Python Regex Metacharacters

Regular expressions, commonly referred to as regex, are powerful tools for pattern matching and manipulation of text in Python. They allow you to define patterns and search for matches within strings, making them extremely useful in various applications such as data validation, text processing, and web scraping.

In regex, metacharacters play a crucial role. These special characters have a predefined meaning and are used to build complex patterns. Understanding and utilizing metacharacters effectively can significantly enhance your regex skills.

In this article, we will explore the world of Python regex metacharacters. We will learn about different metacharacters and how they can be used to construct powerful regex patterns.

Types of Python Regex Metacharacters

Metacharacters in Python regex are special characters that have a predefined meaning. They allow you to create complex patterns to match specific sequences of characters in strings. In this section, we will explore the different types of metacharacters and their usage in Python regex.


Anchors are metacharacters that allow you to specify the position of a pattern within a string. They don't match any characters themselves but define the position where a match should occur. Here are the commonly used anchor metacharacters −

  • • ^ (Caret)  Matches the beginning of a string. It ensures that the pattern following the caret is found only at the start of the string. For example, the regex ^Hello will match the word "Hello" only if it appears at the beginning of a string.


import re

string = "Hello, World!"
pattern = "^Hello"

match =, string)
if match:
   print("Match found!")
   print("No match found.")


Match found!
  • $ (Dollar)  Matches the end of a string. It ensures that the pattern preceding the dollar sign is found only at the end of the string. For example, the regex World!$ will match the word "World!" only if it appears at the end of a string.


import re

string = "Hello, World!"
pattern = "World!$"

match =, string)
if match:
    print("Match found!")
    print("No match found.")


Match found!
  • \b (Word Boundary)  Matches the empty string at the beginning or end of a word. It is useful for finding whole words within a larger string. For example, the regex \bPython\b will match the word "Python" only if it appears as a whole word.


import re

string = "I love Python programming language."
pattern = r"\bPython\b"

match =, string)
if match:
    print("Match found!")
    print("No match found.")


Match found!

Character Classes

Character classes are metacharacters that match a single character from a specified set of characters. They are enclosed within square brackets []. Here are some examples of character classes 

  • [abc]  Matches either a, b, or c.

  • [0-9]  Matches any digit from 0 to 9.

  • [a-z]  Matches any lowercase letter from a to z.

Let’s take a look at a few examples.

Matching a Single Character

Inside a character class, you can specify individual characters that you want to match. For example, the pattern [aeiou] will match any single lowercase vowel.


import re

string = "Hello, World!"
pattern = "[aeiou]"

matches = re.findall(pattern, string)


['e', 'o', 'o']

In this example, the regex [aeiou] matches all occurrences of lowercase vowels in the string.

Character Ranges

Character ranges allow you to specify a range of characters to match. Instead of listing each character individually, you can define a range using a hyphen -. For example, the pattern [a-z] matches any lowercase letter.


import re

string = "Hello, World!"
pattern = "[a-z]"

matches = re.findall(pattern, string)


['e', 'l', 'l', 'o', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd']

In this case, the regex [a-z] matches all lowercase letters in the string.

Negating a Character Class

You can negate a character class by using the caret ^ symbol at the beginning of the character class. It will match any character that is not within the specified class. For example, the pattern [^aeiou] matches any character that is not a lowercase vowel.


import re

string = "Hello, World!"
pattern = "[^aeiou]"

matches = re.findall(pattern, string)


['H', 'l', 'l', ',', ' ', 'W', 'r', 'l', 'd', '!']

In this example, the regex [^aeiou] matches all characters in the string that are not lowercase vowels.


Quantifiers are metacharacters that specify how many times a preceding pattern should occur. They control the repetition of a character or a group of characters. Here are some commonly used quantifiers 

  •  Matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding pattern.

  •  Matches one or more occurrences of the preceding pattern.

  •  Matches zero or one occurrence of the preceding pattern.

  • {n}  Matches exactly n occurrences of the preceding pattern.

  • {n, m}  Matches at least n and at most m occurrences of the preceding pattern.

Let’s go through some hands-on examples for these.

Asterisk (*) - Zero or More Occurrences

The asterisk * quantifier matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding pattern. It allows flexibility by considering patterns that may not appear or appear multiple times.


import re

string = "Hellooo, Python!"
pattern = "o*"

matches = re.findall(pattern, string)


['', '', '', '', 'ooo', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'o', '', '', '']

In this example, the regex o* matches all occurrences of the letter "o" in the string, including zero occurrences.

Plus (+) - One or More Occurrences

The plus + quantifier matches one or more occurrences of the preceding pattern. It ensures that the pattern appears at least once but allows for additional repetitions.


import re

string = "Hellooo, Python!"
pattern = "o+"

matches = re.findall(pattern, string)


['ooo', 'o']

In this case, the regex o+ matches all occurrences of the letter "o" in the string, but only if it appears one or more times.

Question Mark (?) - Zero or One Occurrence

The question mark ? quantifier matches zero or one occurrence of the preceding pattern. It allows for flexibility when dealing with optional patterns.


import re

string = "Hellooo, Python!"
pattern = "lo?"

matches = re.findall(pattern, string)


['l', 'lo']

Here, the regex lo? matches both "lo" and "l" in the string. The "o" is optional and may or may not be present.

