list repeatedly in Step 3. Verify whether the counter variable (count) is inferior to k and if the index (i) falls within the limits of the list.

  • In step 4, verify if the present element meets the stated requirement within the loop. Provided that it occurs, eliminate the item from the roster and increase the tally (count).

  • In case the condition is not met by the element, proceed to the following element by increasing the index (i).


  • Approach 1− Using a ‘while’ loop and ‘pop()’ method.

  • Approach 2− Removal using list comprehension.

Approach 1− Using a ‘while’ loop and ‘pop()’ method.


k = 3
condition = lambda x: x % 2 == 0
lst = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 7, 8, 1, 10]
i = 0
while i < len(lst) and k > 0:
   if condition(lst[i]):
      k -= 1
      i += 1


[1, 3, 8, 7, 8, 1, 10]


The variable 'k' holds a value that signifies the count of even numbers to be eliminated from the provided list.By utilizing the constraint that x modulo 2 equals zero, this lambda expression verifies if a provided number is an even integer. A helpful instrument for Python programming is available. The current index in the list is represented by the variable i, with i being equal to zero. As long as the length of the list exceeds i, the while loop will continue iterating. The count of encountered even numbers is more than zero.

Within the loop

In case the existing element (lst[i]) meets the requirement (being even), it gets eliminated from the list through lst.pop(i). Afterwards, k is decreased by 1. In case the current element fails to fulfill the criteria (being odd), the loop proceeds to the subsequent element by increasing i by 1.The modified list is printed using print(lst) when either the loop completes or k equals 0, which represents the desired count of removed even numbers. The initial list remains unaltered except for the exclusion of the original first three even numbers, namely 2, 4, and 6.

Approach 2− Removal using list comprehension.


def remove_elements_matching_condition(lst, condition, k):
   count = 0
   return [num for num in lst if not (condition(num) and (count := count + 1) <= k)]

# Example usage
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
condition = lambda x: x % 2 == 0  # Remove even numbers
k = 3

result = remove_elements_matching_condition(numbers, condition, k)


[1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10]


Three arguments are taken by the function remove_elements_matching_condition. The count of even numbers to eliminate, the condition to verify, and lst (the list input).

A new list containing the desired elements is generated using list comprehension within the code. Here's how it works:

Set the count variable to 0 upon initialization.

Iterate through each element num in the input list lst using list comprehension.

For every element, assess the state where neither the condition of 'num' holds true nor does the count variable increase beyond 'k'.

The function "condition(num)" verifies whether the element meets the specified requirement of being an even number.

The count variable is incremented by 1 whenever an even number is encountered.

This expression guarantees that exclusively the initial k even numbers are taken out, while incrementing a count variable by one on each iteration.

The sentence reads "Negate the condition to include elements that do not satisfy it or when k has been reached," given the initial sentence: "Not (condition(num) and (count := count + 1) <= k)."

The list obtained comprises the elements that met the criteria. The first k even numbers encountered did not include these elements. The original list has had its first three even numbers (2, 4, and 6) excluded in the resulting output. The remaining elements are unchanged. By utilizing list comprehension and keeping track of the even numbers encountered (count), the code accomplishes this task. By doing so, it guarantees that exclusively the initial k even integers get eliminated.

The code is expected to function with Python versions that endorse list comprehension and assignment expressions, encompassing Python 3.8 and subsequent releases. When working with list comprehension and using an outdated version of Python, it's recommended to rely on a traditional loop-based approach to attain the intended functionality.


Python commonly involves the task of eliminating list elements according to a particular condition. Selecting the methodology that suits your particular use case is of utmost significance. A new list can be created in a clear and expressive manner by utilizing list comprehension. The original list is directly modified through iterative removal. Take into account the compromises involved in either crafting a fresh list or altering the current one in accordance with your needs. An outstanding option for data manipulation tasks is presented by Python due to its extensive library ecosystem and flexibility. An instance would be eliminating items from a list relying on certain criteria.

Manipulating lists effectively and adapting them to your specific requirements becomes possible when you comprehend various approaches.

Updated on: 09-Oct-2023


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