Python - Records with Key's value greater than K


Python could be a flexible programming dialect known for its straightforwardness and meaningfulness. When working with information, one common errand is sifting records based on specific criteria. In this article, we are going investigate diverse approaches to channel records in Python based on a key's esteem being more prominent than a given limit, K. We'll talk about calculations, give sentence structure clarifications, and illustrate two strategies: employing a loop, and list comprehension. These strategies will engage you to proficiently extricate and control subsets of information that meet your craved criteria.

Python - Records

Dictionaries can be utilized by Python to represent records with key-value pairs. A built-in data structure called a dictionary enables you to store and retrieve entries based on particular keys. Here are a few keys focuses almost Python records with key-value pairs −

  • Key-Value Match − A key-value combine comprises two components: a key and its related value. The key serves as the identifier or name for the value.

  • Dictionary Data Type − In Python, dictionaries are indicated by encasing key-value sets inside wavy braces ({}), with each combined isolated by a colon.

  • Key Uniqueness − The keys in a dictionary must be special. Copy keys are not permitted. In any case, diverse keys can have the same value related to them.

  • Value Retrieval − You'll get to the value related to a key in a dictionary utilizing the key itself. This may be done by utilizing the square bracket notation ([]) or the get() method.

  • Key-Value Adjustment − Dictionaries are mutable, meaning you'll be able to alter the values related to existing keys or include modern key-value pairs. This will be done by allotting an unused value to a particular key or by utilizing the update() method.

  • Dictionary Methods − Python gives different built-in methods for dictionaries, such as keys(), values(), and items(), which permit you to get to the keys, values, or key-value sets of a dictionary, separately.

Approach 1: Using a Loop

The primary approach includes employing a for loop to emphasize the records and channel them based on the key's esteem. Let's take a see at the calculation and code for this approach −


  • Step 1 − Create a function find_records_greater_than_k() that contains two arguments.

  • Step 2 − Initialize an empty list to store the records.

  • Step 3 − Emphasize each record.

  • Step 4 − Check if the key's esteem is more than K.

  • Step 5 − If the condition is true, include the record in the empty list.

  • Step 6 − At last, return the resultant list.


def find_records_greater_than_k(records, k):
   result = []
   for record in records:
      if record['key'] > k:
   return result

# Example Input  
records = [
   {'key': 1, 'value': 'A'},
   {'key': 3, 'value': 'B'},
   {'key': 2, 'value': 'C'},
   {'key': 5, 'value': 'D'},
   {'key': 4, 'value': 'E'}
k = 2
print(find_records_greater_than_k(records, k))


[{'key': 3, 'value': 'B'}, {'key': 5, 'value': 'D'}, {'key': 4, 'value': 'E'}]

Approach 2: Using List Comprehension

The moment approach utilizes the control of list comprehension to realize the same result more briefly and exquisitely. Here's the calculation and code for this approach −


  • Step 1 − Utilize list comprehension to emphasize through the records.

  • Step 2 − Channel the records based on the condition where the key's esteem is more prominent than K.

  • Step 3 − Return the resultant records.


def find_records_greater_than_k(records, k):
   return [record for record in records if record['key'] > k]

# Example Input 
records = [
   {'key': 1, 'value': 'A'},
   {'key': 3, 'value': 'B'},
   {'key': 2, 'value': 'C'},
   {'key': 5, 'value': 'D'},
   {'key': 4, 'value': 'E'}

k = 2
print(find_records_greater_than_k(records, k))


[{'key': 3, 'value': 'B'}, {'key': 5, 'value': 'D'}, {'key': 4, 'value': 'E'}]


In this article, we investigated two distinctive approaches to channel records with key values more noteworthy than a given edge, K, in Python. We began with a loop-based approach and moved on to a more brief list comprehension approach. Depending on the particular necessities and coding inclinations, users will select the approach that best suits their needs.

Python's adaptability and the accessibility of different instruments and procedures make it an effective dialect for information control and analysis. By acing these methods, you'll proficiently extricate and work with subsets of information based on particular criteria, eventually upgrading your information handling capabilities.

Updated on: 29-Aug-2023


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