Curly Braces ({m,n}) - Specific Range of Occurrences

Curly braces {m,n} allow you to specify a specific range of occurrences for the preceding pattern. The minimum number of occurrences is m, and the maximum number of occurrences is n. If n is omitted, it means unlimited occurrences.


import re

string = "Hellooo, Python!"
pattern = "o{2,3}"

matches = re.findall(pattern, string)



In this example, the regex o{2,3} matches all occurrences of the letter "o" that appear 2 to 3 times consecutively.

Grouping and Capturing

Grouping metacharacters allow you to create subgroups within a pattern. They are denoted by parentheses (). Grouping serves multiple purposes, such as applying quantifiers to a group, capturing a part of the matched text, or creating a backreference for later use.


Here’s a quick examples for you 

import re

string = "John Doe, 25 years old"
pattern = r"(\w+) (\w+), (\d+) years old"

matches = re.findall(pattern, string)
print(matches)  # Output: [('John', 'Doe', '25')]


[('John', 'Doe', '25')]

In this example, the regex (\w+) (\w+), (\d+) years old defines three capturing groups. The first group captures the first name, the second group captures the last name, and the third group captures the age. The findall() function returns a list of tuples containing the matched groups.


You can access the captured groups using indexing or unpacking 

for match in matches:
    first_name, last_name, age = match
    print(f"Name: {first_name} {last_name}, Age: {age}")


Name: John Doe, Age: 25


The alternation metacharacter | allows you to specify alternative patterns. It matches either the pattern on the left or the pattern on the right. It is useful when you want to match multiple possibilities at a specific position.

Let's look at some examples to understand how it works.

Alternating Words


import re

string = "cat hat mat"
pattern = r"cat|hat|mat"

matches = re.findall(pattern, string)


['cat', 'hat', 'mat']

In this example, the regex pattern cat|hat|mat matches any occurrence of "cat", "hat", or "mat" in the given string. The | symbol acts as a logical OR, allowing multiple alternatives to be specified.

Alternating Numbers


import re

string = "I have 5 dogs and 3 cats"
pattern = r"\d+ dogs?|\d+ cats?"

matches = re.findall(pattern, string)


['5 dogs', '3 cats']

In this example, the regex pattern \d+ dogs?|\d+ cats? matches either a number followed by "dogs" or a number followed by "cats". The ? quantifier makes the preceding "s" optional, allowing for both singular and plural forms.

Alternating Email Domains


import re

string = ",,"
pattern = r"\w+@(example|gmail|outlook)\.com"

matches = re.findall(pattern, string)
print(matches)  # Output: ['example', 'gmail', 'outlook']


['example', 'gmail', 'outlook']

In this example, the regex pattern \w+@(example|gmail|outlook)\.com matches email addresses with domains "", "", or "". The parentheses () group the alternatives, and the . needs to be escaped to match a literal dot.

Escape Sequences

Escape sequences allow you to match metacharacters as literal characters. They are denoted by a backslash \ followed by a metacharacter. For example, to match a literal dot ., you need to escape it as \..

Let's explore some common escape sequences and their usage.

Matching a Literal Dot

To match a literal dot character (.), which has a special meaning in regular expressions, you need to escape it with a backslash \.


import re

string = "The price is $5.99."
pattern = r"\$5\.99"

matches = re.findall(pattern, string)
print(matches)  # Output: ['$5.99']



In this example, the regex pattern \$5\.99 matches the exact string "$5.99". The dollar sign $ and dot . are escaped with backslashes to be treated as literal characters.

Matching Special Characters

Some characters have special meanings in regular expressions, such as *, +, ?, {}, (), [], ^, $, |, and \. To match these characters as literal characters, you need to escape them with a backslash \.


import re

string = "The question is: 3 + 4 = ?"
pattern = r"3 \+ 4 = \?"

matches = re.findall(pattern, string)


['3 + 4 = ?']

In this example, the regex pattern 3 \+ 4 = \? matches the exact string "3 + 4 = ?". The plus sign + and question mark ? are escaped with backslashes to be treated as literal characters.

Matching Whitespace Characters

Whitespace characters such as spaces, tabs, and newlines can also be matched using escape sequences. Some commonly used escape sequences for whitespace are \s for any whitespace character, \t for a tab character, and \n for a newline character.


import re

string = "Hello\tWorld\nPython Regex"
pattern = r"Hello\sWorld\nPython\sRegex"

matches = re.findall(pattern, string)


['Hello\tWorld\nPython Regex']

In this example, the regex pattern Hello\sWorld\nPython\sRegex matches the exact string "Hello\tWorld\nPython Regex". The escape sequences \s, \t, and \n are used to represent whitespace, tab, and newline characters, respectively.


Understanding escape sequences in regular expressions is crucial for effectively matching special characters and treating them as literal characters. By using backslashes to escape these characters, you can ensure that they are interpreted literally rather than triggering their special meanings. This allows you to search for specific patterns that include special characters without unintentionally modifying the behavior of the regular expression.

In this article, we explored various escape sequences, such as escaping the dot character to match a literal dot, escaping special characters like + and ?, and using escape sequences for whitespace characters. These examples showcased the importance of escape sequences in regular expressions and how they can be utilized to achieve accurate pattern matching.

Updated on: 10-Aug-2023


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